way OT this time of year: new The Last Jedi trailer

Submitted by UM Fan from Sydney on

To briefly get our minds off the debacle that occurred two days ago.

To my fellow Star Wars geeks. It was recently announced that the new trailer drops tonight during the NFL game; however, Rian Johnson (its director) has stated that fans might want to stay away from this one, as it apparently contains a spoiler. To anyone who doesn't know, rarely do directors get involved with trailers. I think it's silly, but that's just the way it goes sometimes.



Neither link contains spoilers. The second one shows a tweet from Rian talking about the trailer.


October 9th, 2017 at 3:59 PM ^

Johnson directed the best episode of television ever produced.  That would seem to be a pretty good choice to direct this movie.

Perkis-Size Me

October 9th, 2017 at 4:10 PM ^

See I don’t understand why you bother including the spoiler. Even if you tell people to stay away, it’s Star Wars. People are going to watch it. Why ruin the surprise and take away some of the mystique of the movie?

It’s like putting a triple bacon cheeseburger in front of a fat kid, walking away and telling him not to eat it.

Perkis-Size Me

October 9th, 2017 at 4:28 PM ^

I don't really understand why you'd include a big spoiler in the trailer and then tell people to stay away from the trailer. It's Star Wars. People are going to watch it no matter what you say. Why ruin the surprise and remove some of the mystique and mystery from the movie?

This is like putting a syringe in front of a heroin addict, walking away, and telling him not to inject himself with it. What do you honestly think he's going to do? 


October 9th, 2017 at 4:29 PM ^

That's not 100% true. Johnson said that if you want to have completely virgin eyes to the movie not to watch it. He didn't say there was a massive spoiler in it. Of course there will be potential for spoilers, there's footage from the movie in the trailer.


October 9th, 2017 at 9:19 PM ^

I thought The Force Awakens was okay. One thing I will say is that it at least felt like Star Wars, unlike the abominations that were the prequels.

I was disappointed in the derivative storyline that directly mirrored Episode IV.  I really hope Episode VIII isn't some mirror image of Empire Strikes Back.  If it is, then I'll lose any hope I had left that Disney will do anything interesting with Star Wars again.


October 10th, 2017 at 12:32 AM ^

The problem with all you "true" fans is you hold up the originals on a pedestal that no subsequent movies could ever live up to. The fact is the originals were every bit as flawed, with the same derivative plots and campy dialog. People enjoyed the shit out of them because they didn't have any expectations beyond being entertained by a feel good story and cutting edge special effects. It's only the decades of nostalgia that's built them up into the revered classics they're considered now.


October 9th, 2017 at 5:36 PM ^

It's going to be another unoriginal Mary Sue Chronicle with a brooding, spoiled, only-child-gone-evil-but-maybe-not-really, and otherwise chock full of Disney feminism and uninteresting characters that the audience can never quite come to genuinely care about.

I don't know how many more of these I can take. KickAss 3 with lightsabers.

Spoilers! Hold on to your butts!!! ---- Disney is going to take the audience to a remote desert planet for like the sixth goddamned time in the series. BORING!!!!



October 9th, 2017 at 9:00 PM ^

The only character I actually cared about dying in that movie was K-2SO.  The human characters invoked nothing.  That's... not good storytelling.

Disney should do better.  But they won't. They bought a cash cow and they're gonna milk it dry with the minimum effort required.


October 10th, 2017 at 2:09 AM ^

Um, Idk about you but this trailer even with the "spoilers" was pretty dope to me. 


It seems like Disney is taking a chance by making Rey into the villain while redeeming Kylo. 


That would be an interesting story arc for sure. 

It also seems to be destroying the conventional movie wisdom of Sith being evil and Jedi good. 


I'm liking the direction. 


UM Fan from Sydney

October 10th, 2017 at 8:56 AM ^

Making Rey a villain is not going to happen. Clearly she might be tempted by the dark side and Kylo will want to teach her, but there is no chance she will actually turn.