Moderator Action Sticky 2019-c.1

Submitted by Seth on December 10th, 2019 at 4:46 PM

Locked. New thread is here:

Someone broke my other one. 




WHAT IS THE APPEAL PROCESS? Post here (start a new account if you were banned).

Don't comment in this thread unless you have to: If you leave an irrelevant comment in this thread it will be deleted.

Hall of Stickies Past: For those who love to get lost in the meta. The first, the second, the third. the fourth. The fifth. The sixth. The seventh. The eighth. The ninth. The tenth.

901 P

March 11th, 2020 at 10:40 PM ^

ijohnb is posting all kinds of ludicrous assertions about corona virus. Not sure if that's cause for a ban, but I hope so. 


March 13th, 2020 at 12:01 PM ^

There is an entire rest of the internet to learn about guns if you're so inclined. Also, posting a new thread about a deleted thread isn't helping.


March 13th, 2020 at 1:37 PM ^

Hi Ace,

Firstly, glad to hear you're doing better and also appreciate the content you add to this site.

I've noticed the past few years that discussions on this board can get pretty gruesome and inflammatory - especially when anything controversial is involved (such as the 2nd amendment).  However, this is also a useful resource (particularly during OT season) for discussing all sporting concerns as well as useful/interesting life tidbits.  Regardless of anyone's personal opinion, firearms (and other forms of personal arms and shooting sport) qualify for both.  Now I have never created any threads about guns (at least that I can recall), but I have contributed to some of the discussions and occasionally learned some interesting facts/advice.  There can be value to these threads and, with a little discreet pruning, any toxic tangents can be avoided.  And there is precedent for this type of (useful) discussion on MGoBlog:

There is also at least one UM-affiliated shooting sports group (maybe more, I didn't check that deeply) that could be relevant to such discussions:

Anyway... I'm not here to cause trouble, but there seems to be a fair number of regular posters (read: not trolls or nut job types) who would not mind having these discussions here - especially since it doesn't appear there will be much "actual sports" news for a little while.  At least let the topic germinate a bit to see where the discussion goes, perhaps?

Just my $0.02. 


March 13th, 2020 at 9:25 PM ^

As in this site covers Michigan sports and On Topic usually extends as far as metro-Detroit sports and other college sports, especially rivals. In the offseason we are more lenient but what shotgun to buy isn't anywhere close.


March 13th, 2020 at 11:25 PM ^

We also have near-weekly threads about what cars to purchase (and other useful minutia), cord cutting, movie and TV series of note, etc.  All usually marked as OT, as was the shotgun thread that started this most recent issue.  I'm not sure if anyone declared it OT season yet (although the abrupt end of all active sporting seasons, at all levels, would suggest this is de facto if not de jure), but there have already been numerous OT threads since Jan 1 already.

Again, I'm not really defending the OP (I have no interest in debating shotgun qualities), but the discussion within that OP was interesting and well participated by the board (while it was still up, that is).  It just seems to me that a double standard was applied because of the "guns" topic, which seems a bit arbitrary given the other context of OT threads (really... we even had a thread a few seasons ago about dog anal glands... and the running joke it spawned is still with us).


March 13th, 2020 at 12:45 PM ^


In these extraordinary circumstances we take seriously the role a forum of this size can play in the spread of information. If we come across people putting out particularly bad information we're going to issue immediate bans, both because of the danger of misinformation, and because it gets the rest of the board so lit that the threads devolve into flame wars.

Some resources:


State of Michigan updates:,9753,7-406-98163-521557--,00.html

Helen Branswell, senior writer on infectious diseases for stat news:


March 13th, 2020 at 9:23 PM ^

Patterson, DPJ, and McKeon holding own pro day independent of UM.

Newsworthy but the OP's editorializing wasn't so I changed the content to the link.


March 22nd, 2020 at 3:16 PM ^

The message board on this website has become infested with idiots spouting complete nonsense and insane conspiracy theories. 

Also, your method for bans no longer works. That imbecile Western_ is still around spreading bullshit and lies, and so is goblue85, whose entire existence revolves around emotional outbursts about Michigan athletics akin to a 2-year-old crying because he dropped his sippy cup.


March 23rd, 2020 at 10:05 PM ^

I'd like to start a new post seeking history book recommendations (non-sports) related to the University or Ann Arbor in general but do not have the points to start a new thread.  Can anyone help a bored, stuck at home fella out? 


March 24th, 2020 at 4:00 PM ^

Are you fucking kidding me? "China Virus" is absolutely racist! Stop playing the victim here--you're using it to associate COVID-19 with an ethnicity, and don't try to pretend otherwise. Maybe stop worrying about being the victim of a word and think for a second about how the words you use affect others.


March 25th, 2020 at 12:24 PM ^

This is an asinine take. The Chinese state run media called it the Wuhan virus until they realized that they wouldn’t be able to control the narrative with that.

Tell me Seth, is the Chinese media racist towards Chinese people?
And why shouldn’t we be holding them accountable for their despicable attempts to cover this up?

Out of curiosity, was the Spanish flu racist? London flu? It’s hardly a new precedent to name epidemics after the place they originated or are especially prevalent at. 

Like usual, the fringe, far left wants to make stuff that is not remotely about race (holding a corrupt government accountable) be about race. Just a couple months ago during the Honk Kong protests *everyone* was in agreement about how horrible China was. Now? It’s apparently racist to call them out on this. Just comical.


March 24th, 2020 at 2:19 PM ^

Really love what you've done with the message board. Politics, religion, conspiracy theories, vaccinations, name calling all in one place. If only there were other sites that offered discussion of these topics.

throw it deep

March 25th, 2020 at 12:36 PM ^

The board has been a nightmare recently because the vast majority of posters now exclusively talk politics. There needs to be an immediate and harsh crackdown on politics posters if you want to save this board.  


For example, this user hasn't posted about anything other than politics in any post I've seen from him.  Worse yet, he's advocating for inane policies like "let's just give people free money." He should be banned and everybody that has played into his political trolling should be banned as well.


March 24th, 2020 at 3:16 PM ^

Liberty University ignoring social distancing, reopening

Headline misleading--they're opening the dorms back up again--and too OT to bother fixing.


March 24th, 2020 at 3:24 PM ^

Misleading, or lying. Religious bigotry is religious bigotry. Thanks for deleting that.

One could argue that keeping college kids in college away from their elderly parents is a positive step towards lowering the fatality rate. But WD saw an opportunity to take a shot at Jerry Falwell. Hurr hurr.

Shop Smart Sho…

March 27th, 2020 at 6:06 PM ^

I'm not.
He is not a religious leader. His brother runs the church.
He is not a politician.
He is a businessman who uses his wealth and family fame to promote money-making enterprises and his chosen political beliefs. I fail to see what in that description prevents him from being mocked and insulted.

Mineral King

March 25th, 2020 at 1:58 PM ^

1. Nothing political at all there. I stated facts directly related to OP. I can’t help if those got your dander up.

2. I have received countless threats and personal attacks just for saying I support our Government and stating facts that are positive for our country. NONE of those people have been banned.