Podcast Interview with Jim Harbaugh

Submitted by MaizeInDC on April 10th, 2020 at 4:23 PM

Coach Harbaugh was interviewed by music critic Jay Nordlinger, who is an Ann Arbor native and UM alum. Nordlinger and Harbaugh were on sports teams together as kids.

Says "The Rockford Files" was his favorite show, just ahead of the "The Sopranos." Martina Navratilova threw one of the best spirals. Throwing a perfect spiral is liking flinging boogers. Tells some family stories, famous people he's met, playing in the NFL, etc.

Link to audio.


BTB grad

April 10th, 2020 at 7:49 PM ^

"Music critic Jay Nordlinger" seems like a misleading description even if it's a true one. That's like his second or third job. He's a senior editor at the National Review.


April 11th, 2020 at 12:37 PM ^

““Now with the COVID-19 I see people more concerned about others and more prayerful," Harbaugh said. "As I said, God has virtually stopped the world from spinning. I don’t think it’s coincidence, my personal feeling, living a faith-based life. This is a message — this is something where, a time we grow in our faith. Having reverence and respect for God. You see people taking more of a view of sanctity of life and I hope that continues — and not just in this time of crisis or pandemic. And lastly, abortion. We talk about sanctity of life, yet we live in a society that aborts babies. There can’t be anything more horrendous”

On a non football podcast he expressed his Catholic beliefs, and that he feels  COVID might have an affect on life issues. 

That’s totally okay. People are allowed opinions, and express their faith. 

If Howard tomorrow goes on a non basketball related podcast and says he’s pro choice and why it’s fine. 

Let’s not look for controversy.