The Athletic Reporting that NCAA Infractions Include Analyst Coaching on Field

Submitted by Maizinator on January 5th, 2023 at 7:03 PM

The article is paywalled, so I'll just summarize key points about infractions:

1.  3 sources confirmed that one is for an analyst coaching players on the field
2.  primary source indicated one involves text messages that violated rules.

BTB grad

January 5th, 2023 at 7:18 PM ^

Michigan better not come up with some self-imposed penalty that’s far worse than what the infraction called for or what the NCAA would actually levy (highly unlikely they’ll do anything) just to make some holier than thou point. Cratering our basketball program with such extreme self-imposed sections was a terrible idea. Hang the banners up. 


January 6th, 2023 at 7:44 PM ^

I think it just seems that way because you're paying attention to it. Air Force, LSU, Tennessee, Mississippi and Arizona State all were alleged to have violated the COVID dead-period restrictions; there were probably others that I'm not remembering. I don't know if any of those were really news--Tenneesse's COVID violations were drowned out by the allegation that they were buying recruits meals at McDonald's, hard on the heels of a Dan Patrick report that they were handing out cash in McDonald's sacks.

I think one of the LSU assistants got a show cause and a firing; I don't remember what happened with any of the others.


January 5th, 2023 at 9:17 PM ^

I’d be so pissed if Michigan accepted a single lost hour of practice or anything. My statement would be:

We have notified the NCAA of minor infractions as a professional courtesy. We do not anticipate, nor do we accept, any further disciplinary actions in this case.


January 5th, 2023 at 7:18 PM ^

It's really cool how schools like Bama have had analysts coaching for like a decade, and SEC schools brazenly purchased players throughout the pre-NIL era, but we're getting hit for garbage like this.


January 5th, 2023 at 7:21 PM ^

Is there any proof any Alabama analysts were ever coaching players on the field?

I know, I know ..... the analysts are a clear "loophole" that allows big-money programs like Alabama to expand their coaching staffs to often absurd levels (in some cases, a dozen plus analysts?!?!?).

(it's also a way for some coaches to help out their unemployed-for-a-year buddies in the profession)

But, shaky as that system is, a head coach and the various analysts need to know the rules.  If Michigan had an analyst coaching players on the field, it of course is not a "death penalty violation", but it is a violation.  It's not really "garbage."


January 5th, 2023 at 7:43 PM ^

You are NOT wrong.  Many programs were breaking players compensation rules all over the place in the pre-NIL years.

BUT ...... policing those pre-NIL violations will NOT be a priority.  Fair or not, that's the way it is.  Those violations are becoming dated, and people looking for those to be policed are sort of like old men yelling at clouds.

The analyst system --- that IS still a thing, and programs can still theoretically take advantage.  The NCAA is simply going to be more interested in policing it because it's a more "live" topic.


January 5th, 2023 at 8:36 PM ^

Michigan did self report it, they did own it, and we will accept any pathetic penalty for it. It is a rule that needs to be followed but if there is no penalty for any of the other legit bs going on like hookers and blow, why the hell would we accept a penalty for this? Because a PSU fan who posts more on this Michigan board than I do thinks we should? Get a life


January 5th, 2023 at 9:21 PM ^

This happens at all schools a coach calls in sick for a day the analyst fills in most don't self report it.  But self reporting it and admitting you messed up and you don't do it again to me doesn't warrant punishment.  As for texts and calls that shit happens all the time.   ASU had recruits on campus when there was mandatory COVID lockdown and other schools did it also.   Haven't heard anything about those schools yet getting in trouble.    NCAA is a joke and should be disbanded by all conferences and go to something else that actually holds the schools accountable to rules.   So far the NCAA picks and chooses who it wants to go after.


January 6th, 2023 at 8:26 PM ^

Look, I’m sorry for getting snappy because I know you are a high quality poster here, but mind your own business.

This is a like a heated family discussion.  Non family members throwing in their two cents is not appreciated.

How would you like it if I went to a Penn State message board (is there such a thing or is that why you spend so much time here?), and starting tossing my opinion in on some discussion about how much of an idiot / douche bag / selfish liar Frames Janklin is?  I’m guessing it wouldn’t be appreciated.  That’s all I’m saying.  Go Blue! 😊


January 5th, 2023 at 9:16 PM ^

This type of stuff is rampant at other schools.  The SEC breaks major rules all the time.   When half the Alabama team 4 years ago were all driving brand new Dodge Chargers there wasn't anything done about that.   Or the FBI wire taps talking about how Clemson pays football players before the NIL be ame legal.  This is BS what they are trying to do to us.   Also Arizona who was involved in the FBI investigation didn't get any trouble from the NCAA.  They had hours of tape but because they fired their coach they don't get in trouble.    The NCAA is a joke and is run by Greg Sankey from the SEC, look it up as he is considered the most powerful man in the NCAA.   


January 5th, 2023 at 7:23 PM ^

University needs to self-impose a 5 year bowl ban and a scholarship reduction. Financial penalties as well.

Anything less is not enough for such a serious infraction!


January 5th, 2023 at 8:28 PM ^

Have you seen some of the incredibly minor infractions OSU has self-reported in recent years? But it still made headlines because it was OSU. Mostly rule-breaking texts and tweets, but also an infraction for the linebackers (led by former UM assistant Al Washington) doing a whopping 6 minutes of sled-pushing during a no-contact practice period. Their self-administered punishment (accepted by the NCAA) was taking double the amount, 12 minutes, off of a future full-contact practice.

Keep in mind that the NCAA is an organization that allowed student-athletes to have access to unlimited school-provided bagels, BUT if the school also provided cream cheese on the bagels it would constitute a meal and only three meals could be provided per day to each athlete. In the NCAA's eyes 10 bagels is not a meal, but 1 bagel with cream cheese is a meal.


January 5th, 2023 at 7:31 PM ^

NCAA you know what you should do? You should sanction me, sanction me with your army! 


Well I guess that means you should shut the fuck up!, That's what I would do if I had no army.

I would    shut...the...fuck...up  - Chappelle .. I think


January 5th, 2023 at 8:14 PM ^

Honestly when you look at the going ons at Kansas, North Carolina, Louisville and all the shenanigans among SEC schools, who really cares about stuff like this? NCAA can pound sand. 


January 5th, 2023 at 8:15 PM ^

Once the NCAA declared that it wasn’t going to do anything about UNC football or AZ basketball, it became abundantly clear it was an org that nobody need pay attention to any more.

Fuck ‘em.