Way OT: LaVar Ball

Submitted by NFG on

After watching this guy on TV in interviews, or on the sideline coaching his AAU team, or in the bleachers during one of his son's games, I can only conclude that he needs therapy. Just when I thought he couldn't be anymore demonstrative to himself and the playing careers of his son's, he goes and treats a female referee with such disgrace, that many are calling for his team to be suspended indefinitely. Why does ESPN and other shammy news outlets give this man any air time? The guy is bat-shit crazy.

More Harbaugh, less Ball.


August 1st, 2017 at 8:59 PM ^

I don't think he's crazy or needs therapy. I think he's an extremely clever self-promoter who knows exactly what he's doing. He's got the media wrapped around his finger


August 1st, 2017 at 9:54 PM ^

Yeah don't really see the problem. In America, any headline is a good headline. Just ask our President. Lavar's just using his playbook really. 

He's not the only one either. See Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather. 

Just say outlandish stuff 24/7 and soon enough the bad publicity turns into good publicity b/c the media is fixated on stupid shit like that. 


August 1st, 2017 at 11:25 PM ^

I don't think he's normal, I think he's an entertainer, and a somewhat funny one too. If you let him rile you up LaVar is winning. Just see him as what he is, a big clown, and you can laugh about it. It's not that big of a deal and doesn't have to be a referendum on the state of society. Hell I bet if he ate dinner at your house "out of character" he'd be a perfectly normal dude.


August 1st, 2017 at 11:05 PM ^

"I think he's an extremely clever self-promoter who knows exactly what he's doing."

I more or less thought something like this (although "extemely clever" might be giving him a little too much credit) until recently. I had seen him in some interviews and on ESPN, and it was clear he was acting a bit and enjoying the spotlight. Relatively harmless stuff.

Recently though I watched some YouTube clips of him coaching - berating refs, getting T'd up, and forfeiting midway through a game because he was upset with the refs. Came off as a narcissistic jerk and ruined the game for both teams of kids. Don't know if he's always been like this or if the extra attention has gone to his head.

Also I think he made a big blunder with the pricing of his BBB gear. Everything about the brand screams 'cheap' - silly name, bad logo, okay shoe that is a ripoff of a Kobe model. There's nothing luxury about the shoe or branding, yet it's priced that way. I think it would have been perfect if he had priced the shoe below the competition, which would seem more appropriate given the product. He could have picked a price-point that was accessible to younger kids, who are probably the only ones interested in buying that junk. Kids all over LA would be buying them if he had undercut the bigger brands, now instead no one is buying them... except rich people as a joke.

And even if this guy is a master promoter or whatever, he's completely leeching off his kids, stealing the spotlight from them, and making people dislike them in the process, despite the fact that they've done nothing wrong.


August 2nd, 2017 at 10:50 AM ^

He priced his shoes that way because he had to make sure he'd get his money back.  He had no idea how many pairs of shoes he was going to sell and cost of manufacturing is directly tied to how many units you make (more units = less cost per unit).  He had to set a price where he could make a profit if he sold 2 pairs of shoes or 200,000 pairs of shoes.  


August 1st, 2017 at 9:04 PM ^

Now they are going to tear theM down. All for the clicks lol. LaVar Ball is a great father, husband and embassador for independent business. He has helped and guided many youths in the Chino Hills area that have no garnished media attention. He is outlandish and brash at times....but it's mostly a show and for the purpose of branding and at this point fun. I can see why many dislike him but they don't see in him what some others do. Has he ever been arrested or hurt anyone? Is he a deadbeat dad or bad husband? The media gets people in a tizzy over some of the silliest things. AAU basketball is all goofy so LaVar doing goofy crap in AAU is just another scene for the circus.

Toby Flenderson

August 1st, 2017 at 9:18 PM ^

Oh wow a man taking care of his children! Give this man the nobel peace prize! That is what is wrong with this fucking country. You dont get a medal for taking care of your kids and raising them right, THAT IS WHAT YOU SHOULD BE DOING. Lavar Ball insulting NBA players kids, making fun of their dead mothers, making racist comments towards UCLA players, as well as sexist remarks against the refs makes him a prick.

Toby Flenderson

August 1st, 2017 at 9:23 PM ^

I'm serious about this all the time. When a man or woman decide to bring a child into life, it is one's duty to care for the child and be a good husband. That does not mean you are special in anyway. Lavar being a good dad does not change the fact he is a narcissistic, sexist, racist, and self-deluded prick.


August 1st, 2017 at 9:59 PM ^

The reason people say Lavar Ball is a good father is b/c people like that side chick, Kristine Leahy, off of Colin Cowherd's show insinuate that he is NOT a good father, which as we can see with his kids is patently false. 



She can get away with saying false shit like this where she says his kids seem to be afraid of him or potentially abused etc.. and when Lavar responds it's his fault? Please. Save your fake outrage. 


August 1st, 2017 at 10:14 PM ^

Lavar has found a market for his family.  He has ruffled feathers and done some things out of selfishness.  He is far from perfect....but pinch yourself if you think he isn't a genius.  He has you completely in your feelings.  Ask yourself why that is.  The real reason why that is.....


August 2nd, 2017 at 12:10 AM ^

If LaVar didn't have a son who was the second pick in the draft, no one would give a shit about his market or big baller or anything he says. He isn't a genius, he just made really talented kids who are good at basketball. Selling (or not selling for that matter) a pair of shoes for $500 Durant make you rich, it doesn't make you a genius, and it isn't a good marketing strategy. Many, many basketball coaches are horrible pricks and don't get the press LaVar does. He should be thanking the basketball gods that his kids are talented and have saved him from being one of those no name prick basketball coaches


August 2nd, 2017 at 5:09 AM ^

I think it is more like Lavar's family has made a market for Lavar. Previous poster is right.. without his children he could be saying all of this and no one would know a thing about it. Without Lonzo's talent no one knows who Lavar or his brand are. He is riding the coattail express. Being up in peoples feelings isn't really doing anything for him, BBB is a joke. Once it is the fall and there is more than baseball to report on Lavar will be an afterthought until he can piggyback on his next kids success.


August 1st, 2017 at 9:19 PM ^

...that the primary basketball competition in this country for a lot of players under 18 is a "goofy circus."

Then you put in your semester of "one and done" and you're ready to turn pro.

I don't think it's an ideal developmental path and it's hurting a lot of players.


August 1st, 2017 at 9:55 PM ^

Ok Mrs. Ball, do tell? Does he treat you better than he treats other women? Tell me how he's so selfless in his fatherhood... Just curious, because he doesn't really come across like all that great of a man. Tell me how his presence in Chino Hills has helped get coaches fired and referees removed.


August 1st, 2017 at 11:58 PM ^

I hear his words and see his actions. He doesn't hide it. He's a dick to women, and he is tarnishing his kid's moments. You can keep your own narrative as well--and ignore all the crap he does to people to promote his own ego. If you're into that, he's a real gem.


August 1st, 2017 at 9:10 PM ^


Why does ESPN and other shammy news outlets give this man any air time?

And here you are making a thread about him. It's the Kardashian effect. People who like him spread his name around. People who hate him feel the need to link articles and write about him on Twitter and MgoBlog and then get angry that he "won't go away". Either way, he profits from free advertising everytime you mention his name.