Doxxing fellow board members.

Submitted by SalvatoreQuattro on December 16th, 2023 at 9:59 PM

So I don’t know which one of you is [NAME REDACTED] but sending emails to my umich account for board arguments is not appropriate.

My last name means I am easy to find in UM’s directory. But you don’t have my permission to email me. 

If you have something to say to me say it on here. Sending emails referencing doxxing is not cool.

MOD EDIT - Removed the name of the person in question. Obviously, if the person mentioned initially sees this thread and responds, that's their fault for revealing themselves.  - LSA

Picktown GoBlue

December 16th, 2023 at 10:44 PM ^

Aren’t they called Regents?  Oops I read this wrong.  But wouldn’t it be hilarious if the Board of Regents all had anonymous accounts on mgoblog. Sorry this happened to you SQ.


December 16th, 2023 at 10:56 PM ^

Very sorry to hear that this happened to you, especially since you often make such well informed posts and we often agree. I still can’t fathom how people take this stuff seriously enough to dislike or threaten people from a message board. I mean this is supposed to be fun right? A place to blow off steam with a familiar cast off characters. Kind of like the muppets but we all get to be Stadtler and Waldorf.

I think everybody needs to lighten up and learn to separate their internet personas from real life. I’d imagine most of us would be more likely to grab some beers and watch the game together than use the kind of intimidation tactics that this guy did. 


December 17th, 2023 at 12:02 AM ^

My email address is personal information. They would have had to look up my name to acquire it. 

It was you wasn’t it?

Btw, this is what doxx means:

  1. search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet, typically with malicious intent.

    "hackers and online vigilantes routinely dox both public and private figures”

I did not search for their name or email address. They did search for my name and email address and sent me a harassing email.


4th phase

December 17th, 2023 at 12:04 AM ^

I feel like this board doesn't understand what doxxing is. SQ wasn't doxxed. He was threatened. Which is a reasonable complaint. But as far as 'doxxing' is concerned the only person who gave out SQ's personal information, was SQ: his workplace and name. No board member posted any personal information about SQ on this board. Or on any other page on the internet.

His 2nd account was banned for being a bigot/antisemetic. So I guess when you spend all day being a cunt to everyone on here (like the juwan threads where he is hurling insults / talking about how morally superior he is) combined with his history of being a bigot, I'm not that surprised someone stepped over the line.


December 17th, 2023 at 12:08 AM ^

I don’t have a second account. Mods can confirm that. I also did not give out my workplace and name. I also did not give these people to contact me with threats.

I have said nothing that is racist and antisemitic. You lie and spread false information about me.  That is demonstrably true.

Based on your responses here you too could be a source of the harassing emails. They sound awful similar to the emails I have received.

4th phase

December 17th, 2023 at 12:14 AM ^

Okay so you deny that Seth banned your other account salvatorequatro?


Plus yes, you posted your workplace, U of M. You posted your name. Quattro. I haven't seen a mgoboard post where some other user posted any of that. 

and lol no I didn't send you any emails. I really don't care that much about you. I do think this board would be a better place without you. The fact you already got banned once, proves that. But no I didn't threaten you. I just think your crocodile tears about being harrassed after you spend the last few days going insane on anyone who disagreed with you about the Juwan thing, well I just find it disingenuous. 


December 17th, 2023 at 12:20 AM ^

Yes. I would never spell my surname with only one T.  Quattro is spelled with two Ts and that is how I spell it. I have had this same account for 14 years. Same email address too.

I was never banned. 

This place would be better without you. Any place would be better without you. You are a liar and a disseminator of falsehoods.

4th phase

December 17th, 2023 at 12:25 AM ^

Okay so the SalvatoreQuatro account, which posted things like 

"I do know that UM employs Marxists, people who openly advocated for the destruction of the United States."

Is not you, SalvatoreQuattro, who's posting history is filled with shit like:

"You have the moral scruples of a Stalinist." and spent the Sandra Day O'Connor thread going on and on about communists.

Those two users are I guess different people? Even though it seems that both always have to bring up communism in every thread?

