MGoTWIS: Double Dutch Sunday Edition

Submitted by UMProud on

What a glorious weekend!

On to the schadenfreude....


Fighting Illinis

Rumor has it we're a big rival to Illini fans but saw little evidence of this thinking.  Hate intensity is low as most of us forgot there was more than one CFB team in Illinois.

We are going to die

I'll be cheering hard for any Illini first down and any time Michigan punts.

Gotta be honest. Those Michigan Jordan uniforms are absolutely sick. Amazing how they modernized them without changing anything.

Only 53 minutes left.....

They go in motion and we have no idea what our assignments are. Scum is good and we are not.

Harbaugh challenged a spot up 33 with 2 minutes left. It was a d bag move completely.

So, fun with numbers... We're looking at an 84 point/ ~800 total yard day. This could be fun in some sense.




*77 pages of gold

The only thing sweeter than a Sparty loss is a consecutive Sparty loss which makes this one #5 (worst since 1991)

I can't believe I'm subjecting myself to this again. Soon as it gets unwatchable, it's Cubs-Dodgers for me.

Who's Maryland's DC? He's probably feeling pretty relaxed today.

The announcer seemed surprised that the Maryland kicker didn't get it to the end zone....Welcome to our world, guy.

This team is full of lazy idiots.

3rd and 9 - 3 and out - get used to it

Lewerke gonna get killed next week

My god, even our postgame show is awful. I've listened for about a half hour and heard about 2 minutes of content.

Yup, I'd have to say the is the worst MSU team I've ever seen.

Dantonio did you really call a TO? Have you become a sore loser? Take the loss like a man.

They're celebrating like they just beat someone good. Jokes on you, Maryland!

Dantonio looks shellshocked, lost, broken, and also really fucking pissed. Yikes. 13th in the league ahead of only Rutgers, for now...

Truly unacceptable, inexcusable, and simply pathetic.

Bring out the couches

Would Hoke have MSU more competetive?

Fire everyone. Fuck it at this point.

I can't watch next week. I just can't. It will traumatize me.

Turn to the Cubs game - they score more

Game. Fifth straight loss....against Maryland.

Dantonio is completely lost. He has no answers. He should think about forfeiting the rest of the season.

The bottom has yet to be reached this season. They play Rutgers yet.

The commentator for BTN is more aware of what Maryland is going to call than our coaching staff



This game was mezmerizing and the upset feel was palpable in the fourth quarter.  OSU let PSU hang around and paid the price.  This game saved Franklin's job and was enjoyed by Michigan fans everywhere.

I doubt we can beat TTUN at this rate.. this offense sucks and coaches - I have no idea what game they are calling.

We're not who we thought we were. Our offensive line lost/their defensive line won this game.

seasons over.

This team is going to get smoked by Michigan. Michigan's D Line is better than Penn State's. It's going to be ugly too.

We are so boned against michigan

Well going to suck dealing with the sec fans tomorrow

Great, gonna lose to Child Molester U.


This offense is so fucking bad holy shit

Omg I'm going to be sick.

James franklin takes down urban Meyer.  Never thought I would say that

offensive line is horrible.  prince is getting smoked every play.  no way is this a top 10 team

Wow. Just wow. At an alumni bar and it's dead silent


This team has no heart anymore. The used it all at Wisconsin.


Urban meyer should be fired

TTUN killed this PSU team.... I mean rolled over them.... and this PSU team is looking like #5 team in the country against us

guys, PSU is not a good team in any area.. we just aren't that good... with this offense, we can't compete against the elite teams.... TTUN is watching this game and chopping at their chance in 1 mo....

LOL #2 team can't stop unranked shit hole penn state.

Northwestern is going to whoop our ass next week

We're gonna win this game by two touchdowns and you guys will be talking about how great Meyer is in three weeks.

Just take this game, Penn state. We really didn't need it anyway.


Michigan beats this team by at least 60 points

We make Penn State look pretty good.

Urban is no longer a top 3 coach.

we are crapping our pants

Peppers will make McMillan his bitch and leave him with the clap

Love watching 2-3 stars out play our 4-5 stars.



October 23rd, 2016 at 2:17 PM ^

"They're celebrating like they just beat someone good. Jokes on you, Maryland!"

I realize he's taking a dig at his own team but still....did he not watch his own players constantly talk shit and celebrate plays while being up only 6 points on mighty Furman?

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October 23rd, 2016 at 3:08 PM ^

The sad thing is how often I found myself saying something similar during the RR/Hoke years.  Sure enough, every time a mediocre team beat us, they'd jump around and rush the field as if they had beaten the '97 team.  "We're going 5-7 this year, why are you so excited?!" I would ask my television.


