OT - Skip Bayless: Let's get rid of field goals in the NFL

Submitted by a2_electricboogaloo on

Skip's at it again.  In his most recent column, he calls for the removal of field goals from football.

Field goal kicking is wildly exciting for all the wrong reasons. We regularly interrupt games to go for a ride on the equivalent of Disney's stomach-in-throat Tower of Terror. The scariest words for any fan are "wide right" or "wide left." Or, in the case of Buffalo Bills fans, "Scott Norwood."

This is why I have long proposed a change that will never, ever happen because it makes too much sense. Give place-kicking the boot.

That's right, eliminate it. Force supremely talented offensive players to keep doing what they do best: Make first downs. Fourth-and-5 at the opponent's 25? You have to GO FOR IT. And you keep going for it until you score six points or you're stopped. If you score a touchdown, you always go for the far more exciting two-point conversion.

I personally hate the idea.  I think field goals are a great part of the game, and to remove them would be to remove a traditional part of the game we all love.  But, I'm curious to hear what everyone's reaction it to this.
(Link here, if you want to read the res of the columnt/give Skip the page view that he so desperately craves)



January 31st, 2013 at 3:54 PM ^

NFL coaches for the most part are pretty terrible at any sort of strategy with regards to calling plays (Run vs Pass) or going for it on fourth down.  

Honestly not having FGs would make for a far more exciting game, kicking as a whole is so unconnected from the rest of the game.  I think there is no way this is adopted in the short term, but kickoffs on the other hand are on the way out soon with all the injury concerns.

snarling wolverine

January 31st, 2013 at 4:36 PM ^

How about this for middle ground: keep field goals, but require any player who kicks to participate in at least five plays beforehand?  Then field goals would be kicked by regular players (as they are in rugby) instead of specialists.  Given that regular players probably would be less reliable, coaches would go for it more often but would still have that option if needed.


January 31st, 2013 at 4:42 PM ^

The kicking game is what connects American football to its historic roots in rugby. 


Football is a dangerous game.  If they were really worried about player safety they should implement a weight limit.  Another good idea would be to enforce rules against leading with your head on both sides of the ball.  I'm against removing facemasks but could be easily swayed if it could be proven to lead to more propper tackling form.  Too often players just launch themselves like projectiles trying to put as big a hit as possible on the opposing player.


January 31st, 2013 at 9:20 PM ^

NFL coaches for the most part are pretty terrible at any sort of strategy with regards to calling plays (Run vs Pass) or going for it on fourth down. 

I disagree. This argument (the game theory argument Brian likes to make) is based on expected point values which is based on a large sample size.

However, football games never have enough of a sample size for these game theory percentages to hold true. So, you have to make the decision that helps you best in the immediate - not the decision that would help you a slight majority of the time over a long period of time.


January 31st, 2013 at 3:57 PM ^

im completely the opposite.  I say we get rid of touchdowns and only fgs are allowed except, instead of 3 pts you get the yardage as points.  35yd fg = 35 pts, 20yd fg = 20pts and so on...


See anyone can make up moronic ideas on the spot.


January 31st, 2013 at 4:04 PM ^

Getting rid of the field goal takes away the man who isn't as physically gifted as the others when it comes to speed, athleticism, and size. Sure you'll always have a few who have some of those characteristics but it gives the everyday man something to aspire to and brings a distinct diversity to the game unlike most others. 


January 31st, 2013 at 5:28 PM ^

Precisely. I'm glad you posted the video of Jalen shooting down Skip's credibility and the lies he has perpetuated about himself. 


The game has it's simple beauty with technique being the foremost of the bunch but most of the time it boils down to who is stronger, faster, and more adept at following simple instructions. Kicking brings a delicate balance to a game that is by most measures brutish.


January 31st, 2013 at 4:10 PM ^

I don't like the idea of eliminating field goals but I wouldn't mind if they revisited how much a filed goal is worth. I have always thought it strange that a kicker can have such a huge impact on a game.