CFB Risk Day 18 - No One Likes Us, We Don't Care

Submitted by EastCoast Esq. on February 9th, 2023 at 2:54 PM
  • Before we get into this….join the damn discord - (this is now a permanent link, so there should not be problems accessing it)
  • Also, I will have the immense privilege of joining BeerBatteredAg on his Twitch channel for Friday night's roll. The interview will be tomorrow at 9:20 PM ET and we'll talk about Risk itself, Michigan's incredible recruiting success, and maybe a bit about RNG (read page 14 of the info guide)

tl;dr instruction: PAINT CANADA MAIZE.

When my Eagles won the Super Bowl in 2017, Center Jason Kelce led the parade in an adapted rendition of an English Football chant (to the tune of "Oh My Darling"):

"No One Likes Us, No One Likes Us, No One Likes Us, We Don't Care!

We're from Philly! F*cking Philly!

No One Likes Us, We Don't Care!"

That day, though, was HARD won. We lost our MVP frontrunning QB Carson Wentz to a knee injury in Week 14 and barely beat the Falcons in our first playoff gameMeanwhile, the Aggie DEATH STAR continues to grow with token resistance. Last night it took the rest of Arizona and Louisiana, and now occupies southern Illinois. Heck, they even have neighboring territories with ourselves, Wisconsin, and OSU. Does that mean our B1G rivals will turn their attention southward? I personally wouldn't bet on it..

From there, magic ensued. We pantsed the Vikings and then backup QB Nick Foles went super saiyan to beat Brady for the title.


Fast forwarding to the present, there will be no sneaking up as underdogs for us as Michigan. We have by far the most players and (unweighted) stars in the game. We are frontrunners.

Last night, though, was a setback. Wisconsin and OSU both won a few territories in the north, leaving us with precious few protected (uncontested) territories for tonight. 

Meanwhile, the Aggie DEATH STAR continues to grow with token resistance. Last night it took the rest of Arizona and Louisiana, and now occupies southern Illinois. Heck, they even have neighboring territories with ourselves, Wisconsin, and OSU. Does that mean our B1G rivals will turn their attention southward? I personally wouldn't bet on it.

To quote Mr. Kelce, "No one likes us, we don't care."

But as with the Eagles, glory is within our grasp. Last night won't be the last setback we encounter, but we have the talent, commitment, and smarts to win despite the hate. To do so, though, WE NEED YOU. Keep playing every day, keep recruiting your friends, and please get on the Discord ASAP (

You are an important part of a massive push. Just look at the numbers below!

Charts? CHARTS!

That's YOU that is growing our raw margins....margins that we NEED with the bonuses that A&M is getting with their control of 3 (!!???) regions. We HAVE to keep it going because nobody is coming to our rescue. It's truly Michigan vs. The World.

"No one likes us, we don't care."

As of last night, here's the map we're facing. It's not as pretty as yesterday, but with your help, we'll turn this around.

Map? MAP.


CFB Risk Top 25 Team Standings (by Territories)

I'm just giving the Top 3, because #3 has more territories than the next 3 combined. Also, I'm annoyed.

1. Texas A&M (49)

2. Michigan (39)

3. Ohio State (34)


Enter your rolls ASAP so that we can take back our rightful place at the top at 10:30 PM ET tonight.


Steps To Play Every Day

(1) Sign up for a account if you don’t have one already

(2) Visit – Click Sign in with Reddit – Select Michigan as your team

(3) Join the Michigan Risk discord by going to (this is now a permanent link, so there should not be problems accessing it)

(4) Go to the "vetting" channel and type in your MGoBlog username and Reddit username.

(5) Once vetted, get your orders from the "orders" channel.

(6) Return to – Click on the blinking "target" icon at the bottom of the page (3rd button from the right), and then click on the territory you're attacking or defending. NOTE: You MAY have to complete a "Captcha" when you submit your move (put in place to deter bots)

(7) Talk trash with your fellow Wolverines as we prepare for tonight's roll.


Previous Recaps

Day 0 intro: College Football Risk is BACK - Season 3 is now LIVE!

Day 1 recap: College Risk Again!!! Sign up.... 1st in the books!

Day 2 recap: No update

Day 3 recap: No update

Day 4 recap: CFB Risk Day 4: IT BEGINS

Day 5 recap: CFB Risk Day 5 - And THIS is Why They Nerfed Us

Day 6 recap: CFB Risk Day 6 - This Feels a Lot Like Real Life (Sparty Gon' Die)

Day 7 recap: CFB Risk Day 7 - F*cking Sparty (They Still Gon' Die)

Day 8 recap: CFB Risk Day 8 - WE NEED YOU TO AVENGE THE ORANGE BOWL (also, sparty's dead)

Day 9 recap: CFB Risk Day 9 - We Kicked Georgia Out of the North -- Now We Go South

Day 10 recap: CFB Risk Day 10 – The King in the North! (also, sorry about that Penn State)


Day 12 recap: CFB Risk Day 12 – It’s Groundhog Day…again (also, Notre Dame is finally dead)

Day 13 recap: CFB Risk Day 13 – NOW I HAVE A MACHINE GUN HO-HO-HO

Day 14 recap: CFB Risk Day 14 – EPISODE XIV: THE AGGIE MENACE

Day 15 recap: CFB Risk Day 15 – You Come at the King, You Best Not Miss

Week 2 recap: CFB Risk Week 2 Recap - I'm Back....and I'm Annoyed


Day 17 recap: CFB Risk Day 17 – WISCONSIN ON THE RUN


February 9th, 2023 at 7:02 PM ^

While we in Discord try to consolidate the Northwest, we need the Rogues of the MgoHoard to prevent TAMU and OSU from getting complete territories and the additional multipler to keep this close.


Fayetteville- attack

Jonesboro - attack

Tulsa - attack

Springfield- defend

Baja- attack

Toledo- attack

Prince Edward Island- attack

Lawrence - attack


February 9th, 2023 at 3:54 PM ^

Answering this assuming it's an honest question, but feel free to laugh about whooshing me if that's the case.

RNG is "random number generator".  In this context, they're referring to the rolls every night that determine whether a team wins or loses a territory -- the roll is a matter of figuring out how many effective stars each contesting team has committed to the territory, and then basically picking a random number between one and the total-effective-star-count.

Assuming you're playing the game, you can look at eg the territory of Cariboo (currently occupied by Wisconsin in Western Canada), and then on the left side click on "3/17 -> Michigan".  It'll open a window where you can scroll to the bottom and see a pie chart

Michigan had 145.5 stars allocated, Wisconsin 81, and Nebraska 29.  We had a 57% chance to defend the territory, and lost it on a slightly unlucky roll.

That's what they're talking about when they mention RNG