Dax Hill recruitment: lemon eaters need to come forward and pay the piper (update)

Submitted by WindyCityBlue on December 20th, 2018 at 10:17 AM

OK.  So I won't do this every day, but I thought it would be good it give an update on our "lemon-ophiles".  For for those who are new to party, here's the original link: https://mgoblog.com/mgoboard/dax-hill-recruitment-lemon-eaters-need-come-forward-and-pay-piper

I was fully expecting a lot of backtracking, but was happy with those who stepped up and fulfilled their  "citrus commitment".  I think its worth noting that video and/pictures are needed to prove that you did.

Updates are as follows:

RockinLoud: I will suck a bag of dick-shaped lemon flavored candies if he flips back to UM

(Update: Has apparently ordered dick-shaped lemon flavored candies (or something similar).  Let's follow-up on this.  Should be in interesting video)

B1G or Bust: I will suck a bag of lemon-shaped dick flavored candies if he flips.

(Update: answering with somewhat of a cop-out, he donated to the Prostate Cancer Foundation instead.  I'll take it.)

Perkis-Size Me: I'll eat a lemon and shit myself simultaneously if he comes back.

(Update: We haven't heard a peep from him and hasn't posted since the OP.  This it probably one of more interesting promises, so we should keep a pulse on his posting and call him out in other threads.  My guess is that he'll back out of his commitment and create a new account to avoid backlash.)

I Like Burgers: I will eat a bag of lemons the day Michigan flips a 5-star Bama commit.

(Update: Hasn't posted since my OP)

Motives: I am of the same sentiment, lol.  (meaning that he will follow I Like Burgers' lead)

(Update: says his post was in jest, but will own up to it.  No video/pics yet to prove it)

Adrian: ll see his bag of lemons and raise another bag, mostly because i like lemons

(Update: say's he will fulfill his commitment once I Like Burgers fulfills his)

DCGrad: I will take a lemon too to help with this.

(Update: he's owning up to his commitment and will show video/pics soon)

BIGWEENIE: I will do it. 1 bag of lemons. Come on down kid

(Update: Hasn't posted since my OP)

Chalky White: I'll eat a box of Lemon Heads.

(Update: he's owning up to his commitment - not sure if we will see video/pics)

theguy49503: I'll volunteer to help you (I Like Burgers) eat them

(Update: Hasn't posted since my OP)

LSA91: I don't want to identify the things I would eat to get Hill back to Michigan.

(Update: has decided to eat a lemon or donate to Chad Tough.  Haven't seen proof of a decision either way)

ih8losing: I'll join the lemon eating party should Dax flip back to the good guys. 

(Update: owned-up and here's the proof: https://youtu.be/LfmlWp9e4Wg)

Alumnus93: What?  No way it's same as Solomon.... Hill doesn't live in Alabama does he? Why on Earth would he have to hide a Michigan committment?  I don't buy this..at all.... I'll gladly eat a lemon if wrong. (I like lemons)

(Update: owned-up and here's the proof:https://youtu.be/-GOcOHm7eVg)

New addition: UofMfromCMU: I also agreed to eat a bag of lemons, disappointed I didn’t make the list here. Send me your lemons boys, I’m ready to feast.


December 20th, 2018 at 11:25 AM ^

YES! This solves all those problems of getting identified and having issues professionally (as an aside, what, are you like a lime farmer who'll get kicked out of the lime growers association?).  You just better be really, really sure not to have anything identifying you if you go that route.  Eating a lemon might be difficult to explain to your fellow lime farmers (or whatever you dabble in) but eating a lemon silently while staring into the camera wearing a ski mask might raise a few more eyebrows.  Best of luck with your decision!


December 20th, 2018 at 3:11 PM ^

I hear you Burger-man. You would think after enough celebrity/politicians/corporate folks lose their jobs and possibly everything over something posted, probably in fun, on the internet 5-20 years ago people would stop posting anything even slightly off-color anywhere.

Context is everything. Imagine if 15 years from now lemons are the sign of a some new age death cult that you are retroactively accused of being a member of.


December 20th, 2018 at 10:40 AM ^

I am surprised this is getting as much attention as it is.  I believe there are more important things to bring to light than people doubting a teenager's choice of college.  Certainly we can agree on that.  But I also believe this is just for fun and won't try to rain on the parade too much, I only hope that this continues for more serious issues.  Main one being people on this site who belittle and demean our players with vulgarity and visceral hate, even if it is in the heat of the moment.  Unfortunately I do not have any social media nor a YouTube channel, you will just have to have faith.


December 20th, 2018 at 11:11 AM ^

This is possibly one of the more humorless posts I've ever seen here, and for this board, that's saying something.

