
August 11th, 2018 at 10:44 AM ^

Just don't make this one day story a two day story. Coaches better not have known and covered it up. Follow UNC's standard or 2-4 game suspensions if needed. 


August 11th, 2018 at 11:36 AM ^

So I guess players sign user agreements for these shoes, so the shoes aren’t even owned by them.  The players are supposed to be responsible for them. Hope the investigation. Wraps up quickly and we can move on either way. 

B1G Winning

August 11th, 2018 at 1:41 PM ^

Reading the article, it makes you wonder why programs weren't more proactive in trying to hinder the resale of the shoes after the initial Oregon suspensions when everyone realized that these sneakers have insane value in the resale market.

I like the idea of stitching the player's # and initials (or something similar) on the heel of the shoes to try and knock down the resale value and to make it harder to sell the shoes under the condition of anonymity. 

I know that it says that the athletes signed a form acknowledging the fact that selling the shoes could hurt eligibility; but I can see where some people would be willing to take that risk if they thought that there was a chance to sell the shoes anonymously through a 3rd party based in a state 500 miles away. Especially when you're talking about 4 stacks for a single pair of shoes.


August 11th, 2018 at 2:29 PM ^

This really blows. I was actually super excited for the game @ND and the season as a whole. Still am of course but this dampens the mood. Hopefully this doesn’t take more than a few days to figure out. But I have a sinking feeling we’ll be at least a few starters light in South Bend. 


August 11th, 2018 at 3:20 PM ^

One listing says, "These shoes were only made available to players on the Michigan Football team. Out of respect of the player, any area that indicates their number has been hidden. These spots have the player's number on it in marker. The buyer of the shoes will be able to see the number when they receive them. I did not want to tamper with the shoes and try to clean it off."


August 11th, 2018 at 3:30 PM ^

It is possible or its from a transfer that doesn't want his name out there. Either way, it seems like all of his shoes that are being sold are from the same player. all of the Michigan exclusives have a 12.5 size shoe and they're different types of shoes. logically id assume its from a transfer who wanted to sell all of them. Who knows though, hopefully this investigation is over by tomorrow

Bill Bafferty

August 11th, 2018 at 10:08 PM ^

Man, after reading RCMB it sounds like Harbaugh will be fired by weeks end and the Death Penalty will be imposed. It's nice that a school that condones gang rapes is taking the moral high ground on this one. 

dipshit moron

August 12th, 2018 at 10:57 PM ^

all you 20 year old pussies are going to look really stupid when nothing comes from all this. transfers and players that have left the program are the ones who sold these shoes, because its the only thing that makes  sense. calm the fuck down. its not a coverup or some big shoe  selling ring.


August 12th, 2018 at 8:32 AM ^

If we make it out of this only 2-3 starters down I’ll consider it a massive success. I just have a really hard time believing absolutely no important players sold them. I’m just surprised how quiet things are on this. The only news is from “sneaker heads” on twitter who claim they know people and have receipts. Not a single valid source has said a thing.