Well thats quite a coincidence. 


Come on man, you give yourself away too easy.


December 17th, 2023 at 12:29 AM ^

I just wrote the “moral scruples of a Stalinist” comment yesterday. Admittedly, took it too far with that one. I will own it when I do wrong.

I mean Marxists *do* call for the destruction of the United States.Complaining about Reds isn’t racist or antisemitic. Sorry, Commissar, but it isn’t.

Typically those threads get blown up by the mods anyways and rightfully so.

And I have *never* spelled my surname with one T. 

4th phase

December 17th, 2023 at 12:34 AM ^

Seth's action is still on page 3 of the mod sticky. I copied that phrase as part of a larger comment that led to the ban

So SalvatoreQuatro is not you, just so happens to have posted a bunch of stuff you agree with? Stuff that was part of what led to the ban.

Whatever, you can keep claiming whatever you want, but other sane people reading this thread, will at least now know they can check page 3 of the mod sticky to see that in fact you had a burner account that was banned. 

Hensons Mobile…

December 17th, 2023 at 10:42 AM ^

No, Sal, Seth did not misspell anything or say anything erroneously in that comment.

This is an account that used to exist:

Access denied, meaning it was banned.

I'm not saying whether that was you or not you, but 4th Phase is correctly stating what is on the Mod sticky and you are not.

As for whether Quatro's (one T) comments were antisemitic, well, eye of the beholder, I guess. Seth didn't say it was antisemitic, just that Quatro (one T) justified the idea of hiring antisemites.

Edit: I see you've gone back to the Mod thread to double down on saying you were not banned, yet you seem to take credit for the comments in the screenshot that Seth posted there where Seth said he banned Quatro (one T).

I guess maybe Seth banned Quatro (one T) but meant to ban you?


December 17th, 2023 at 9:32 AM ^

The Juiceman doesn’t seem to understand that I referenced my employment to show my familiarity with UM’s policies. 

The Juiceman also does not seem to understand that it is not okay to look up someone’s email and send them threatening emails over a online disagreement.

Typical antisocial behavior shown by The Juiceman. The Juiceman should seek professional help as he appears to be a sociopath.


December 17th, 2023 at 10:56 AM ^

And yet, you continue to misrepresent UofM’s policies. I looked them up and posted them in the other thread. There are a range of disciplinary actions available to deal with his actions. I consider a 5 game suspension and $40K fine a suitable punishment for a first time violation that didn’t result in physical harm or injury to the victim. You claim that anyone else at UofM would be fired, but have provided no evidence of this, most likely because employee disciplinary actions are private matters. So you bring up Woody Hayes, repeatedly. And so I posted his lengthy history of workplace violence that existed prior to his termination. (Same as with Bobby Knight.) 
Why do you have this vendetta against Juwan Howard? Why are you misrepresenting UofM’s policies to bolster your opinion? Do some soul searching and then apologize to Coach Howard for smearing his character with your disingenuous message board hot takes. People do read this IRL.


December 16th, 2023 at 11:18 PM ^

Yeah, this is incredibly inappropriate behavior by whomever emailed you (I'm only seeing the redacted message here).  JFC people, it's a college sports blog and people have opinions you don't like - just log off and take a walk if you're that mad.


December 17th, 2023 at 4:19 AM ^

Maybe you shouldn't have told people how to find your email address. I would seriously consider being less of an asshole in the future now that anybody with a problem with you could easily contact you off board, notify your superiors that you are publicly affiliating yourself with UM while making wild legal and political statements, etc. 

You should ask the mods to delete this whole thread IMO.

(It wasn't me, either, but I can't say I'm surprised.)


December 17th, 2023 at 8:22 AM ^

Counterpoint - it's a message board about college sports and even if someone's an asshole you don't need to go after them IRL because you can't handle disagreement.  Literally nobody is forced to be here and there's even an extension in chrome to block people you don't like.

