Why aren't we hearing a peep out of the PAC 12

Submitted by ldevon1 on September 3rd, 2020 at 8:31 AM

I find it very interesting why we haven't heard any rumors or unrest within the PAC 12 after they also agreed to cancel their season? No player/parent protest, no question on the voting process and no media attention questioning why they decided to cancel so early? 


September 3rd, 2020 at 9:45 AM ^

Simple...PAC 12 football must be irrelevant even to players, parents, fans, and alumni.  We already knew it was to the media (ESPN anyway).


September 3rd, 2020 at 9:47 AM ^

It's political, there's not a political party bothering to support resistance to shutdowns out west because those aren't swing states save for Arizona which looks really blue this time around.

Like it or not, politicians are using and manipulating players and their parents on this issue.

Dean Pelton

September 3rd, 2020 at 9:47 AM ^

Traditional powers in the PAC 12 are down. Plus out west you can go hiking, skiing, smoke weed, or go to the beach. OSU fans literally have no other reason to get out of bed in the morning if there isn’t football. 


September 3rd, 2020 at 9:58 AM ^

Outside of the political atmosphere being entirely different, the PAC-12 came out and released a detailed description of the decision, how they came to the decision, and what factored into the final decision.  Conversely, the B1G decided to release nothing, wait a week and have a press conference releasing nothing more, and is now finally going to release what the PAC-12 released from the beginning due to a lawsuit by Nebraska players.  

Setting politics aside, the PAC-12 was transparent, and three weeks later the B1G is now being forced to do what the PAC-12 was smart enough to do from the start of all of this.  


Infectious Dis…

September 3rd, 2020 at 10:18 AM ^

The politics of this is way too much for the PAC-12.  They have no schools that can threaten for a Championship.  Factor in that 9 of 12 teams come from liberal strongholds, there is no way they are rocking the boat.

I think it is long past due that everyone admits to themselves how much politics are in play here.  


September 3rd, 2020 at 10:42 AM ^

Everyone is saying politics but OPs question seems to be getting at before the President made it political in the Big Ten. It does seem like you haven't heard much protest from players, parents, or fans. Maybe just general apathy toward Pac12 football? It does seem quiet over there. Maybe it's more #Pac12ProtestsAfterDark and we haven't gotten used to staying up to 1 am again to watch


September 3rd, 2020 at 10:49 AM ^

The population centers in Washington are progressive and are generally accepting that we fucked up as a country and have to pay penance now. Mask compliance is excellent around Seattle and our state's rolling two week average of new cases is consistently falling.

The centers of narcissism in the eastern part of the state got whacked hard by the virus a couple months ago after a bunch of maskless protests and general dumbassery. They learned the hard way, and the remaining hot spots in the state are in eastern counties.

I can tell you that the football fans here are no less passionate or numerous that in the midwest. Washington is split between Husky and Cougar fans, much like the Wolverine/Spartan split in Michigan. Those two teams play on rivalry weekend and it's a big, big deal.

My buddy, a life-long Husky fan and 40 year season ticket holder, and I have been waiting for this Saturday for YEARS. We had a stupid human bet riding on the outcome of the game. We are bitterly disappointed that the game is cancelled. And we also aren't out bitching and complaining and spreading the virus and protesting over a game while people are dying.


September 3rd, 2020 at 11:09 AM ^

Even if the B1G starts in October or November I doubt the PAC 12 will join us. So this pie in the sky of having a Rose Bowl game and other bowl games in the winter or spring will not happen. It just be a B1G champion while the National Champion already had won during the playoffs. But I have my doubts the B1G season will start his fall, winter or spring.

Mpfnfu Ford

September 3rd, 2020 at 11:18 AM ^

1) They were far more transparent and open about what they were planning to do and why.

2) The conference is already preparing to move on from Larry Scott, the idea he could wrangle them into doing something the member schools didn't want to do is laughable.



September 3rd, 2020 at 11:40 AM ^

Ahhh gotta love all the conspiracy theorist lefties here who've turned the site into a massive pile of dung coming out of the woodwork to completely miss what the Pac did to avoid a similar mess, because the truth would show how ridiculous their draconian methods and support for Warren are. It's admirable how you all cling to the 'Orange Man Bad' syndrome to try and hide the truth behind your GRRR FURIOUS ANGER MUCH BAD ORANGE MAN, much like the party you emulate. But let me explain what actually happened (which was well before Trump was ever a part of this).

When the Pac announced their season cancellation, they held a press conference. Their medical experts were present. A Q & A was held - questions got to be asked of the experts, questions got to be asked about the process the Pac used as an organization to come to their decision, the data they used for the Pac's decision was made available, and they went out of their way to be transparent & open. In other words they treated their athletes, the fans, and the general public like the grown adults they are. 

What they did NOT do was simply announce from on high, obfuscate their process, hide the data, and then sit idly by while their own kin was afforded the very same choice that was being to denied to the rest of us. I understand that lefties enjoy playing the superior god in the ivory tower, looking down upon us poor peasants. But as it turns out that's not the correct way to treat free human beings. Subsequently, the Little 14 is getting dumped on while the Pac has had no issues.


September 3rd, 2020 at 11:59 AM ^

This is absolutely hilarious. They literally made the same decision based on the incredibly obvious information literally anyone bothering to pay attention has access to. Give me a fucking break that a press conference would've prevent you crying about it.


September 3rd, 2020 at 12:04 PM ^

Liberals are the conspiracy theorists? I'm assuming the last part about lefties enjoying their superior god in ivory tower line is a moral superiority and not literal? Because the man we call president now literally thinks of himself as a god who has a gold decorated castle in a tower looking down on people in NYC. I don't see a Bernie Sanders tower in Vermont. 


September 3rd, 2020 at 12:54 PM ^

You guys are bagging on the president for wanting football..but totally cool if the parents want the same thing...keep on keepin on MgoAntifa


swan flu

September 3rd, 2020 at 12:58 PM ^

Imagine that... People have different standards for middle class football parents compared to the leader of the free world.


I also am okay hearing bender stories from my college buddies, but not so cool hearing them from a supreme court justice. But that's another show.