OT - Avoid Confrontation or Call the Person/Group Out

Submitted by Bo Harbaugh on September 4th, 2022 at 2:37 PM

This is a bit off topic but want to get the opinion of the board - assuming a bunch or most of you have been to games and watched games in public places.

I was at a bar yesterday in Miami watching college football games. It was a generally pleasant experience with a bunch of TV's, good food (burgers, wings), and a nice staff.

However, there was one group of loud, obnoxious folks who showed up (which can often happen with liquor flowing), and the language being thrown around was pretty awful/disgusting imo.

For reference the group was about 5 deep, all male - looked like 4 whites and maybe a Latino.

The N-bombs were flowing non-stop, and not even in the yay go team (nice play bro) way.  During the Florida game they were calling players c*nts and the N-bomb non stop along with monkey references and generally all the gross shit you could imagine.

I've been at football and basketball games as well where fans do the same to both the opposing and and home team.  I've said stfu in those situation often, as most fans are generally just as annoyed by this behavior.

Question for the board - I know it's free speech and all, but how do you handle the situation when it gets pretty disgusting.  I'm not one for confrontation, but this pretty much ruined my Saturday CFB day and was upsetting to my gf and other friend and wife that were with us.  We simply told the management and moved on to another bar.

TLDR:  How do you all handle assholes (often drunk, racist, or simply moronic) at a game or in a bar setting when the language gets really offensive?


September 4th, 2022 at 3:42 PM ^

In my view, being a coward would have been saying nothing to management at all. Silence would have been cowardice. Proud of you for speaking up then and for sharing it here.

As you and other's have mentioned, confronting them directly could have resulted in a Dave Chapelle style "when keeping it real goes wrong." As Obi Wan says, "there are other ways to fight"


September 4th, 2022 at 4:00 PM ^

Don't. I've been that dude (and still am, my default reaction to threats is immediate escalation thanks to some traumas), but confrontation isn't generally the smartest move empirically. You're not going to talk sense into drunk racists at a bar. Especially a group of them.

The best thing to do in that case is film them and post that shit to the internet and let the reddit/twitter brigades do their work. An ass beating teaches a lesson, losing a job and respect in the community for years for being a racist shitbag in public teaches it better. The business that let it happen should get review bombed calling out the owners by name if they didn't shut that shit down immediately. I would have had a hard time not adding a few extra large ventilation holes to their vehicles' tires, personally.

Sure, your group might outnumber them or be larger or whatever, but all a brawl is going to do is make them feel more justified because they feel persecuted for being racist. If they were willing and capable of critical thinking, they wouldn't be yelling racial slurs in a bar.

You don't know if they had knives or brass knuckles or uzis or hiv or hep C or fucking monkeypox. You went home instead of to a hospital and woke up today without a new stab wound or a concussion. That's a victory.

If they're saying that shit out loud in public then it's likely that they're prepared for a fight. They're probably not prepared for losing their job and reputation and being relentlessly bullied/ostracized online and in person.

Hotel Putingrad

September 4th, 2022 at 7:56 PM ^

This is the correct answer. You can never be sure who has a weapon in public nowadays, so the most appropriate course of action is to film them, then post it on social media and tag the proprietor. 

The assholes will be unemployed within a day or two, and the business will suffer mightily from the negative attention.

Bo Harbaugh

September 4th, 2022 at 9:25 PM ^


Thanks all of you...was reliving it in my head most of the day thinking if I was a coward and part of the problem by not addressing it there, but realize now that wasn't the time or place, especially with how crazy folks are now.

I have a feeling they'll get theirs at some point when overheard by a bigger group of larger folk who don't put up with that


Perkis-Size Me

September 4th, 2022 at 3:08 PM ^

I’m always wary about confrontation in situations where alcohol is involved. For one, all your inhibitions and reasoning skills go out the window, and two, you have no idea who you’re dealing with. Do they have a gun? Are they carrying a knife? You just don’t know. 

My brother has a friend who’s younger brother got killed over a simple argument at a bar with a stranger. Everyone had been drinking, someone says something about someone else’s girlfriend, now everyone is stepping in and the situation is escalating exponentially, and then boom. Someone pulled a knife on the kid, stabbed him in the stomach. To my understanding, he died before the paramedics even had a chance to get there.

