
September 22nd, 2023 at 5:45 PM ^

I'd put it a bit differently, that our legal system is supposed to have a higher standard for establishing guilt than the forum for a sports blog. Ultimately you hope both people take the whole encounter with a sober mind and recognize that this is something they do not want to repeat. The situation sounded bad enough that the two of them should part ways completely to protect one another from a future replay.


September 22nd, 2023 at 5:44 PM ^

There is no winner in domestic violent cases, no matter the outcome. 

Your response, "fuck yea" implies your excitement in Haskin's exoneration without ever considering any sensitivity to the "other side."  

Celebration in this is grossly inappropriate.


September 22nd, 2023 at 7:43 PM ^

False. It's entirely possible that someone could act 100% in self defense or even be falsely accused without laying a hand on someone and then be exonerated. It's surely happened at least a few times. That would be a clear win for that person. Only people like you that still assume they must have done something bad could tarnish that victory. That's just as bad as victim blaming because the person accused IS the victim in that scenario. I find that grossly inappropriate.  So you and the guy that said "fuck yeah" are actually both wrong and both making assumptions. You're technically not showing sensitivity to the "other side" if your sensitivity is always on one side. In fact you don't have to pick a side at all. Not every issue has to be an opportunity to demonstrate your supreme morals. It blows my mind when people miss their own hypocrisy. And yes I know that's probably not the spirit of what you were saying and I'm being pedantic. And yes, I'm a lot of fun at parties. And yes, I still love you. You coming over for dinner? I made some crepes. Maybe we can crack open a bottle of your preferred beverage and bond over how disgusting Rgard is?


September 22nd, 2023 at 10:08 PM ^

If your significant other of five years swings at you in a dispute, she misses and you knock her out in self defense and you're exonerated, did you really win?  Are you saying "fuck yea?"  No assumptions or picking side here.  Any celebratory remarks to the outcome of domestic violence cases (between two related parties) are inappropriate.  I'm I'm not sure why you would think this is displaying my "supreme morals."  Isn't this common sense?



September 23rd, 2023 at 7:46 AM ^

Meanjoe, I almost always love your comments but this may be your best comment yet. Why do we assume that just because HH was charged that he did something wrong?  It could very well be that this is a completely false accusation and that dropping the charges is, in fact, a win for justice and a first step towards clearing his name from false accusations. Or, it could be that he did a terrible thing. Point is that we don’t know but the way that people fall over themselves to show their morals by saying that “nobody wins in situations like this” is just wrong. We’ve abandoned the cornerstone of our criminal justice system; innocent until proven guilty.  Now the rules is assumed guilt until indisputable proven innocent, and even thereafter stained by the accusations. It’s very unfortunate.

Bo Harbaugh

September 22nd, 2023 at 9:14 PM ^

Regarding the "fuck yea", let's wait and see how the next decade of Hassan's life, relationships and maturity play out.  As many have stated, while legally he has been exonerated, the important thing is what happens next - that both adults can move on with their lives here, learn from this, and be in healthier relationships and tragedy was avoided here is a positive.  

From what was shared/reported, it was a toxic relationship and both had fault and blame - but a man that size, of that strength should never (unless life in danger) physically assault a woman, nor be in a relationship that escalates to physical violence, specifically given the opportunity and responsibility of being an NFL player and public figure.

Financial and social optionality for a man in Hassan's situation would suggest he can very easily find a healthier relationship - and if not - it's on him to do the work to fix why not.


September 22nd, 2023 at 4:41 PM ^

Hopefully they split up and both got out of that tumultuous relationship, because from what I read, it sounded like a nightmare couple. 

I went to college with a couple like that and they were like 2 feral pit bulls and you never knew when one of them was going to lose their crap and ruin a party.


September 22nd, 2023 at 6:50 PM ^

From some additional articles I've read it sounds like he's broken up with his girlfriend, who was also charged with assault, so that's probably for the best.  They apparently had had incidents before this one, and that definitely didn't sound like a healthy relationship for either person. 

The fact these charges were dismissed doesn't mean Haskins was found innocent; I assume there was some deal struck around a diversion or anger management program you hear about with first-time offenders.  I'll admit the articles haven't laid that out but they also didn't provide much additional context or links to the court filings so it's a bit of a grey area.  The level of violence involved in the two incidents points to two people who need to deal with some larger issues and I hope they do.

Haskins is also still on the commissioner's suspension list so he can't play until he has a hearing with that board, plus I believe he's on a PUP list due to an injury so I doubt he'll see the field this year regardless.


September 23rd, 2023 at 6:57 AM ^

The measured responses in this thread are exactly the kind of thing I was talking about when I said the MGoBoard community is a lot better than they're given credit for on the podcast yesterday. When you're running message board, an accusation of domestic assault against a player we have a lot of sentiment attached to is a terrifying minefield. Every twist in the case runs the risk of running of the rails, and I only saw one guy ("hell yeah!") trying to steer it that way, with a lot of people jumping in to right things.


September 23rd, 2023 at 8:45 AM ^

There’s always two sides to every story- violence is never the answer, and neither deserved violence nor should they act out with physical violence. It is sad that today we judge people in a court of public opinion before all facts come out. Hopefully a lesson is learned by both sides and all can move on with life.