Wednesday Bowl Post: What are we smoking right now?

Submitted by Doc Brown on September 1st, 2021 at 1:05 PM

Let's make this a weekly tradition. or not I probably will not remember. What are currently smoking/vaping? 

I am currently working my way through some super lemon haze from Information Entropy. I typically stick to sativa strains. I enjoy the taste and the energy of this strain. 

I also have some Obama Kush as well for night time chill time. Love the fully body high. 


September 1st, 2021 at 1:23 PM ^

I'm a Jack Herer guy for daytime use. Usually vape the flower at a medium setting which creates more concentration and an uptick in creativity. Although, my all time favorite creative strains are Candyland (really nice for playing or creating music!) and Cat Piss. I tend to smoke those with a bong or a J, but they are not widely available on the black market here in NYC. I've also had positive experiences with Jet Fuel and Lemon Diesel...although JF acts more like Adderall for me.

Nighttime...edible or Grand Daddy Purple (eventually lulls me into a nice peaceful sleep).

Craziest strain I ever smoked...Lucid Dream. I thought I was on shrooms and even cried a few times. A buddy's wife sampled some and I warned her it was strong. An hour later, I had to walk her back to her apartment because she was so stoned.

Take all of the above with a grain of salt since I buy on the black market.



Cranky Dave

September 1st, 2021 at 1:25 PM ^

I can only get Delta 8 living in the south, not quite the same as Delta 9 but beggars can’t be choosers 

Using tincture for the most part but will use Gary Payton wax from time to time


September 1st, 2021 at 1:38 PM ^

So for someone that hasn’t smoked in about 20 years but was thinking about it again, what would y’all recommend for a good chill feeling?

I would say I’m asking for a friend, but ain’t nobody believing that shit.


September 1st, 2021 at 1:43 PM ^

If you have access to a dispensary, ask the budtender. If black market, try out an indica or hybrid dominant indica. If you haven't been consuming weed, most indica or hybrids will give you that classic stoner feel. If you have a high tolerance (like me), an edible usually does the trick.


September 3rd, 2021 at 2:51 AM ^

I’ve been seeing a lot of articles on how the indica/sativa debate as well as THC % are not much more than marketing tools. Everyone’s body is unique in that we process and react to weed differently. So there is no one size fits all description of the effects. I would suggest you start slow, and try different strains to find what works best for you. The search is half the fun. Might want to keep a cheat sheet of how each strain you try, affects you. I always mean to do this, yet somehow forget….


September 1st, 2021 at 2:12 PM ^

In addition to being a former problem drinker, I am also an ex-smoker, although I gave up regularly smoking right around the time my daughter was born, which was now 15 years ago, then I gave up the occasional cigar that I would have about 4-5 years ago. The drinking was a later struggle and a component of my medical issues. One of these days, I will probably write a post on my own journey in confronting alcoholism.

That said, feel free to post this on Wednesdays if you would like. There are days that I do miss a good puff of something. 

Doc Brown

September 1st, 2021 at 3:08 PM ^

I am trying to get away from alcohol. I have a family history of alcohol abuse. I have also noticed weight gain over the past year from my increased drinking even though I am very active with running. My drinking is starting to impact my cadiovascular health as well. Since I started to vape (dry herb and cart), my drinking has decreased and I have lost weight. I am also noticing my bp has decreased. 

I just can't do cigars or tobacco. 


September 1st, 2021 at 9:47 PM ^

Very much the same for me- except I genuinely can't drink much anymore because of the damage it did, so it's a lot easier to stay away. Though the occasional half-glass of Bordeaux or Champagne can be too much to resist even now.

I've also noticed a huge improvement in the symptoms of depression since cutting back hard on drinking. Exercising is easier as well.


September 1st, 2021 at 3:20 PM ^

If I may pry, can you describe your drinking—frequency, amounts, after-effects, etc—that constituted your problem drinking?

I'm asking out of straight curiosity and also for personal reasons—my older sister basically drank herself to death at the age of 58, and I like my alcohol enough that I'm always mindful of keeping it under control, something she wasn't able to do.

Doc Brown

September 1st, 2021 at 4:07 PM ^

My warning signs were instead of using better social emotional skills, I reached for a bottle/can of a high content beer (im talking 13-15% beer) or a few fingers worth of bourbon every night, weight gain, and moving to hypertension despite having zero family history of hypertension and relatively healthy diet free from saturated fat/low cholesterol and high salt and a very active lifestyle. I saw family members that drank themselves to death as well. 

since moving to thc (just a couple times a week), I drink way less now (maybe once a week now) and I focus on better stress relief skills and techniques. 


September 1st, 2021 at 7:06 PM ^

My sister-in-law was recently diagnosed with cirrhosis. We noticed at least ten years ago that she used alcohol to get through stressful family events. She drank during the day. When she'd come stay with us, we'd find empty wine bottles under her bed after she left, so she was hiding it, too. They caught it before it got to the point of no return but the damage is permanent. She has stopped drinking, to our knowledge, so I don't know if she qualifies as an alcoholic. She did not go to AA; she stopped on her own. 

Doc Brown

September 1st, 2021 at 7:30 PM ^

sounds like my mom. We used to find vodka and rum bottles hidden around the house. She would go to rehab and then be back on the sauce a few months later. She didn't start taking her sobriety serious until her drinking led to a heart attack and her doctor said she could either keep drinking or die. She has been sober for 11 years now and regularly attends AA. 


September 1st, 2021 at 2:23 PM ^

What's everyone's experience with tinctures? I haven't smoked in probably 15 years and don't really have any desire to start smoking or vaping but would be open to a tincture delivery method. Don't really like edibles for the delayed effect and unpredictable intensity. 

Denard In Space

September 1st, 2021 at 2:26 PM ^

I also go to Information Entropy even though they are 100% lying (or the lab is) about their THC percentages. They had a strain listed at 42% THC!!! That is not real. 

However, they do have the best bud I've sampled in town so far. I'm really digging Monkey Bread and Purple Garlic, two great strains. Any other recommended dispensaries out there? 

Darker Blue

September 1st, 2021 at 2:56 PM ^

I'm smoking wicked sister which I really like. Also have some super lemon haze which tested at 26%.

I just ate 100mg of cherry flavored quicky gummies. I like the quicky brand because they work fast. 

I also have a select elite grand daddy purp cart. Typically I prefer live rosin carts but the select elites are pretty good for distillate 

I am a marijuana enthusiast although I think most of us know that by now 


September 1st, 2021 at 3:02 PM ^

I highly recommend Kushy Punch edibles. They used to have a TKO (high potency edible)  that is supposedly now their PR (Private Reserve). 25mg of the TKO was good for a very strong high of 3-4 hours. I saw Parquet Courts at Levon Helm Studio and gave my buddy 12mg - he couldn't drive after the show. Otherwise, I'm a 50-75mg guy on normal edibles.

Couzen Rick's

September 1st, 2021 at 3:40 PM ^

if we can have a weekly "what are you wrecking your liver with today" thread i see no reason to not have this. i don't smoke (get paranoid) and don't really drink (aforementioned liver) but y'all who do have at it.


September 1st, 2021 at 4:40 PM ^

Nothing wrong with coming back with a post like this. The idiotic stigma surrounding weed is finally starting to fade so people are getting more comfortable talking openly about what they like. No different than people discussing their favorite beer from Founders.

All drugs should be legal. The war on drugs is one of, if not the, dumbest battles in American history. A complete waste of money, lives, and time that has accomplished absolutely nothing.

Maybe someday my ass backwards state of Indiana will legalize weed.