I’m not saying racist behavior should be tolerated, but confronting random, drunken strangers who are already acting belligerently usually is not a recipe for good things to happen. If you want to go over and tell them to stop, that’s fine. But when/if they get in your face, tell you to STFU, fight them, etc., just walk away. No matter how many times they call you a pussy, no matter how hard it is to do or if they start talking shit about your wife too. Pay your bill, talk to the manager about your experience, and leave. You never who know who the fuck you’re dealing with.

Your life is infinitely more important than your pride. I think your parents would rather you still be alive the next morning than having flowers sent to their home and preparing arrangements for your funeral.


September 4th, 2022 at 3:11 PM ^

In situations folks are extremely intoxicated it’s likely even more prudent to not confront. 

But…just don’t dip your toe in. If you confront someone like that, be prepared for violence and the repercussions of said violence. That is likely your litmus test on if you should intervene or not (even if you are 100% in the right). 


September 4th, 2022 at 3:16 PM ^

Anyone who knows me knows that I do not back away from arguments and have been in many of them for I am rather a confrontational person by nature, but in someone else's places of business, they are the moderator, if you will, and absolutely they should be the ones handling it.

That said, you inform management - bluntly and in no uncertain terms, even letting them know the language used - and then if it continues despite intervention or they simply do not address it, then leave and never come back - in the latter cases, silence is consent in such situations, IMHO, and I would never frequent an establishment that, by their behavior, tolerated such people. 

As for free speech, you have none (by the Constitutional definition of the term) when you are in someone else's place really, and that's fine. It is their rules and their right to toss you for anything which they deem out of bounds, much like this place, much like your home. In a bar or restaurant, it is their responsibility ultimately to maintain an inviting environment, and if they cannot do so or choose not to do so, then I would simply not invite myself. Well, knowing me, I'd probably say something that would get me tossed, just more in the dry wit, snarky with just a hint of vicious vein because I know me. 


September 4th, 2022 at 7:16 PM ^

The pub management should have addressed this once you (and probably others) reported it. What you permit you promote. 

Given the amount of societal anger and unrest, you really place your personal safety in jeopardy when men are liquored up and may be packing heat. 

I have used the Dikembe Mutumbo index finger wag, my palm raised in a stop position, or just an ugly stare down to get people’s attention that has worked somewhat. 

I would have no trouble going back to that establishment and talking about your experience to a manager. He/she and their staff need to do better. 



September 4th, 2022 at 3:26 PM ^

That's a tough one. When my wife and I moved to Ohio, we continued playing bar trivia, which is something we'd done in the Ann Arbor area for close to a decade. We started playing a weekly game at the bar closest to us. One week, as cold weather was bringing more people inside, there was some of that (no N-word, but a lot of anti-just about everything else) coming from a couple of teams. Saying something to our waitress just generated a "you're not from around here" look.

We probably should have quit that week, but we had amassed enough gift cards from the games that it seemed like a waste. The next week, the place was more crowded, a group playing pool in one area, smoking inside, much louder and more obnoxious, looking for confrontation. They seemed to be trying to "impress" the woman running the trivia, who was clearly uncomfortable and wasn't having any success talking to the person who appeared to be managing the restaurant.

So we stopped going, noticed online that the woman running that game apparently quit that week as well. By the time we decided to try other games elsewhere, COVID was starting to close bars. I'm pretty sure that one never reopened - it was in a strip mall that was already half-shuttered by 2019, but there's a lot of that kind of thing in this area (we're in Canton).

I don't think confrontation is the right approach. If you notice it, surely the bar management notices it. And if they don't proactively handle it, out of fear or simply not wanting to piss off the people who bring in their revenue, all you'll end up doing is putting yourself at risk. Best to walk away and not go back.


September 4th, 2022 at 3:26 PM ^

I was in the Bronx like 5 years ago and witnessed teenage kids of all races call everyone the N-word like it was no big deal. I was told that is normal in the Bronx. Go figure 


September 4th, 2022 at 3:33 PM ^

Every situation is different, but it sounds challenging to confront 4 - 5 drunk men. Here are some possible suggestions.

