Points changed Changed Changed by Description
-1.00 Glennsta
1.00 gobluerebirth
-1.00 SagNasty
2.00 Ham
2.00 ItsaDamnGame
-1.00 jdraman
1.00 gobluerebirth
1.00 gobluerebirth
1.00 gobluerebirth
2.00 kyle.aaronson
1.00 gobluerebirth
-1.00 gobluerebirth
1.00 gobluerebirth
-1.00 gobluerebirth
-1.00 gobluerebirth
1.00 gobluerebirth
-1.00 gobluerebirth
1.00 gobluerebirth
2.00 burtcomma
2.00 bensant
2.00 The Mad Hatter
1.00 gobluerebirth
-1.00 gobluerebirth
-1.00 gobluerebirth
2.00 SagNasty
2.00 The Mad Hatter
1.00 gobluerebirth
1.00 gobluerebirth
-1.00 gobluerebirth
1.00 gobluerebirth
2.00 BakkerUSMC
2.00 NYCBlue
1.00 gobluerebirth
-1.00 gobluerebirth
1.00 gobluerebirth
1.00 gobluerebirth
2.00 blueheron
2.00 the_calip_years
2.00 bluewave720
2.00 JonSnow54
2.00 Lancer
2.00 michMADE
2.00 TheCube
2.00 MgoBlueprint
2.00 BluePhins
-1.00 snarling wolverine
-1.00 Mannix
2.00 BoCanHam15
-2.00 BoCanHam15
2.00 BoCanHam15