Where do we go from here? Positives?

Submitted by gobluefan474 on August 20th, 2020 at 10:33 PM

Fall is for Football. However, this fall we won’t get to watch the maize and blue. However, listed below are some positives if everything goes our way.. Which recently hasn’t. Hopefully it starts now.

  • The Detroit Lions- At least we can look forward to Sunday Funday with the Lions.
  • Michigan basketball- College basketball will arrive before you know it  and we have a great squad. 
  • Michigan Football- Michigan football will finally arrive in January  (Hopefully if the commissioner gives up his Bs) with a lot of new Faces. We will get to watch both B-ball and Football. Those Saturdays are going to be filled with a lot of food and drinks. Can’t wait.

Finally, we’re going to have a nice stretch of Michigan related sports for the next 7-8 months. So buckle up! Go Blue! Just trying to be positive. 


August 20th, 2020 at 10:39 PM ^

That's all good to look forward to.

Maybe adopt an ACC team (could be whoever is playing ND) to follow?  I'd cheer for or at least follow Pitt (hometown team), but Narduzzi isn't on my list of decent human beings.

Never mind.  Scratch the whole adopt a team thing.


August 20th, 2020 at 10:41 PM ^

Can't wait for November 3rd.  COVID won't change but the media coverage of it sure as shit will which will have a huge impact on peoples day to day opinions and actions.


August 20th, 2020 at 11:24 PM ^

WTF are you talking about? You think “the media” will cover a pandemic differently because of who wins? First off,  “the media” doesn’t operate in unison. Second, the media will report whether it’s getting better or worse depending on what the experts say. Don’t be the asshole who blames everything on “the media.” 

LV Sports Bettor

August 21st, 2020 at 7:05 AM ^

I can think of two stories that happened this week that were big time stories on one network and weren't even mentioned on the others. The 5 year old kid that got shot in his driveway from the neighbor point blank in the head while riding his bike and the guy who was helping the woman at the protest who got kicked in the face. Go watch how each Network covered that story and some didn't cover it at all


August 21st, 2020 at 7:30 AM ^

I don’t care how each network handled those stories, because I don’t watch network news. All I’m saying is that no matter what the media says, the people’s overall attitudes won’t change toward the pandemic until the numbers change. No matter what station they watch. 

It’s as simple as that. Using the media as a talking point, like somehow the reach of this virus will be different if the media covers it a different way, is a fool’s errand. Using the media’s optics for any argument is actually a fool’s errand. 


August 21st, 2020 at 9:29 AM ^

You're obviously referring to the kid in NC who was shot by a black guy, and the nonstory about why 'no one' ( i.e.,BLM)  is protesting his tragic murder.

I'll talk really slowly so you can understand:

The murderer was caught in 24 hours and will spend the rest of his miserable life in jail and literally no one would disagree with that, ergo there is no need to protest the system in this instance.  The only reason this is news is because of a bad faith effort to discredit people protesting the lack of justice when it's cops who do the murdering.


August 20th, 2020 at 11:35 PM ^

I don't necessarily blame the media... it's not news, it's shock tv.  My issue is that people watch it like it is news and it is drastically causing a divide in all of us because of the upcoming election.  Media minus FOX is left leaning.  More chaos = better chance for Biden to win.  FOX would be doing the same thing if a DEM was in office.  They are all garbage and the bulk of the US eat it up as unbiased truth.

Systemic racism has come up every 4 years for the last 50 years.  Even black politicians are calling them out on it.  The coverage of all of this will be much less volatile come Nov 4th.  Nothing else will change... only the media coverage.



August 21st, 2020 at 6:49 AM ^

This blaming of the media is is very weak-minded. 

The "left leaning" of the media is pure nonsense. The media is owned by corporate America and is run at their leisure. In general, the masses have been massively duped in this regard. Fox is alt-right and is being used tip the opinion that the "mainstream" is left-when they, in fact, are right of center as well. It is pretty slick propaganda.

LV Sports Bettor

August 21st, 2020 at 7:12 AM ^

Our media is a single biggest reason people have chosen sides. Never before have networks been so bias towards one side of the story. Go ahead count how many positive stories has CNN will have about Trump. Count how many positive stories Fox will have about Democrats. 

I wasn't into politics much till this year but I bet the Democratic primary and now have a 5 figure bet on the presidential election so I have tried to watch things from both sides and after a few weeks I realize this is so ridiculous and predictable I've had to now get my news from Independent news on YouTube and even those are hard to find


August 21st, 2020 at 9:28 AM ^

Never before has media been so biased?


I suggest a little study of the election of 1800, or the run up to the Civil War. 


The post WW2 media is the LEAST biased ever. It's gotten worse in the last 40 years, but is still infinitely better than the past.

LV Sports Bettor

August 21st, 2020 at 7:02 AM ^

you have to be kidding me I hope? I seriously don't know a single person who doesn't think the media covers it differently.

