
Submitted by FireUpChips on January 7th, 2021 at 11:03 AM

As our country continues to become more and more divided each day. Let us make a vow to refrain from the bullshit on this site and continue to come together and enjoy Michigan athletics. Forget our beliefs and political ideologies for one second. We deal with the BS enough everywhere we go. We deserve a break. We are all wolverines and I love each and every one of you. 


January 7th, 2021 at 11:22 AM ^

This is a dog whistle post if there ever was one. I know there is some place to take offense in this OP somewhere, and I will find it!


January 7th, 2021 at 1:34 PM ^

Or leave a locked post in place, with a generic title (e.g. "Yes, we have all seen the news about D.C.", but clear out the OP and all replies, and replace the OP with the reason for the lock.  Then people know that the last attempt to broach the subject got nuked, so don't replicate the error.


January 7th, 2021 at 2:41 PM ^

If you're a Trump supporter at this point, you're insurrectionist trash. 

Continued statements like this are why there are trump supporters in the first place.  In no other election cycle does such a flawed candidate make it through the primaries let alone get elected.

But people are sick and tired of being called 'trash' for having an opinion.  People like you gave birth to trump. Divisive behavior on both sides created this mess. 

Recommend you go read the first couple of sentences of the OP again.


January 7th, 2021 at 11:51 AM ^

Yes. Let’s just sweep this all under the rug in the name of civility.

This is a community like any other, and if you post in support of the current administration, you should be called out for your stupidity and ignorance. 


January 7th, 2021 at 12:04 PM ^

That’s not what I’m saying at all. We literally see this bs EVERYWHERE. A lot of us share our beliefs on these sites. Leaving one site to escape for a little bit and discuss sports doesn’t mean we’re ignoring it or sweeping it under the rug. It means we need a damn breather before we lose our minds. 


January 7th, 2021 at 12:05 PM ^

I have a few questions for the board, mostly about everyday living, and would like to know when it is officially OT season again. I don't want to be chastised for posts that are off topic if I am only supposed to post about football. 

Also, I don't know if I love you all because I don't know what love is. I wanna know what love is. I want you to show me. 


January 7th, 2021 at 12:13 PM ^

I was coached by some great coaches to be a part of a team-something larger than simply my individual benefits. As a coach, business owner and nurse I have done my best to practice many of the lessons I learned from these highly principled men. Each of us need "teammates" to keep us within the bounds of civil behavior. I don't always live up to my own expectations. 

I disagree with the OP's premise here. Promoting, even demanding, that false dichotomies be a part of our world is not a good thing. "Forget our beliefs and political ideologies"...really??? We need to work, individually and corporately, at being thoughtful, responsible, mature citizens and calling for a respite from reality is a disservice to each and every one of us. Being a lowest-common-denominator society serves no one well. There are many thoughtful, articulate and informed voices on this board and I believe we would do well to hear what they have to say. I am truly saddened if this is too much to ask of ourselves. 


January 7th, 2021 at 12:21 PM ^

My position is this: I'm not going to post anything strictly political, etc. but I won't scroll past disgusting posts/comments without calling them out.

We saw yesterday, and have been seeing for a long time, what unchecked, uncontested conspiracy theories can do. We saw what happens when the hateful and despicable ideologies get their barbs in people and they aren't ripped out before they work their way so deep and fester so badly that all reason and logic fails.

It's all cumulative, and when bullshit isn't called out as such, and picks up a few upvotes here or there, the implication is that it's at least worthy of consideration. I won't ignore that, however miniscule an impact I might personally have.

L'Carpetron Do…

January 7th, 2021 at 12:48 PM ^

Same. I have a similar personal rule here: I never post anything political to the board because 1) it's not productive and 2) it's against the rules. But, I will respond to it, esp. to comments that are egregiously wrong and need correcting. And I'll dissect a weak argument from time to time. I also try to stick to the facts and do my best to avoid personal attacks or seriously negative comments. But, other than that, I try to stay away because eventhough I'm politics junkie, I wish there was less of it on here.

OSUMC Wolverine

January 7th, 2021 at 1:19 PM ^

Block M I understand your frustration, but giving an idiot the time of day is vindicating the idiot. You cant fix stupid----but you can make it irrelevant. 

