OT-ish: Ricky Doyle retires due to back issues

Submitted by Naked Bootlegger on January 15th, 2019 at 4:12 PM

I was informed by South Florida sources that Ricky Doyle hung up the basketball shoes due to major back issues:




He also had some other major health issues, including an appendectomy and removal of non-malignant tumor discovered during the appendectomy, after he enrolled at FGCU (per the newspaper article in the above link).   

Wishing him nothing but the best as he recuperates.


Rick Grimes

January 15th, 2019 at 4:21 PM ^

When FGCU played at MSU this season, the FGCU team stayed at the Crowne Plaza hotel in Lansing that I work at. I saw the team up close and thought it was cool to see Doyle since he had played for Michigan. 



January 15th, 2019 at 4:25 PM ^

Yeesh. He has had a tough go of it. 

"The diagnosis by a neurologist showed that Doyle could seriously damage himself further by continuing to play. The problem can only be treated by a complicated surgery that includes side effects, one being a chance of not being able to have children."

Hope him not playing can delay that surgery as long as possible.

Also, not worthy posting another thread about, but Aubrey Dawkins is having a very good season: 16 ppg, 5.5 rebs, on 47% fg, 35% from 3. His team's doing great too, 13-2.



January 15th, 2019 at 6:09 PM ^

Proving yet again that there isn't any topic so straightforward and common sense that there isn't some jackass eager to say something stupid about it on the internet.

Our daughter had an emergency appendectomy when she was 10 or 11. Everything came out fine, thank God, but my wife and I were still scared shitless because all kinds of bad, crazy shit can happen when you cut open the human body. Removing the appendix isn't like filling a cavity.

Honk if Ufer M…

January 15th, 2019 at 10:20 PM ^

If you’ve ever met or known Ricky Doyle he’s either the nicest guy you ever met or you know some REALLY nice people! Kelly Murphy (ex M volleyball) is the sweetest girl in the world and they are the most adorable couple! Still together, as of about a year ago anyway.

If they end up married and this bullshit doesn’t stop him from having kids they will have very tall very nice kids & probably M athletes! (Kelly is 6ft or 6’1)


January 15th, 2019 at 10:38 PM ^

This isn’t meant in a sarcastic way, but could some of these health conditions triggered how he profusely sweat after the basically just walking? He looked like he ran through a waterfall before the opening tip.

Tough kid, and wish him the best