What bubble do you live in? Take the time pick any network and watch how they spin a story it's why mainstream media nowadays is so unpopular. You're either not paying attention or don't understand what's going on to make a quote like that


August 20th, 2020 at 11:34 PM ^

So you think the 1200-ish dead people we're averaging every day will suddenly not be covered as intensely?  That the virus will suddenly stop infecting large numbers of people when they meet?  That the idiots who keep not wearing masks and denying its dangers will suddenly see the light?

If anything, I think the media coverage will be even worse; the number of people storming state capitals demanding they be allowed to sit in a crowded movie theatre and watch Tenet because it's their God-given right as a 'Merican ain't going away.  We'll hear a bunch of COVID-19 deniers suddenly start squawking about how the federal government ain't doing nothing to protect them from this disease but that a federal mask requirement is tantamount to enslavement and oppression.  It'll be a shitshow, but the only difference is that the people in positions to actually make it better won't be skimming 10% off the top and stealing everything that isn't bolted down before they leave.  That's my only hope.


August 21st, 2020 at 12:03 AM ^

Yes - it won't be covered as intensely because the election will be over no matter who wins.  

Has any media source reported on how many people die each year in the US?  Have any of them reported on the rates in 2019 vs 2020?  Hell no, they are just putting shock stories on tv.  I will be very interested to see what the 2020 death total is vs 2018 and 2019.  That will be the true story on the impact of covid.  

Source CDC:

In 2018 2.8 million people died in the US.  Roughly 7800 per day. 

EDIT: Thru 15 weeks of 2020, 819k people have died.

EDIT: Thru 15 weeks in 2019, 865k died.  

Do the math...  45k less people have died in 2020 vs 2019.  Yet all we hear is covid.

I know, I know... facts and statistics suck.  Especially when they don't line up with shock tv.

COVID is definitely serious.  Serious for the same group of people that died from other things in prior years.  

1989 UM GRAD

August 21st, 2020 at 12:13 AM ^

Based on the numbers you’ve cited, 45k more people died this year than last year. 

But most importantly your data is very misleading as it conveniently reflects only the first 15 weeks of the year. The deaths started really piling up in mid-April...otherwise known as the 15th week if the year. 


August 21st, 2020 at 12:22 AM ^

Thank you for the catch.  I typed them in backwards but fixed now.  I am trying to find current numbers thru August but I don't think they exist yet.  Once I find them, I will post.  the first 15 weeks is all I could find data on.  

I was able to find that the death rate for 2019 went up to 7969 people per day.


August 21st, 2020 at 12:19 AM ^


"Thru 15 weeks of 2020, 865k people have died.

Thru 15 weeks in 2019, 819k died.  

Do the math...  45k less people have died in 2020 vs 2019." 

I think you might want to double check your work there chief.

And correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure Covid-19 related death totals were pretty low on April 15th.  Might want to push your baseline out a bit and look again.


August 21st, 2020 at 11:28 AM ^

I don't care about the source but I do care about the data and method used for their numbers....  It appears they used actual death numbers for 2017 - 2019 to forecast 2020. The 2020 'excess' deaths are really just guesses at this point.  


Total death numbers are estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which are based on death certificates counted by the C.D.C. and adjusted to account for typical lags in the reporting of deaths.

Only weeks in which the C.D.C. estimates the data to be at least 90 percent complete or estimated deaths were above expected death numbers are included. Weeks in which reported deaths were less than 50 percent of the C.D.C. estimate are not included. Because states vary somewhat in their speed in reporting deaths to the federal government, state charts may have data for different time periods.

Expected deaths were calculated with a simple model based on the weekly number of all-cause deaths from 2017 to 2019 released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, adjusted to account for trends, like population changes, over time.


Once the actual death numbers come out I would expect to see an increase in the average daily deaths during the peak corona months but I also expect to see a decrease on overall daily deaths the rest of the year.  We won't know until the actual death numbers are in probably around next March or April but I am guessing 2020 will not look much different than past years when it comes to total deaths from all causes.


August 21st, 2020 at 6:32 AM ^

I've found a lot of folks who make grandiose accusations like that are often projecting. Like Steve Bannon saying so many people from the Obama administration were going to be arrested for corruption and now look who the arrested one is.

What's going to happen is all these people who have been intentionally downplaying the virus for political reasons are going to flip it if Biden wins and every day will lament the lives lost and oh the government isn't protecting me. While everyone who has taken it seriously this whole time will just continue on taking it seriously


August 21st, 2020 at 11:10 AM ^

I can only speak for myself but I for one want the gov't to stay out of my business.  I will not be asking Biden to protect me from covid.  The only protections I want from federal and state gov't are police and military...  both of which the left is trying to defund.  I will be lamenting over that, just as I am lamenting over it right now.