  • Possibly call police . . . if they can surreptitiously or in plain clothes observe and confirm the N-words, etc., they have the authority and ability to confront and call out the behavior.
  • The very word "confront" has connotations that are challenging, but not inherent. More specifically, in some contexts, you can politely "request" the N-bombs and speech change out of respect for children, or girlfriends, or wives, or the general environment. I have seen some contexts where this works.
  • Because of youtube and social media, to have a clear video and audio recording that is posted provides a strong dose of accountability and shame. I wouldn't be surprised if wives, children, girlfriends, and parents of this group of guys would be very unhappy at this behavior, and would quickly and severely call it out. If you have your boss, or girlfriend, or mom tell you how embarrassed and upset and disappointed they are, it can have a significant future affect on what is said.
  • Of course, like all businesses, the bar is there for the money. And they didn't say anything because they want ALL the possible customers, and all the possible money from these drunk guys. Letting the management know that you are leaving, and you're not ever coming back, helps them to understand that allowing this kind of behavior is ultimately going to hurt their bottom line. So many decisions are ultimately financial. If it is bad for business, they will stop this in the future.

The thing that is perhaps saddest is that even if this kind of behavior wasn't happening in public, it still would be happening internally. Not only do I not speak this way in public, I don't speak this way in private, and I don't "think" this way. And it is sad that there are many people who still do.


September 4th, 2022 at 4:11 PM ^

I hear what you're saying SRK, but not sure calling the cops is warranted here: 1) it's an escalation beyond what the situation merited. If it was your bar, sure, you might want some backup for when you kick them out. But as a fellow patron, that exceeds. 2) dropping N-bombs isn't against the law and overly taxes the police from performing their duties. If things started to look like violence was about to happen, sure, but sadly, being a racist isn't illegal


September 4th, 2022 at 3:34 PM ^

I'm a little woman who has the psyche of a large man. I will get in someone's face for acting badly but in today's world, there's just no knowing who may be armed or carrying some kind of weapon, or who would immediately resort to violence, which isn't going to solve this, and could land you in jail or the hospital. So I think what everyone else has said -- take it up with management -- is the smartest way to handle this. We don't want to be reading about you in the paper. 


September 4th, 2022 at 3:50 PM ^

Bo Harbaugh: Sorry to hear about that incident. Thanks for posting, though. I've seen lots of thoughtful, reasonable replies.

Leaving a smoking hole where the jackasses were sitting would have been ideal, but as many have noted you need to play the long game.

Bo Harbaugh

September 4th, 2022 at 4:06 PM ^

Thanks, it's obviously not the end of the world - we all have to deal with this type of stupid shit and we know that it can take just a few assholes to ruin it for the rest of us.

What sucks is second guessing yourself the next day and having Rambo fantasies about kicking their asses, but feeling shitty that I didn't do much besides complain to the management.

In retrospect, after reading all the replies, glad nothing escalated, but if this ever happened again, and management seemed incapable or unwilling of controlling the situation, I'd probably call the police to observe what was going on.  At the very least they probably would have been kicked out.


September 4th, 2022 at 4:02 PM ^

First Amendment free speech is not implicated unless the government is doing the restricting.  In your setting, I would find management (anonymously) and request they instruct them to settle down or leave.


September 4th, 2022 at 4:05 PM ^

My natural instinct would be to approach, as it had been in the past.  However, that is not the option to take unless you are faced with the "fight or flee" choice.  Too many folks with concealed handguns today and too many of those may be all too willing to show you just how tough they are.  You made the right choice.


September 4th, 2022 at 4:05 PM ^

My natural instinct would be to approach, as it had been in the past.  However, that is not the option to take unless you are faced with the "fight or flee" choice.  Too many folks with concealed handguns today and too many of those may be all too willing to show you just how tough they are.  You made the right choice.

Blue Dispatch

September 4th, 2022 at 4:07 PM ^

You did the sensible thing, just leave and find a better atmosphere. 

Those people were looking for confrontation. To engage them is not a good idea especially these days.

Glad you found a nicer venue. 


September 4th, 2022 at 4:22 PM ^

I would let management know and if they failed to do anything, I would leave. I would post something about this on several of the apps sites for restaurant ratings. If I was with a bunch of my big college friends back in the day, we would definitely confront this group.


September 4th, 2022 at 4:27 PM ^

In situations such as this, it is sometimes wise to ask the question "What would The Hound do?"

Tell them talkers make you thirsty then finish their drinks. Flip the table then best them in combat. Once that is done, finally, you eat all of their chicken.

True Blue Grit

September 4th, 2022 at 4:47 PM ^

I don't know what type of bar you were in but honestly, some places are just shitholes.  And they're shitholes because they either don't discourage behavior from customers like that or simply have low standards of customer service.  From your description of how long it went on, the place is a shithole.  I just wouldn't go back and would probably post a negative review online.  (which they probably never read)


September 4th, 2022 at 5:00 PM ^

confronting a group of angry drunks is never a good idea

this is why most places have bouncers, unfortunately that place didn't have any it sounds like

you made the right choice - complain to the management then move.




