Dax Hill recruitment: lemon eaters need to come forward and pay the piper (update)

Submitted by WindyCityBlue on December 20th, 2018 at 10:17 AM

OK.  So I won't do this every day, but I thought it would be good it give an update on our "lemon-ophiles".  For for those who are new to party, here's the original link: https://mgoblog.com/mgoboard/dax-hill-recruitment-lemon-eaters-need-come-forward-and-pay-piper

I was fully expecting a lot of backtracking, but was happy with those who stepped up and fulfilled their  "citrus commitment".  I think its worth noting that video and/pictures are needed to prove that you did.

Updates are as follows:

RockinLoud: I will suck a bag of dick-shaped lemon flavored candies if he flips back to UM

(Update: Has apparently ordered dick-shaped lemon flavored candies (or something similar).  Let's follow-up on this.  Should be in interesting video)

B1G or Bust: I will suck a bag of lemon-shaped dick flavored candies if he flips.

(Update: answering with somewhat of a cop-out, he donated to the Prostate Cancer Foundation instead.  I'll take it.)

Perkis-Size Me: I'll eat a lemon and shit myself simultaneously if he comes back.

(Update: We haven't heard a peep from him and hasn't posted since the OP.  This it probably one of more interesting promises, so we should keep a pulse on his posting and call him out in other threads.  My guess is that he'll back out of his commitment and create a new account to avoid backlash.)

I Like Burgers: I will eat a bag of lemons the day Michigan flips a 5-star Bama commit.

(Update: Hasn't posted since my OP)

Motives: I am of the same sentiment, lol.  (meaning that he will follow I Like Burgers' lead)

(Update: says his post was in jest, but will own up to it.  No video/pics yet to prove it)

Adrian: ll see his bag of lemons and raise another bag, mostly because i like lemons

(Update: say's he will fulfill his commitment once I Like Burgers fulfills his)

DCGrad: I will take a lemon too to help with this.

(Update: he's owning up to his commitment and will show video/pics soon)

BIGWEENIE: I will do it. 1 bag of lemons. Come on down kid

(Update: Hasn't posted since my OP)

Chalky White: I'll eat a box of Lemon Heads.

(Update: he's owning up to his commitment - not sure if we will see video/pics)

theguy49503: I'll volunteer to help you (I Like Burgers) eat them

(Update: Hasn't posted since my OP)

LSA91: I don't want to identify the things I would eat to get Hill back to Michigan.

(Update: has decided to eat a lemon or donate to Chad Tough.  Haven't seen proof of a decision either way)

ih8losing: I'll join the lemon eating party should Dax flip back to the good guys. 

(Update: owned-up and here's the proof: https://youtu.be/LfmlWp9e4Wg)

Alumnus93: What?  No way it's same as Solomon.... Hill doesn't live in Alabama does he? Why on Earth would he have to hide a Michigan committment?  I don't buy this..at all.... I'll gladly eat a lemon if wrong. (I like lemons)

(Update: owned-up and here's the proof:https://youtu.be/-GOcOHm7eVg)

New addition: UofMfromCMU: I also agreed to eat a bag of lemons, disappointed I didn’t make the list here. Send me your lemons boys, I’m ready to feast.


December 20th, 2018 at 3:32 PM ^

I’m going full on conspiracy theorist on this decommit/recommit. Harbaugh engineered this scenario of decommitting to make signing day be a plus instead of a disappointment on losing a certain Ohio player. Don’t we all feel so much better about the class now after securing Dax instead of losing a 5 star to OSU?


January 12th, 2019 at 4:49 PM ^

I owe you guys a bag of lemons. As luck has it dec 20th I was hospitalized with pneumonia and a bad infection. Also a cold, Rhino virus I think. Of course my birthday. Spent a while in the hospital and had a Indian doctor, who was great. I am still recovering but asked the doc if it was all right if I ate a bag of lemons. He looked at me like I was nuts and said in that great Indian accent, why would you do that. I told him I lost a bet and he said why would you bet to eat lemons, you make no sence. I don't think everyone gets some stuff we do in America. Bottom line he said no way but as soon as I am thru all this I will do it and post it for you or maybe someone in the Grand Rapids area would like to stop by watch me do it. Drink some good bourbon too.