
April 13th, 2015 at 5:58 AM ^

It will definitely feel odd not to tune in on Saturdays in the fall and not get at least a smattering of Holtz predicting that Notre Dame will go 10-2 when they get out to a 3-3 start or something along those lines, or indeed to watch Mark May attempt to comprehend Holtz at various points. It seems pretty sudden though - I would have been interested to know the details of the supposed "mutual agreement". 

KO Stradivarius

April 13th, 2015 at 9:38 AM ^

If so, look forward to gems like this:

On CBS Sports Network's "Signing Day" coverage, Hoke refuted rumors that he would work as a Notre Dame assistant and said he wouldn't work this year but instead would use the year to learn.

"It's time to go South for a little bit, not South Bend," he said on the air. "(Wife) Laura and I are going to do that. We want to coach again. You miss the kids, you miss the game planning, you miss, every day, seeing those young kids come in there and coach them up. We're going to take a year and do some things that we haven't done. Also, as a coach, there's always things that you can learn. That's one of the things I really want to do."​


April 13th, 2015 at 7:58 AM ^

Damn it!!!!

He provides all my laughs and entertainment.

What guy spits on himself and predicts Notre Dame will beat the Patriots anytime anywhere.

I guess the last 6 seasons of Dr. Lou predicting ND was going undefeated even after they lost helped ESPN understand Lou was nuttier than a crazy SOB.


April 13th, 2015 at 8:10 AM ^

He used to crack me up during that debate segment....didn't care for his analysis individually but him and May were pretty good together. They might be looking to shake things up because Rece Davis is leaving that show as well.

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April 13th, 2015 at 8:37 AM ^

What's over/under on how many years Corso is going to be with ESPN? In my mind he's just like Holtz, only younger. And his only schtick, his "Head Gear", is getting old.

Also, is anyone else sick of Gameday? I used to like it when it was only a 1 hour show. Even 2 hours I could handle. Now it's just plain ridiculous. They need a format change in the worst way.


April 13th, 2015 at 10:00 AM ^

I still enjoy the headgear pick, it's part of Saturday morning tradition. It's better than College Basketball Gameday where they try and fail to have the same effect of headgear picking, by having Jay Williams rip open his shirt like superman to show who he's picking

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April 13th, 2015 at 8:47 AM ^

Mark May is Kirk Herbstreit.  OSU alum and promoter of incorrect rumors regarding M.  His inside info regarding coaching changes were totally incorrect.  Since when does a bucknut have inside info on Michigan.  I never watch ESPN broadcasts because of his irritating commentary. 

Evil Empire

April 13th, 2015 at 8:54 AM ^

This boss was a meathead Notre Dame subway alumnus.  Lou's book was titled "Winning Every Day."  I noticed the book and said "I think Lou forgot to have his team read that book this year."  It was fall 1999 and South Carolina had just finished Lou's first season as head coach with an 0-11 record.  Their average game score 25-8, and the only close score was an 11-10 home loss to Vanderbilt. 

Dave didn't get it.


April 13th, 2015 at 9:32 AM ^

Glad to see that his career is ending with mutual respect. It was kind of hard to watch him for the last few years. It always reminded me of when Dick Clark would be paraded out every New Year's Eve, despite his severe health issues, like some sort of horrible puppet. Hope Holtz enjoys his retirement.


April 13th, 2015 at 11:42 AM ^

Reece Davis is now doing the morning College Game Day, the evening wrap up show is getting a total revamp now that Holtz is gone.


I used to love that show, but years ago they went off the rails and just like Sportscenter devoted more and more of their time to talking.  More like taking opposite possitions just to argue on TV about it.  It just became unwatchable to me.  Holtz himself became a character rather than an analyst and it just wasn't any good to watch for a long time.


Happy he was able to contribute something beyond coaching for so long, but the show had run its course for me a long time ago.  Here's hoping they find a new host, a new good analyst and they run more highlights like highlight shows are supposed to do.


April 13th, 2015 at 12:01 PM ^

I learned a valuable lesson by watching Lou Holtz in action over the years:  What you say is not nearly as important as who you are when you say it. 

Lou Holtz would say something that on the surface seemed pretty stupid, but he was the active National Championship Head Coach at Notre Dame at the time, so it must be some kind of genius insight on his part that the rest of us mortals don't get.  Everyone would genuflect to the wisdom of Lou Holtz. 

Then when he became a talking head on ESPN, it became clear that he was just a doddering old fool.  There was no "wisdom", just him talking out his ass.  

Without the "podium" of National Championship Notre Dame Head Coach to hide behind, he was just some guy saying a bunch of goofy shit.  


April 13th, 2015 at 12:58 PM ^

For as annoying as Lou Holtz could often be, at least it was easy to get a good chuckle from how much of a goof he came across as.

David Pollack though...that guy is an insufferable clown. Basically everything he says is unsubstantiated and incredulous, and he wouldn't be able hide his exorbitant SEC bias if his life depended on it. For some reason Pollack also does his best to berate Michigan whenever he gets the chance. It's like he has some underlying grudge that he simply can't get over, similar to the everlasting bitterness getting rejected by UofM has instilled in an abundance Sparty folk.


April 13th, 2015 at 2:04 PM ^

Holtz was an entertainer, not an analyst.  Once you embraced that fact, he was harmless.

At 1:00 AM  when you've watched all the games and heard all of the real analysis (and your defenses were down) his schtick could be quite amusing at times.

Look for ESPN to hire someone else to fill the Corso/Holtz entertainer role.



April 13th, 2015 at 2:38 PM ^

You're gonna come home from your job, and you just got laid off....and your kids tell you that your wife ran off with a drummer...but that's ok. I can handle this...because I beat Oregon, 30 years ago.

Roc Blue in the Lou

April 13th, 2015 at 10:14 PM ^

Well past his prime, and Corso not far behind.  I just hope he doesn't end up at BTN or as color analyst for the mother ship.  We will be getting 1st quarter analysis after halftime!

Chris S

April 13th, 2015 at 11:17 PM ^

Yes he is past his prime, but the one thing College Football has over any other sport is tradition. And like some others noted, the tradition od staying up till 1 am to see him, Mark, and Reece banter back and forth either 1) was the perfect annoying ending an enfuriating day or 2) a joyous slap-happy experience to a satisfying day.

Either way, Holtz, like Corso, is part of Saturdays. I kinda wish he was still on.