Do it, don't do it. I'm pretty sure no one REALLY cares. But to take this sort of "what about the children" / "there's starving kids in Africa" rebuffed stance is just... weird.

That said, good luck with your 'belittle or demean our players" cause, convincing the dregs of humanity that they're doing it wrong seems a bit up-hill to me. If you start a GoFundMe I'll be happy to donate... or at least say I'll donate, and then not.


December 20th, 2018 at 11:23 AM ^

Huh, nice way to twist my words, although you are correct in pointing the humorlessness.  I was trying to point out how there is an real issue with how people treat players on our team.  I know I am not alone in the desire to use a similar format and bring these people to light.  Obviously I chose the wrong thread to do that and I apologize.


December 20th, 2018 at 2:36 PM ^


my response to Motives....I ate my lemon because I stuck to my word, when I publicly doubted that Hill would come back to us.... it is all in good fun.   According to your view, it thus becomes contradicting for you to even post on this board that doesn't focus on 'serious' things..... go hug a tree. I guess you are one of those people my daughter refers to as "fun killers"....




December 20th, 2018 at 3:46 PM ^

I ate my lemon as well, I just prefer not to post myself to the interweb.  My original post alluded to the fact that is most likely for fun.  I intended to also point out how I wish a similar format would be used for people who deserve to be brought out in the spotlight.  I apologize if I seem like a fun killer that was not my intent.

Goggles Paisano

December 20th, 2018 at 10:50 AM ^

There is a lesson to be learned here.  All lemon eating promises whether oral or anal should be made only as it pertains to the success of the Detroit Lions. 

And I should also give props to MGrow and The Fugitive for fulfilling their lemon eating obligations several years ago right here on the blog.  


December 20th, 2018 at 12:54 PM ^

Props to JClay who was actually the first to eat the rind of those who accepted the MgoBlog Lemon Challenge back in the day. And huge respect to everyone who takes on the challenge, or in this case bet, by owning up and eating a lemon or donating to a charity of choice. That was an option in the original post and very cool of all the posters. 

For reference, here was the original lemon eating challenge video:

It's been hilarious and you all make this more than just a blog but a family!

B1G or Bust

December 20th, 2018 at 10:51 AM ^

Didn’t really mean for it to be a cop-out.

All kidding aside, since the particular candies in the joke don’t actually exist I still wanted to do something for the better instead of hiding behind the impossibility of the challenge.

What a great day.

Proof as requested


December 20th, 2018 at 10:54 AM ^

Honestly, I don't see the big deal with eating lemons. I eat lemons all the time. Whenever I have lemon slices in drinks, I eat the slice at the end, including the rind. During the summer, I'll sometime just snack on a lemon or two, eating the entire thing (except the seeds). 

So congrats to all my fellow lemon eaters! I love lemons! 

Roy G. Biv

December 20th, 2018 at 12:29 PM ^

I thank you for adding some much needed levity to this board.  The Inferno-level BPONErs, the overly negative/troll/general assholes criticizing everything, the ivory tower bashers of even reasonable negative opinions, the self-important outers of alternate-account trolls, oblivious Polyannas, etc. have made for some unpleasant reading recently. In the interest of disclosure, I was starting to fall into the BPONE category.

EastCoast Esq.

December 20th, 2018 at 12:45 PM ^

Why are there so many middle-aged MGoBloggers who are willing to make stupid bets?

Or maybe it's that the only MGoBloggers willing to fulfill the bets are the middle-aged ones (just young enough to make the stupid bet....but mature enough to own up to it)?


December 20th, 2018 at 1:07 PM ^

WindyCityBlue, I LOVE that you are holding them to this. Killer threads. This is going to have to go down in the classic moments of MgoBlog history.


December 20th, 2018 at 1:30 PM ^

I'm enjoying the videos. Only other comment: there's always been a lot of smack talk about MSU & OSU grads working at McDonalds or Walmart, etc., and having very limited financial resources. For the life of me, I can't believe Michigan alums can only come up with $20 or $30 for a donation. That is like totally chump change.

Goggles Paisano

December 20th, 2018 at 2:34 PM ^

For those that made good on their promises - nice job boys!  Watched the two videos from Ih8losing and Alumnus93 - great job.  

Those lemon candy dick videos should be a hoot!  


December 20th, 2018 at 2:45 PM ^

These threads are awesome - thanks!

I'll eat the lemon AND donate to ChadTough. Main obstacle to #1 - demonstrating how fat and old I am, but I'll (a) try to explain this to my family so someone can record this, and (b) do it this weekend.

(I'm told there's footage of me at this year's Game, but haven't been able to go over my recording to look for it.)