Anyone else sick?

Submitted by Commie_High96 on March 21st, 2020 at 8:19 PM

I had a fever, cough and achy body Wednesday, have been on and off with what I would describe as a “mid-level cold” but certainly not bad enough to qualify for testing.  Hoping down the road an antibodies test is available to see if this is or is not the Covid.

anyone else out there in this limbo where you are obviously sick but not really badly sick?


March 21st, 2020 at 10:17 PM ^

The Colorado Department of Health issued a warning on March 15th that anyone who had been there up and to that date needed to quarantine for 14 days, fyi.


Office of Communications Gabi JohnstonColorado Department of Public Health and Environment AGENCY

View larger photoIMPORTANT COVID-19 UPDATE:
Anyone who has been in Eagle, Summit, Pitkin, or Gunnison counties in the past week should minimize all contact with other people, whether or not they are experiencing symptoms.County public health and emergency management agencies will provide more detailed guidance for residents and visitors within their communities. The general guidance from CDPHE is as follows:

?If you live in Colorado and are leaving one of these communities, you should minimize contact with other people for 14 days and watch for the development of symptoms like cough, fever, and shortness of breath.

?If you are visiting Colorado from out of state and do not currently have symptoms (cough, fever, and shortness of breath), you can return home and practice social distancing there.

?If you have symptoms, stay where you are, isolate yourself from others, and call a health care provider or nurse line before seeking care. Do not fly. Do not use public transportation or ride-shares.More recommendations here:

Blue in Fishers

March 21st, 2020 at 9:37 PM ^

Yes.  I’ve had a cough and congestion for three weeks now.  It’s normal for me to get this every year or two, so it’s not alarming.  This time the big difference is a fatigue/malaise that I just can’t shake so it’s frustrating.  I’ve not had a fever and I’m generally healthy so I’m not concerned about COVID-19.  However, I’m really thinking a lot more about interacting with family.  I’ve never been one to worry or overreact to things, but I find myself thinking a lot more now and being concerned about a lingering cold.  I don’t want to worry needlessly, but I guess I’m just more cautious now.  I enjoy this blog a great deal. Stay healthy all!

Durham Blue

March 21st, 2020 at 9:47 PM ^

I had "something" between March 5 and 12.  I had a 102+F fever, aches, slight cough, headaches, sore throat.  No shortness of breath.  Tons of mucous.  I felt exhausted but not physically incapable of climbing stairs as many people with COVID have.  I tested negative for the flu.  I am fully recovered now and I'll never know if I had it because I wasn't tested for it.


March 21st, 2020 at 10:16 PM ^

All 3 of my kids' ages 3 -7 years old had fevers and coughs last week and this week. We are in the Houston area. I felt aches all over and had a cough and wheezing but no fever this week. 


March 21st, 2020 at 10:17 PM ^

This will go down as the biggest hoax for most locations.   Yes NYC has an issue, but it is no where near the Cuomo hyperbole.  Dude is just angling for Fed funding.  10,000 cases and just 43 deaths.   Against an 18 million NYC population that shit is just stupid hype.  

We need to end this bullshit hoax for most places in America. 


March 21st, 2020 at 10:41 PM ^

The flu kills 10k every season in NYC.   This virus is so far less lethal than the flu.  Come on folks let's get a grip on reality versus the bad hype coming out of Cuomo.  He is a dumdshit.  The number of flu cases is 3x the C19 virus.  Let's test and quarantine for C19 but general  NYC shutdown ?  Cuomo will bankrupt NYC.  


March 22nd, 2020 at 7:53 AM ^

Ok, current estimates are mortality rates of about 1%, or ten times greater than the flu. Even if we’re somehow lucky and it’s an order of magnitude lower and it’s “just the flu” then you’re talking about 20,000-60,000 deaths. And these are not people “who would have died anyway“. Italy had almost 800 deaths in one day yesterday. Washington state had a quarter of residents in a nursing facility die. The “flu” does not do that. Go to and just look at the data. Those are exponential growth curves. We had mortality doubling every two days for a while last week and that is why everyone really got worried. The math on that is about 13,000 deaths by the end of the month and about a half million in a month.

