Meta: Viewing MGoBlog at Work

Submitted by Bo_Knows on

Quick question:  What is the MGoCommunity's go to method for covertly reading MGoBlog content during the workday?  I like to take a 10 minute break every day to view the blog and catch up, but...

My situation:

  • In an office/cube environment, with medium-heavy traffic behind me without a privacy screen.
  • Can't spend too much time on the phone to read via the iOS app.
  • Having MGoBlog up with all of its beautiful maize and blue, Har-BAUGH banner, and images draws too much attention.

Should we fundraise for a "panic" button which minimizes the window?  

Is there a plain-text/monochrome/generic version of the site I could utilize during the work day (but doesn't deprive the MGoStaff of ad revenue?


September 10th, 2015 at 10:29 AM ^


Should we fundraise for a "panic" button which minimizes the window?

Uh, like the...minimize button?

Sorry, sorry.  Had to snark.  Alt+tab is your friend though.


September 10th, 2015 at 12:52 PM ^

Outlook actually has a built-in RSS feed reader.  Add the mgoblog feed and then you can read it within Outlook, no browser required.  If someone walks too close, you can just click over to the Mail pane - much more discreet than minimizing or alt-tabbing away from your browser.

Wolverine fan …

September 10th, 2015 at 10:44 AM ^

Alt+Tab, minimize, and additional browser tabs all work well.

My personal strategy is to resize the browser window to about the size of Outlook's main content pane (where email content is seen) and scroll through threads that way. It almost looks like a long, colorful email to an unassuming co-worker. The only things that draw attention are gifs and other pictures. This way you can also just click off the Mgoblog screen onto Outlook if someone (your boss?) stops by.


September 10th, 2015 at 10:46 AM ^

I just have the page open on the right side of one of my screens that is tilted away from the traffic a bit. Boss doesn't really care as long as work gets done but going half screen leaves mostly just the text.


UFR's get the whole page treatment though... 


September 10th, 2015 at 10:49 AM ^

I've been known to copy paste into a notepad file for covert viewing sometimes. Works great for text heavy things like pressers, not so great for picture pages.

Michigan Eaglet

September 10th, 2015 at 11:27 AM ^

I didn't see anyone else post this, but depening on the work environment, you can use the website Timesify to turn any paget to look like you're reading an article in the New York Times. I haven't ever needed to use it but I'm sure it could help some people and it would make you possibly look more proper in the office. They even give you a one or two sentence summary of what happened in the headline they use so you can respond if someone asks what's in the "article" you're reading. Just follow the instructions to save it as a bookmark and then click the bookmark while on the page and it does the rest.



September 10th, 2015 at 11:42 AM ^

iPhone checks 3 times a day. Morning, lunch, and a mid-day snack. Now that we have actual in-season info and not OT, rumors, general nonsense, I feel much more at ease with my MGoBlog obsession.


September 10th, 2015 at 12:10 PM ^

I've just become really good at using peripheral vision and smoothly alt+tabbing to my Outlook when co-worker walks by.  I'm sure they sometime catch me but I dont care, they do the same thing with whatever shit they're reading when not working.