Tom Herman - Honest Insights on Double Standards for Black Athletes

Submitted by MFanWM on June 2nd, 2020 at 4:25 PM

I am not a big Tom Herman fan, but appreciate the honest dialogue of his thoughts and limitations on understanding the double standards that black athletes face on his team in Texas.  Pretty candid discussion for a coach in TX.


Bo Harbaugh

June 2nd, 2020 at 4:37 PM ^

Not the deepest take on the issue, although glad to see he is trying to have empathy.

He's basically saying, since they give us joy as fans, we should integrate them better into society.

How about, they should be treated with the same dignity and respect all Americans deserve despite the amount of melanin in their skin. 

I appreciate his effort, but it's just one example of the hypocrisy of race relations in our society.


June 2nd, 2020 at 4:39 PM ^

This guy's main objective, and I want to be clear that my opinion is based on other things he has done and said  in his past, is about recruiting. 

Robbie Moore

June 2nd, 2020 at 4:47 PM ^

Well, at least Harbaugh has a track record of walking the walk. For one, his comments a while back about the scandal of poor legal representation for minorities. Got the attention of Michelle Obama IIRC. With Harbaugh I do not think it is about recruiting at all. He may be a disappointment as a game manager or a recruiter, he may be a weird guy, but his values are good and admirable. And right about now that is more important than anything.


June 2nd, 2020 at 7:13 PM ^

I'm a bit surprised he's not getting flak for that daughters comment. He phrased it tactfully, but - who the hell is he hanging around with that wouldn't let their daughters date a black person?

I don't know, maybe I'm just fortunate in my friends and the people I've taught and taught with at schools throughout the East, but man. I have had plenty of lesbian, gay, bi, trans, and this year a throuple relationships in classes. The idea of being against interracial relationships seems like 50 years old, like something that died with Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? I mean I'm sure there are some dads out there against them, but just based on what I've seen it's not very common out here.

Mitch Cumstein

June 2nd, 2020 at 7:34 PM ^

Completely agree with this take and in general just think it’s a stupid example to use. I get the spirit of what he’s saying, but in a more literal application should it be necessary to happy about an athlete dating your daughter if you root for them? I can think of several examples where that hasn’t been the case for me.  For example, there was a recent thread on Bill Laimbeer. I rooted for the Pistons teams, and by extension for Laimbeer. From my understanding, guy is a bit of an asshole on and off the court.  Would I be happy about him dating my daughter? Probably not.


June 2nd, 2020 at 7:35 PM ^

I’ve had friends who dated girls and the girl’s parents never knew. It was a culture thing with some minority communities. I’ve also talked to a girl about it. Her parents would only accept a marriage from her own race. 


June 3rd, 2020 at 10:20 AM ^

Unfortunately, lots of people would not be comfortable (or prefer not) with their daughter dating a black man. I think it is important to acknowledge that this still exists in society. I'm sure you meant no harm with your comment that this died "50 years ago", but that mentality is not helpful. There are plenty of people who think that racism is behind us or certain racial issues are a thing of the past. If we fail to acknowledge these issues are present then I think we also fail to educate each other and allow the cycle to continue.  


June 3rd, 2020 at 1:00 PM ^

You don't get out of the house much do you Michigan Teacher...y'all need to come down here to da South 'ga'hill'

Can't wait to move back to 702 so I don't have to experience this nonsense anymore.

BTB grad

June 3rd, 2020 at 1:29 PM ^

Not too common nowadays thankfully, but I have a Latino friend who broke up with his gf because her white Catholic parents were very hostile and nonsupportive of the idea of their daughter dating a Latino. Some people are truly awful human beings 


June 2nd, 2020 at 9:26 PM ^

Nothing earth-shattering, but credit to him for saying this stuff out loud.  I am jaded enough to wonder if any of the messages we've heard recently about holding bad actors accountable and really trying to address the systemic racism in this country stick, but to their credit lots of guys who don't need to say anything are publicly, and that's a good thing both in and outside of sports.