I suspect the ass hats that did what they did yesterday would have done it regardless. They were looking for an excuse to be stupid. Just like the other rioters this year....its stupid people looking for an excuse to be stupid. Peaceful protests are probably a thing of the past in this country because of the handling of the fringe idiots at protests in the last year--especially yesterday.


January 7th, 2021 at 2:32 PM ^

Respectfully, the rioters yesterday have been building to this, and receiving reinforcement from the people around them and in places of power. The woman that died didn't leave the air force and randomly wake up one day saying "we should storm the capitol". 

Not sure why you would say peaceful protests are a thing of the past, we've had hundreds or thousands of them in the last year. Yesterday wasn't a peaceful protest that got violent, it was planned and incited, and there's plenty of evidence for that.

I know that there are trolls looking to stir shit up. I try to recognize them and ignore them when I can.

OSUMC Wolverine

January 7th, 2021 at 2:58 PM ^

I think peaceful protest is a thing of the past because those who want to make the protests look bad have figured out they can infiltrate and cause havoc at the expense of the cause without consequence because our laws are not being enforced.  It is weaponizing the ignorance of the press covering this crap.

I completely agree with you--yesterday was planned by a few--probably weeks or months in preparation---there is little doubt in my mind. What I am saying is the few who planned this were likely not of the same mind as the peaceful protesters present--just as it likely was with respect to the nightly riots during the policy brutality protests last year. I would think it would be hard to hide a plot to storm the capitol building if thousands were involved in its planning for weeks.


January 7th, 2021 at 12:22 PM ^

Seconded. A very small group on both sides are the loudest. We have plenty of smart and decent humans in this country that are not in the public spotlight. Go blue gang! 


January 7th, 2021 at 12:29 PM ^

I love the idea of improving unity, but I think it's dangerous to associate unity with ignoring the current issues. We don't have to solve the toxic group dynamics here on this sports blog, but we're also not going to improve without having challenging conversations. There's a lot of damage and harm and I know I personally feel anger and I doubt I'm alone in that. The healing process doesn't come about by just pretending nothing happened. 


January 7th, 2021 at 1:54 PM ^

I agree.  It seems to me that the arts of discussion and debate have been lost, and a large number of people can no longer have (or are just not interested in having) civil conversations with people with whom they disagree.  Some of my best friends have political beliefs that are very different from mine (in both directions), but I enjoy the back and forth and enjoy trying to understand where they are coming from.  I realize that they can reach a very different conclusion without being evil or despicable people.  Just because I know what someone thinks (often on a very narrow, specific topic, when presented on a message board), doesn't mean that I know why they think that, or that I truly know that person and what is in their heart.  With a few exceptions, message boards don't really lend themselves to deep, nuanced discussions, which is why political posts quickly lead to hostility and name-calling.

I think that is what the OP was getting at.  We don't know each other well enough to really delve into serious matters and have a profound discussion on serious topics.  Not to mention, calling someone out on MGoBlog is probably not going to change their worldview, so it is probably not worth the increased blood pressure to do it.  Can't we all just agree to hate OSU and love what our basketball team is doing?

Go Blue and stay safe.


January 7th, 2021 at 12:30 PM ^

I support the sentiment that this place might as well stay out of direct political discussions.  The COVID-19 threads obviously breached that wall many times but at least you could argue it was more public health focused.  What happened yesterday can really only be viewed through a political lens, and at this point I think anyone who's behind around here a bit has a general sense of the viewpoints on this site.  Sharing it in threads (as we've seen here) doesn't really help anyone except those who like to click up and down emojis.

I don't know if any of us really deserve a "break" in terms of what's going on (I've largely been insulated from it all, seeing the past 10 months/4 years/8 years/etc. play out from the cozy confines of my insulated life), but I do think this place should try harder (and credit to mods for doing their best) to keep the threads focused on Michigan sports (even if they can be pretty rough and discouraging).  Most of us are fans of the Michigan sports teams and that's our commonality; I say this with all sincerity that a decent chunk of people here wouldn't like me in any other context and the feeling is probably mutual.  That's natural and normal, and it's why I have other outlets for other aspects of my life.

So credit to OP for trying to keep the focus on sports, which is why this site exists and what it does best.