August 21st, 2020 at 11:46 AM ^

That's fine. I think we in general all agree that the freedoms we have in America are something great and should be protected. However, I also think extraordinary circumstances like a global pandemic necessitate more action from the government and more sacrifice from us. If our collective philosophy toward the pandemic is 'I want the government to stay out of my business', a lot of people are going to die. A lot of people have died already


August 21st, 2020 at 2:36 PM ^

Obviously South Dakota is pretty rural but I like that this governor has not caved to the media and continued to make very logical decisions for her state.

But Noem kept calm. South Dakota had had 5,438 COVID-19 cases in all so far (1,038 are active) and a total of 65 deaths. “I always tried to be dispassionate and follow the science, facts, and data,” she told me in an interview last month. “One-liners on social media or TV don’t contribute to any solutions.”

Most recently, Noem has acted to reduce tensions over the killing of George Floyd and the resulting protests. The local protests in South Dakota have been peaceful, and the governor says they were “legitimate and raised important concerns.” But in other places people were perpetrating violence in an effort “to shortcut public debates through fear,” she warned. “They want people scared.” She made clear that such behavior wouldn’t be tolerated in South Dakota.


August 21st, 2020 at 2:58 PM ^

I mean, that seems like a non sequitur. No one is disputing that rural areas all over the US are less prone to covid spread. I find it extremely reasonable to ask everyone to wear masks and social distance to prevent the spread of disease that has killed 170,000+ Americans at this point. The finer details on what response is appropriate can be debated, but the 'leave me alone' attitude is inherently selfish and it's frustrating to see people so resistant to doing something so simple to help their neighbors. 


August 21st, 2020 at 3:24 PM ^

I never said I wanted left alone so I wouldn't have to wear a mask...  I want left alone because I have a brain and am able to process information.  I most certainly wear a mask when I go into stores and to church because it's the right thing to do.  I do not wear a mask when I am outside.  

I do not need the government to tell me where I need to wear it or tell businesses for that matter.  The government should have no right to tell a business whether or not they are allowed to be open.  Let the business owner figure out how to do business safely and the customers will come.  

I guess I just enjoy thinking for myself vs having someone making blanket decisions to cover everyone and every scenario.  Take South Dakota and call it any rural area of any state... the people in those areas are being bound by the same rules as all the people that are living on top of each other in a city. It doesn't make sense and it is not right.  At some point, people can actually make decisions for themselves.

Monocle Smile

August 21st, 2020 at 11:59 AM ^

The only protections I want from federal and state gov't are police and military...  both of which the left is trying to defund.  I will be lamenting over that, just as I am lamenting over it right now.

Cry harder about it.

Neither of these organizations has much of a chance of suffering any REAL defunding in our lifetimes. All of the "buhhhhh" about "defunding" the police or military is hand-wringing because some suit might have to wait a year to buy his next yacht. Most people have no idea of the lugubrious amounts of money that go to those organizations and how much is completely pointless.

I for one want the gov't to stay out of my business

If you ACTUALLY believed this, you'd fuck off to the Yukon or something and live completely off the grid. As it stands, the gov't can't stay out of your business because you (the general "you") can't stay the fuck out of the business of other people. We HAVE to share space. It's incredible how many people are so out of touch and know absolutely nothing about social contract theory. Stop beating off to Ayn Rand.


August 21st, 2020 at 2:42 PM ^

Maybe you are right about the funding but the pictures and videos of 4-5 year old kids holding signs stating "Kill the F'in Police and verbally saying the same shows a clear lack of respect for our police. These parents are raising children that will continue to perpetuate this view.


August 21st, 2020 at 12:02 PM ^

How quickly protection from the police and military becomes oppression by the police and military. If you really wanted the government out of your life, you’d want both defunded as well, especially with the ominous signs from those organizations we have seen lately. 


August 21st, 2020 at 12:28 PM ^

It's not any "ominous signs"" from the police or military that worries me, it's the ominous signs from the people that control the military and police that scares the shit out of me.  The abuse of power has become all too public, all too blatant, and all too often for anyone to not worry.  If you see what's happening in Belarus and Hungary, but don't see it also happening here, you're being obtuse...


August 21st, 2020 at 12:32 PM ^

"The only protections I want from federal and state gov't are police and military."

You're apparently ignorant of the vast contributions that the field of public health—in practice, an intrinsically governmental activity—has made to the United States and the rest of the world.

Public health has saved the lives of many millions of people over the past century. Your crabbed, selfish notion of so-called "rugged individualism" would have consigned them to miserable deaths.


August 21st, 2020 at 2:57 PM ^

'Only' was definitely a poor choice of words.  What I really meant is that I really appreciate the sacrifice our law enforcement and military make each and every day to protect the rest of us. 

We get to walk around safely because of them putting their lives on the line.  They deserve a million times the support than they actually get.