This bullshit "maybe don't be an asshole and bad things won't happen to you" mindset is obnoxious.  There are people on this blog I can't stand but I'd never go after them outside of this site's context because apparently I've learned about boundaries moreso than other adults around here.


December 17th, 2023 at 8:40 AM ^

This is the internet. Anyone in the world can read this forum. Given the range of wildly inappropriate behaviors we see humans exhibit, doxxing yourself by posting your last name and employer on this site where all manner of unhinged sports fans come to commiserate, you should expect to be subject to the full range of human responses, and that includes the sort of inappropriate harassment Sal Jr. Jr. Jr. experienced. All it takes is one kooky bastard.


December 17th, 2023 at 9:44 AM ^

While I understand what you are saying nothing I wrote should have provoked someone enough to send me emails. Saying Juwan Howard should be fired for violating UM’s workplace violence and aggression policies shouldn’t be cause for sending threatening emails.

Agree or disagreeing with that statement is your right. It isn’t anyone’s right to harass people over opinions. Any person attempting to defend that is a person in need of moral and ethical refresher course.

I haven’t even thought of sending emails to HR over the blatant preferential treatment Howard is receiving because ultimately it doesn’t that mean much to me. I am not out there holding signs calling for his dismissal. I expressed my opinion on here and left it at that.

Others should learn to do the same.


December 17th, 2023 at 1:30 PM ^

Sure, but I'm comfortable saying some rando didn't stumble upon the conversation.  Now, it may be a lurker who doesn't post, but that's still someone who'd I frame as part of this community.

Also, it doesn't really matter to me if people don't understand boundaries on the internet; it's still wrong and gross and people should stop.  Maybe instead of saying "hey man, it's your fault people went after you" we should focus more on shaming the people who think sending threatening/inappropriate emails to someone they disagree with online is cool and normal.


December 17th, 2023 at 9:36 AM ^

“ would seriously consider being less of an asshole” Follow your own advice there, Chief.

It is my right even as an UM employee to make political and legal statements. Nothing I have written violates any policies as mad as that makes you.

You should engage in some self-introspective and ask yourself why your are defending criminal conduct.


December 17th, 2023 at 12:28 PM ^

It still wasn’t a threat and the guy is still going. Multiple people (none of them me) have now taken shots across his bow by emailing him. All of them are one step from emailing his boss. I don’t really care what he does though. I think it would be hilarious if he gets himself fired for embarrassing the university.


December 16th, 2023 at 11:30 PM ^

SQ, you could have threatened my life. I never would have thought to search for your name  on the  directory. That's pussy shit. There is supposed to be a built-in anonymity to these boards. There are 2 people I know for sure that know my real identity. There was a third, but he passed away. 

And we make references here and there about knowing eachother. I've personally vouched for someone here when they were going through the toughest of times, as if my name meant half a dick.

So fuck whoever did this. This isn't Xitter, there are rules.


December 16th, 2023 at 11:31 PM ^

I just received another one.


”Hi, you don't know me; I'm someone who lurks and reads the comments on MGoBlog but I'm writing to inform you that some ignorant, obviously racist prick is posting a whole bunch of BIG MAD comments about Juwan Howard on that forum while pretending to be you. It's really incredible what a jerkstore this guy is and if some obviously worthless fraud were ruining my great-grandfather's good name like that, I'd want someone to warn me. As another commenter wrote:


"I have been reading your posts for over a decade and I believe without a doubt you are a racist and a douche. So point the finger at whoever you want, most the old timers know you and what you are."


I couldn't agree more; this guy is ruining your good reputation and the reputation of the University, which he pretends he's working at while wearing your name. Hopefully this information has value to you and allows you to take whatever action you deem appropriate to protect your professional and personal reputation.”



December 16th, 2023 at 11:50 PM ^

You're a better person than me. 

I personally saw someone get fired from the hospital for something they emailed to someone outside the scope of work. 

This fucking sucks. Whoever escalated MGoBoard shit to whatever this is deserves to die slowly and painfully. 

There are message board disagreements and There's this. I know some people that frequent the board that don't know that I know them. But I would never bring it up either here or IRL.