OT MGoRadioListening; What Radio or Podcast Are You Plugged Into?

Submitted by twohooks on

Spending a good amount of time on the road I find myself flipping the dial to get the same crap over and over. I have Sirius Radio and after an exhaustive effort I end up at ESPN the Applebee's of Sports Talk til I get my fill and rotate back to my music. When ESPN's Van Pelt and (Ryen) Russillo left the air, I was bummed and when Russillo and Kanell replaced them it was assured that I missed Van Pelt who in my estimation was a difference maker on the air who can see through the BS, and gave you a counterpoint that offered another dimension unto many topics. I feel like a drone on Apple's first Super Bowl commercial and I need some help pulling out of it. I will not go local (Detroit Market) but I am looking for advice and your opinions on what you love, hate and particularly what I may be missing.


March 24th, 2016 at 3:24 PM ^

I don't mind Dan Le Batard and Stugotz. They're about all I listen to on ESPN. They're funny and they keep me interested in their show.

The Fugitive

March 24th, 2016 at 3:28 PM ^

Bill Simmons is on Soundcloud and his buddy Joe House just lanched a golf podcast called ShackHouse.

Bill Burr is on Soundcloud too.  My goodness is he vulgar...but really funny.


March 24th, 2016 at 3:32 PM ^

I like "How Stuff Works" and "Things You Missed In History Class" for keeping the brain moving, and "Brant and Sherri Oddcast" for much lighter listening.

I drive Dallas-to-Detroit straight through (18 hrs) about once a year. These 3 podcasts help get me through the sleepiest stretches (usually Missouri in the pitch black [at least the Arch looks cool]).


March 24th, 2016 at 3:41 PM ^

Dave Ramsey - personal finance. learned a lot about how to (and how not to) manage money. 

Planet Money (NPR) - interesting topics related to money. for example, yesterday's one was about the phenomenon of cord cutting / unbundling cable packages

Handel on the Law - hilarious call-in show where people call in with their legal troubles and Bill Handel - a lawyer himself - pretty much tells everyone that they are stupid or they have no case. 

Edit: "Handel on the Law began broadcasting in 1985. I enjoy it more today than the day I started. Abusing callers, giving marginal legal advice and telling callers where to go is still probably the most enjoyable thing I do other than having intimate moments with my wife...No...It is the most enjoyable thing I do." - Bill Handel


March 24th, 2016 at 3:45 PM ^

I love all that too, and I do listen to Simmons, most of the old Grantland sports lineup and Tony Kornheiser's radio show, but there's an entire world of comedy podcasts that are among the best things on earth. If you wan tto combine both, listen to Pistol Shrimps Radio, featuring Mark McConville and Matt Gourley calling basketball games of the titular LA women's rec league basketball team.

Monkey House

March 24th, 2016 at 3:53 PM ^

XM is nothing but the Opie Radio channel and of course the Bennington Show on Raw Dog. podcast everything from Jim Florentine, Joe Rogan, Star Talk, Nick Dipaolo to Horror Hound and Horror movie podcast.

Darker Blue

March 24th, 2016 at 3:55 PM ^

I love Marc Maron's podcast. 

The group I'm really digging is The Palmer Squares. They're on spotify. If you want some stoner rap (honestly its more like 21 pilots did a bunch of hallucinogenic drugs and then started rapping.) Good stuff

Nobody Likes a…

March 24th, 2016 at 3:57 PM ^

I have a few I keep in rotation. Kermode & Mayos film review (hello to jason isaacs),FiveThirtyEight Elections, Hot Take Down, The Guardian football(roundball) weekly, The Weeds.


March 24th, 2016 at 3:59 PM ^

Sirius Radio

1. Comedy Central radio favorite show on there is The Bonfire 

2. Raw Dog Comedy

3. College Sports Nation



1. Wtka

2. Mgopodcast

3. Shutdown Fullcast

4. Solid Verbal

5. The Audible

6. Bill Simmons

7. The Lowe Post

8. The Garbage Time Podcast

9. The Wolverine

10. The K&P show 


1. The Crabfest 

2. Monday Morning Podcast 

3. Your Moms House 

4. Robert Kelly You know What Dude 

5. Skarlbro Country 

6. Legion Of Skanks

7. Vos and Bonnie's My Wife Hates Me

8. Mohr Stories

9. The Glory Hole

10. The Adam Carolla Show


1. Channel 33

2. The Indoor Kids

3. Wierd Medicine 


March 24th, 2016 at 4:04 PM ^

Sports: Michigan Man podcast. Wolverine Sports Radio. Wolverine Podcast. 

History: Hard Core History. 

Politics: Common Sense (Dan Carlin again).

Random: War College; Tolkien professor, Real Ghost Stories Online, Catholic Answers Live, The Economist. 



March 24th, 2016 at 4:35 PM ^

Hosted by George Noory.  Lot's of aliens, Atlantis, ancient aliens, paranormal, shadow people, MIB, loads of conspiracy theories and bigfoot.

It is my most favorite escape from reality, but there is some legitimate science and current events discussed too.


March 24th, 2016 at 4:36 PM ^

I use OverCast on my iPhone, I used to use DownCast.  I can't really tell you which one is better.

The ones that actually make me a better person are:

You Are Not So Smart: a celebration of self-delusion that explores topics related to cognitive biases, heuristics, and logical fallacies.  Example episodes are "Maslow's Hammer", "Survivorship Bias", "Blind Insight", "The Strawman Fallacy", etc.

Freakonomics. You should know Freakonomics by now.  

FiveThirtyEight Elections: they do a great job of staying impartial.  

I also listen to JJ Redick's "The Vertical Podcast", which features him interviewing other NBA players during the NBA season, a concept which has never been executed before. 

But I'm subscribed to 68 podcasts.  Those are the ones that I make sure to catch every episode from.


March 24th, 2016 at 4:51 PM ^

We Hate Movies (comedy, makes fun of bad movies)

How Did This Get Made (comedy, makes fun of bad movies)

Serial (true crime, duh)

Solid Verbal (cfb)

Cashing In with TJ Miller (comedy)

Doug Loves Movies (comedy, movies and movie trivia)

Sklarbro Country (sports and comedy, hosted by Michigan alums)

The FannMan

March 24th, 2016 at 5:24 PM ^

I listen to two:

MGoPodcast - obvisously.

Men In Blazzers - this is soccer, featuring the EPL.  I personally appreciate their humor and think they work far better on pod than TV.

I also think that Pods are the answer to crap sports talk radio, of which the Detroit Market has plenty.


April 1st, 2016 at 1:59 PM ^

Me too. I did the whole History of Rome and am now on the Guns of Ticonderoga. He's too Great Man Theory though. There were like 2 episodes in the entire history of Rome that dealt with something other than who was in charge or what battles they fought.