OT: Latest Earworms?

Submitted by Swayze Howell Sheen on July 30th, 2023 at 2:28 PM

Trying to get in some last OT threads before our work begins - that is, football season.

Today's thought: what song is stuck in your head these days?

For me, it's been the song Stuck by Thirty Seconds to Mars (a band I'd never heard of, but apparently formed by actor Jared Leto and some others years back). I can almost see some stadium adopting the main chant of the song as something to yell out when your team is on defense.

So, what fun song is bouncing around your mind?



July 30th, 2023 at 2:56 PM ^

For me it’s a song called “Rattle!”.  Unless one listens to Gospel music, you’re likely to not have heard of it. It’s got a guitar riff in the chorus that is dynamite.


July 30th, 2023 at 3:09 PM ^

Not long ago we found an online quiz about guessing a popular song by the *wrong* lyrics often used for it (e.g. "revved up like a douche" for Blinded by the Light by ELO or " 'scuse me while I kiss this guy" for Purple Haze by Hendrix or "Hold me closer, Tony Danza" for Tiny Dancer by Elton John).

A few good ones still stuck in my head (without telling the answers):


"Touched for the 31st time"

"We built this city on the wrong damned road"

"Slow motion Walter, the fire engine guy"

"It doesn't make a difference if we're naked or not"

"The algebra has a devil for a sidekick"

"Let's pee in the corner"

"You made the rice, I made the gravy"

"You've been outright offensive, for so long now"

"Shamu, the mysterious whale"


July 30th, 2023 at 3:25 PM ^

I used to work in a big chain bookstore part time when I was in college to earn some spending cash.  This reminded me of what I remember being on the bargain stacks - a book with that Hendrix lyric for purple haze. And yep, still out there ... https://www.amazon.com/Scuse-While-Kiss-This-Guy/dp/0671501283

A couple jump out above, 

Feels like the first time 

 Shot to heart 

Smoke on the water 

Is that one Starship's We built this city?  Seems too literal a clue. 

rob f

July 30th, 2023 at 3:10 PM ^

I've been listening to a few songs from the soon-to-be released Neil Young album "Chrome Delivery". As I understand it, Neil and Crazy Horse were set to release this so-called 'lost album' in 1977 but it never happened for some reason.  Several of the songs subsequently made it on other Neil Young albums. 

If you're a Neil Young/Crazy Horse fan, the guitar work, the lyrics, and the singing won't disappoint.



July 30th, 2023 at 3:17 PM ^

So I heard a song recently that got stuck in my head--it was definitely something I recognized, and would have been heard on the radio, but it wasn't quite loud enough and there was too much ambient noise to be able to identify it (or Shazaam it). I'm pretty sure it was an 80s song, it was sung by a male, and it was pretty upbeat/peppy, what I'd probably characterize as something like pop or pop rock. The most identifiable feature was a repeated line that went something like "[female name] oh oh oh oh oohoohooh..." (could have been "whoa" instead of "oh," but you get the idea). Unfortunately I couldn't make out the female name (which is my guess for the title as well), which would have made it much easier to identify.

For whatever reason my mind immediately went to Phil Collins/Genesis, though I'm not sure it actually sounded like Phil Collins singing. Unfortunately I no longer have the beat in my head, but I got a similar feeling listening to some of Steve Winwood's 80s songs. Wasn't having luck looking through lists of either of their singles though. And I didn't have luck going through lists of songs with female name titles; for example, it's not Cecelia, Rosanna, Layla, Lorelei (though that does have an "ooh ooh ooh ooh" line), Roxanne, Sweet Caroline, My Sharona, Jenny (867-5309), Gloria, etc.

If anyone has an idea what it might be, I'd be very appreciative.


July 30th, 2023 at 3:35 PM ^

Unfortunately that's not it, though I see why you suggested it with that "ah ah ah" section in the middle of the song. From what I remember the song I'm trying to identify had a faster beat, plus the "[female name] oh oh oh oh oohoohooh..." line was repeated multiple times in the song (I'm tempted to say that was the hook, if I'm using that term correctly).

Trying to remember if the beat changed/slowed down later in the song; really wish I still had the beat in my head...


July 30th, 2023 at 3:23 PM ^

"I'm Still Standing" - Elton John.

One of my youth football players came to practice last week singing it. His mom must have been rocking that in the car.