September 4th, 2022 at 5:10 PM ^

This is not a difficult decision in this day and age at all. They were drunk, and someone very likely was carrying (at least a knife but a nonzero chance of a gun). To confront in this situation would be ridiculous. Confrontation would perhaps lead to a hospital visit or worse.

Best to leave, despite the perceived shot to your manhood. Remove yourself from the situation and complain to the manager.


September 4th, 2022 at 5:33 PM ^

I appreciate that you said something to the management and left. It is their responsibility to make sure all their patrons are happy and comfortable. I would also leave a review on Google and any other rating site and call out the bar for not dealing with it. That said, it goes without saying to be careful AF in bars and other situations with belligerent, racist drunks. 


September 4th, 2022 at 6:58 PM ^

In public, tell the manager. If the situation is not addressed, take your business elsewhere.  At sporting events, tell security if it is overly abusive like the situation described. I would trust professionals to handle the issue, as they are usually more trained and have more authority.


September 4th, 2022 at 7:23 PM ^

What’s the downside to calling the cops?  They are creating a dangerous situation because if you don’t confront them, someone else (even management) might and then things could turn ugly. 

Bo Harbaugh

September 4th, 2022 at 8:11 PM ^

It's a sports bar on US1 near the University of Miami.  They have like 20 or so TVs and I've been there at least 5 times and never had any issues. The usual angry F bombs or groans of fans have been the worst I've experienced there - ie, usual sports bar banter and antics.

Yesterday was something I've never experienced in a bar, restaurant, school, public place, etc except maybe at an actual stadium where some folks say some crazy shit and think it will just be drowned out by the size of the crowd.

The situation was awkward because these guys were at their own table yelling disgusting things, but not really bothering others directly - Just acting like they were entitled to say these things.

That's where the whole indecision came in, because it's not like they were in our faces or even that close to any other table - but at the same time I'm certain everyone could hear them as some of the other tables had folks with the wtf look on their faces.

That said, had I approached or confronted them, I would have been walking over towards their table which was a good 30 to 40 feet from where we were seated.

Colt Burgess

September 4th, 2022 at 8:44 PM ^

Confronting them would not have changed their minds/hearts/behavior. But it could have gotten you beat up/knifed/shot. You can't change everyone. People change when they want to. Nor is it your responsibility to police the bar for the other patrons. Many times I've wanted to be like Jason Statham, but then I remember that he's playing a role in a movie.  


September 4th, 2022 at 9:39 PM ^

Have actually been in a somewhat similar situation on several occasions: alone, with my wife, and once with my younger son. On each occasion, I quietly asked my server to pack up my/our meals and we left after settling the tab and telling the manager that we would not return and why.

The next day, I called the owner, explained what happened and the need to train his staff to control the environment better. These steps are what I urge you and our fellow MGBloggers to do, if at all possible. You may be willing to let it go but if other patrons decide to act and confront, violence can erupt and spread to the entire room/setting.

Avoid confronting. Leave. Reading the above posts, I'm happy to see same/similar suggestions to leave.

Am I a coward? I don't think so. Neither are you. For myself? I am just trying to avoid an uncontrolled, drunken, potentially volatile, unpredictable setting. Do everything possible to stay safe.

Full disclosure: family is licensed to carry concealed and trained to do everything possible to avoid having to use deadly force. Retreat, do not respond in any way unless one is sure of imminent, inescapable personal harm.

I'll let the lawyers chime in, should they choose ...

Colt Burgess

September 4th, 2022 at 9:59 PM ^

I'm sure those guys were quite happy that there were people who were offended and were hoping that someone would confront them. No doubt they were emboldened and will do it again. Someday they may choose the wrong place and the wrong crowd to provoke, although I doubt they'll do so knowingly. Their type likes to pick fights when they believe they have a decided advantage. 

The Mayor

September 4th, 2022 at 10:00 PM ^

Sounds like to me you handled it the proper way… Not sure confrontation is ever the option in this case especially if alcohol is involved. Now if it is in a conversation with a coworker or someone else where you can have a serious conversation and educate someone exhibiting this behavior you have to address it or you will be or run the risk of guilt or complicit by association. I have absolutely zero time for this behavior. TBH the management should have tossed those clowns… SMH