June 3rd, 2020 at 3:16 PM ^

I disagree and think the approach is all wrong...

Adults are just children who've aged, tell a child to do something or believe something and they do the opposite; adults are no different.

Best way to get racial equality, is to open the door and hope some people will walk through it... eventually those that have racial bias will feel the pier pressure.

I have to drive by this huge confederate flag in a guys yard every fuckin' morning down here. It does bother me, but it's this guys civil right. Even though the Confederacy was an illegal coup' against a sovereign nation.

*guess this means I can fly an ISIS flag outside my home... wonder what response I'll get. <<I just want to identify this as "Sarcasm" because some of you UM grads are complete fuckin morons.


June 2nd, 2020 at 9:30 PM ^

I have to give him credit. By football coach terms, he's saying something fairly enlightened, especially in Texas. I know Austin is Austin. But the fanbase isn't.


June 3rd, 2020 at 8:18 AM ^

The comment doesn’t make sense, just because I cheer for someone doesn’t mean I should let them date my daughter.  

the qualities of guys I cheer for on Saturday are, big, fast, athletic and clutch

the qualities I hope my daughter would see are smart, charming, respectful, loyal and handsome

just because a person meets the qualities I root for on Saturday doesn’t mean they have the qualities fit to date my daughter.  Maybe they are all of the above, but not everything is about race.


June 3rd, 2020 at 11:44 AM ^

We're gonna cheer when they score touchdowns, and we're gonna hug our buddy when they get sacks or an interception. But we gonna let them date our daughter? That's the question I have for America. You can't have it both ways."

Herman told the newspaper he believes that if you're going to cheer for players of color on the field, that feeling shouldn't change once they're off. He said that they deserve the same amount of respect and human rights that everyone in this country should be afforded.

I appreciate his candor, but have to disagree with his take.  The track record does not seem to support this idea.  Now, is that a CFB player thing or a black CFB player thing?...I don't know.  It's probably more about socioeconomics rather than ethnicity and it just happens to be that more black players come from worse socioeconomic conditions.  But, there are way too many examples of sexual assault for me if I was a father with a daughter to say that as a blanket statement without knowing the individual.


June 3rd, 2020 at 1:27 PM ^

I think all of us can agree (even us middle of the road Hopkins Grads) that there are civil, racial, sex discrimination issues in this country. You won't change a person's mind with laws or words... just like some of your political views that you bounce around in this echo chamber of yourselves to reaffirm your own belief systems.

You also don't change things by "acting a fool" and protesting in a manner which imposes your will upon others... that's how you galvanize polar opposites.

As a jazz artist, and dance instructor I wear a shirt that shows a black and white photo of Native Americans saying "Original Homeland Security" every once in awhile to the gym, or the grocery store. I dress up in black and white wingtips, elephant ear pants (30's style dress slacks, and cocktail shirts.

I've been told I dress like a "black man" down here in the South, I also wear Extreme Couture dress shirts with nice designer jeans, and been told I look like a "Mexican Mafia" guy. lmao Same when I where my "dragon cocktail shirt" been told I look like i belong in the Yakuza.

People are naive', people have their own belief systems you can't make 'everyone' believe what you do! The best you can do is provide them with exposure to other cultures, not throw it in their face. No such thing as a peaceful riot, or peaceful protest, inherently you're imposing open others and making them be witness to your own agenda.

Create your own Tshirt, or attire that pushes the minds of those simple individuals out there...they can then choose to look or walk away.


*Edit: Civil disobedience is NOT ok, because my tax dollars have to pay for that shit. I'd rather pay my politicians (right & left) to sit on their fat asses, blow smoke up my ass, and tell me life is awesome!


July 14th, 2020 at 6:56 AM ^

This is really unfair. Now blm movement is very strong and I am sure that they should pay attention to it. Personally, I don't wanna deal with it. Now I have a rest with this website and I want to be free from it. I hope the situation will change soon.