October 23rd, 2016 at 3:09 PM ^

do this at Michigan a few years ago?  Beating someone up when they are unconscious does not make you elite.  This year is so sweet so far.  Last year they were as close to elite as they are likely to ever get, and they got smoked 38 - 0.  All the talk, all the pre-season 'predictions,' thinking they had turned the corner and had us in the rear-view mirror - only to look up and see Harbaugh coming up on their Yugo school at a hundred miles an hour in a Freightliner.


October 23rd, 2016 at 2:18 PM ^

Dantonio did you really call a TO? Have you become a sore loser? Take the loss like a man.

I assume this was made during the weird moment when Dantonio used his last TO to ice the victory formation Maryland was in. I will say, however, that this seemed like something a jilted Dantonio might do. The look on his face as time expired was incredible....and hilarious to me anyway. 

Good work on these threads. Always fun to read someone else's pain in sports because sports. 



October 23rd, 2016 at 2:31 PM ^

Dantonio doesn't have to be jilted to pull a dick move like that. A couple years ago when they were playing OSU at the shoe and Joey Bauserman was at QB, Dantonio wasn't satisfied to win 10-0. Instead of letting the clock run out, he wanted to try and score again so he called a timeout before an OSU 3rd down. They converted and OSU went on to score and was just a fingertip away from recovering the onside kick that would have tied the game.

The man doesn't have to be jilted to be a dick. He's also a dick when he's greedy. Dickishness just comes easier to some folks.

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October 23rd, 2016 at 2:25 PM ^

MSU and OSU fans both want the head coaches fired.

Yup, I'd have to say the is the worst MSU team I've ever seen. 

New to MSU football?

Michigan beats this team by at least 60 points

Yes, please yes


October 23rd, 2016 at 3:12 PM ^

I'd like to say I'm surprised to hear OSU fans actually believe firing Meyer is anything other than laughable (I guess they're still waiting for a coach that will go undefeated every single season and win every game by 100 points?)  But living in OH, I actually run into fans like this all the time.  

Everyone here hated Tressel.  They thought he was awful -- until he got caught cheating and then he became a hero and a legend.  But at the time he was coaching, they were frustrated with him all the time.


October 23rd, 2016 at 3:35 PM ^

They have their best run in basically the history of their program and all of a sudden they are the most entitle fans in CFB.

They think just because they've put together a few good seasons in a row they can just expect 10 wins a season. Some are calling for Dantonio to be fired! Their best coach in their history!

At least when we were in the hoke/RR years we still had the balls to talk shit.


October 23rd, 2016 at 4:02 PM ^

a) It's silly talk

b) For OSU, it's really silly talk.

c) If Meyer became available, Texas, Notre Dame, USC, and several other schools would send semi-trucks worth of cash to Columbus

d) The interesting year for Dantonio will be next year.  Another year like this and we may see him retire.  He seems tired.

e) I do wonder whether Meyer is growing weary of the "have to be perfect" expectations.



October 23rd, 2016 at 9:34 PM ^

I expect increasing frustration for Dantonio. UM and OSU are entrenched ahead of him, PSU appears to have turned a corner and is ready to resume its status as a perennial national power. I think Durkin has a great opportunity in MD. They are the only power school in the state. (Navy doesn't really recruit locally for players).They compete with VA and VT as the local school for DC. If Durkin keeps the majority of local kids and recruits the natural areas of PA and VA well, he can turn MD into a national power. MSU may soon be the B1G East's number 5 school, competing with Indiana.


October 23rd, 2016 at 10:03 PM ^

I don't know what version of Penn State you have been watching, but they have a long way to go to be back to being a national power. They've got a long way to go just to be a top 25 team. Just because they upset OSU last night doesn't mean they're about to be some national power. James Franklin is not a good coach. You need a good coach and lots of depth to be a national power team, both things that Penn State does not have. 


October 24th, 2016 at 12:55 AM ^

They probably are a fringe Top 25 team, looked pretty good against Maryland. 


PSU also is recruiting very, very well for this 2017 cycle. I don't think they are anywhere close to being a perennial national contender as the initial poster said, but they look to be headed towards "most of the time in the lower end of the Top 25 status" which certainly can threaten a program like MSU. 


October 23rd, 2016 at 4:35 PM ^

I would love to find the old mouthy Ohio State fan that was talking crap last week at the IU game and laugh in his face, hysterically! He's probably the jackass asking for Urban to be fired, crusty old bastard..

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