If your plan is to just let this blow up and have 1-2 million dead in a couple months in the US then resume life as normal in 3-4 months then that’s an interesting philosophical debate. If we’re lucky, and everyone does what they’re supposed to do, then we can start to see an effect of these measures in one incubation period. I think that may be happening as may be on a three day doubling rate now.

Testing, containment, and contact tracing will be eventually useful and would have been great in January. But that’s the part and there will need to be a discussion about those in power who called this a hoax and others who reassured the public while dumping their stock.


March 22nd, 2020 at 1:34 PM ^

current numbers SUGGEST...Italy 59,000 cases with 5,400 deaths. In contrast US 32,000 cases with 392 deaths...while numbers may not be fully accurate...that is A HUGE difference...calm it down a touch. We have close to the same value in reported cases with 1/10 the death rate....


March 21st, 2020 at 10:23 PM ^

If you have covid intravenous vitamin C will cure it 100%.  You won't see that info on the big Pharma channels.


March 22nd, 2020 at 1:25 PM ^

You want to increase your intake of vitamin C when you have any cold, but vitamin C itself isn't a cure for anything. It's just a necessary chemical for your immune system. It's still your immune system, not the vitamin C, that is destroying the virus and infected cells. For a person with a compromised immune system—those who are likely to die from the virus—extra vitamin C probably won't save them because it's the resultant pneumonia that is fatal.

One other thing that needs to be considered is that if you consume too many vitamins you can do more harm than good. Vitamins are simply chemicals your body needs for certain functions. However, when you consume excessive vitamins your body has to filter them out and you can even poison yourself by consuming too many vitamins.

If you have a reputable source to back up your claim I would love to see it, but forgive me for being skeptical when this is a common claim made about the common cold that is false. Would I recommend drinking more orange juice to anyone with any cold, including COVID-19? Yes.

"As of 2014, at least 16 studies had found that vitamin C supplements did not prevent the common cold and had minimal effect at best in shortening cold lengths."

A quick bit of Googling indicated that scientists in China are studying the effects of IV vitamin C on COVID-19, but I don't see any reputable sources that claim that it has been demonstrated to be a cure, let alone a 100% cure. All available information seems to indicate what we already know—when you inject an excessive amount of vitamin C all at once, your body quickly filters out the excess and you pee it out.


March 21st, 2020 at 10:31 PM ^

Several FYI things. There are epidemiological reports out of the Seattle area that suggest that Covid 19 has been here (much) longer than we think. There are already several corona viruses that are on the "flu" screening panels at many healthcare facilities. Having flu-like symptoms that test negative for flu or even one of the other known corona viruses are very suspicious. The medium recovery time for mild Covid 19 cases is 2 weeks and 6 weeks for more severe cases.  

There remain many unclear/unknown facts regarding the characteristics of this virus. And due to its hyper virulence it appears as though this could be a "long-haul" matter. 

Edit: I should have included another informational note. Every virus seems to have a favorite cohort group. The highest vector/carrier group for Covid 19 is females in their 20s and 30s. 


March 21st, 2020 at 10:32 PM ^

In mid-Feb I was the most sick I had been in years. I was told it was a virus but the doctor didn’t know what. Not for sure what it was but I would guess that COVID-19 was here well before the past couple of weeks. 


March 22nd, 2020 at 1:33 PM ^

A couple weeks ago the same thing happened to me, but it was just a nasty flu. I had to take a whole week off from work and as soon as I got better they had us start working from home because of COVID-19. I've been stuck in the house for three weeks in March with no basketball to watch!


March 21st, 2020 at 10:54 PM ^

My wife and I had symptoms which, in retrospect, were similar to those outlined for COVID-19 in mid-December actually. We sit around each night now, for now is a time of reconnecting, and discuss it and wonder if were may have been a part of a first, mostly undiagnosed wave. 

Go Blue in MN

March 22nd, 2020 at 12:19 PM ^

I think the best evidence that there was not an undiagnosed wave in December is that if there were, it would have taken off and showed the same exponential growth that we see currently.  If you and many others had it, it would have spread widely, but it didn't.  Otherwise millions in the USA would have had it by February without any distancing measures.

rob f

March 21st, 2020 at 11:03 PM ^

5 1/2 weeks ago I started running a fever just over 100° and had a cough and chest congestion and body aches, typical of the symptoms I have had in the past with the flu. After the 2nd day I decided to go to my physician's office; they asked me if I had travelled internationally or domestically and whether I knew of any exposure to anyone with similar symptoms; my responses were all no. They also asked if I had gotten vacinated for the flu and pneumonia; yes for flu, no for pneumonia.  

They gave me a nasal swab 3xam, it came up negative for the flu, so they told me they wouldn't prescribe tamiflu and sent me home, recommending I just take Tylenol and cough/congestion syrup.

Three days later my fever spiked to 102.6, so I called and they got me back in, diagnosed me with bronchitis and then prescribed an antibiotic in case the bronchitis was bacterial rather than viral.

48 hours later I was finally fever- free (and have been since). My bronchitis lingered for another 3 weeks after which I got the recommended pneumonia shot

So what did I have?  I'm 99.9% certain it was neither COVID-19 nor the flu.  Their only (best guess) explanation was vaguely " theres an upper respiratory illness of unknown origin floating around and yours brought in your bronchitis


March 21st, 2020 at 11:30 PM ^

I traveled back from Germany 10 weeks ago through Paris which is a world hub.  Long lines of people from everywhere.  There was a convention in Germany that was well attended by Chinese. 

I had Identical symptoms.  Sweats like never before for 2-3 nights. Slept 24 hours except for food and bath. My lungs cracked like bubble wrap.  I don’t get sick often but shit. 

Flip a coin. My guess is yup. 


March 21st, 2020 at 11:41 PM ^

10 weeks ago my good buddy from Barrington Il has a 65 year old neighbor who travels internationally go to the ER with pneumonia.  Perfect health and athletic.  That’s rare  

6 weeks ago a 35 year old buddy I hoop with.  Super strong.  Said he went to the hospital with pneumonia. That’s also rare. 

Take it for what it’s worth but imo the shits been out there and stats are not real. 

Let’s save lives and come out of this better.  And the fucking political garbage should end now.  

the fume

March 21st, 2020 at 11:56 PM ^

I know 3 healthy people that got pneumonia out of nowhere. 35, 40, and 35. Not this year, but in the previous 5.

If Corona has been around since when you think it has been, everything we know about it is wrong, and what's happening in Italy is a different virus or impossible.


March 22nd, 2020 at 1:30 AM ^

I work in healthcare with most major hospitals and my customers are getting a progressive uptick in CT chest scans which is a key diagnosis tool for fluid in the lungs.  I have a personal friends mom who is 78 on a vent with Covid right now fighting to live. 

The hospitals I’m in contact with are prepared but they are not overwhelmed right now. The people doing this for us are the best in the world ever.  Thats not to discount the shit may be about to hit the proverbial fan.  

Perkis-Size Me

March 21st, 2020 at 11:31 PM ^

I’m not sick and haven’t been yet. If I get sick, I know I’ll fight my way through it. My only concern is ensuring my pregnant wife doesn’t get sick. That’s why I’m trying to handle any and all errands from now until July. 


March 22nd, 2020 at 12:13 AM ^

Dude God bless you.  Keep your wife and baby isolated for now.  That’s not a fair hand of cards for a celebration like this.  I know where you are. Odds are tremendously on your side.  

I’m not sure we can all avoid this.  Medical breakthroughs are coming sooner than later.   The worlds best are working overtime.   

You can’t change what it is so give your wife assurance.   She needs it and too much stress a bad thing.  When is she due?

Perkis-Size Me

March 22nd, 2020 at 12:01 PM ^

Mid-July. So we’ve got a few months to go. My wife is a teacher and if there has been one personal silver lining to all the schools closing, it’s that she’s teaching from home now and should be able to easily isolate herself from now until due day. Neither of us are banking on schools opening back up before the end of the school year anyway.


March 21st, 2020 at 11:33 PM ^

Is  COVID-19 a badge of honor now? In that case, I had it 3 times last year and kicked it's ass!


March 21st, 2020 at 11:54 PM ^

No it’s not a badge of honor.  This is the most most devastating mass illness we’ve seen. 
People are searching for answers...but so many people are so fucked right now.  We need to get seriously on the same team  

Partly because the Chinese Communist leadership hid everything from the world. Imagine if they had told the world....hey.  They could have saved so much.  Fuck their leadership