META: MGoStaff's antagonist twitter behavior

Submitted by Lupe Fiasco on January 19th, 2020 at 5:26 PM

What is going in here, the official @Mgoblog account has tweet out that Ant Wright is a "petty, small motherfucker" for being critical of Ace's behaviour towards people on twitter

Ace is known for his being very active and his constant high horsevtowards those he interacts with, along with attacking people with slightly different views. Just today he has spent a ton of time blocking hundreds of people for following Ant Wright or oikinh any of his tweets. Including many of those who donated to his GoFundMe and never said a bad word to him, leaving a bad taste for those that supported him when he needed it.

Ace is now threatening a lawsuit against Ant Wright for cyberbullying because Ant has said his behaviour is uncalled for and he's being a dick

The entire MGOStaff needs to step away from the platform for the day, and evaluate how they should represent the blog in the future. Just not a good look for the business

Michigan Arrogance

January 19th, 2020 at 7:53 PM ^

 Large amounts of the money was spent elsewhere.  

This is unsubstantidated and quite frankly a rotten thing to perpetuate. If you're referring to audio equip, that's his job and a main source on income AFAIK. 

You also skipped the part where he blocked contributors for no apparent reason.  That happened. 

Wo fucking cares who he blocks and why would anyone feel entitled to being allowed to follow the guy?


January 19th, 2020 at 8:53 PM ^

Full disclosure...

I did not donate to his cause

I have been in this site a long time

I unfollowed him on Twitter because I was tired of his political BS

If individuals did donate to help him, and then he treated them like shit and blocked them, that’s a dick move and F him. 

Go Blue 


January 20th, 2020 at 12:56 AM ^

Do people think him blocking them is him treating them like shit? Like, do people think that's one and the same? Or was he actually treating someone like shit, as in cyberbullying people?  That's a dick move, regardless of whether someone donated to him.


January 19th, 2020 at 7:37 PM ^

I was one of them.  In fact I was the largest single donor to his go-fund-me.

I don't care if what he spent the money on. And I'm not going to debate the legitimacy of the disease because I don't know enough about it.

My issue with Ace is that he never said thank you.  Not publically on the site nor privately-nothing whatsoever.  That bothers me to this day and it made me feel like he thought it was somehow "owed" to him.

I won't do it again.  Trust me.


January 20th, 2020 at 1:03 AM ^

Don’t start bitching because he said something against your forum buddy.  Maybe Use your folk wisdom to explain why it’s ok to announce Ace is trash and faking an illness because old Donnie didn’t get a personal thank you for his donation.  I actually understand being mad about not getting thanked, but that doesn’t license his behavior.


January 20th, 2020 at 12:54 PM ^

"Different values I guess."  Yeah, that's right.  Poor old mGrowOld.  The last defender of true virtue.  The last man raised the right way.   A Don Quixote of our time.

Hey mGrowOld, which part of the values you were raised with says it's ok to publically call someone a fraud and garbage because they didn't thank you for a gift?  Is that how you were raised?  That's an honest question.  Suppose you gave little Jimmie part of your sandwich at school lunch because his folks sometimes forget to pack his, and he didn't say thank you.  So then you tell your friends that he's trash and that he's faking, he actually does have a lunch everyday.  You have no reason to think he's faking, but you say it anyway.  What do you think your parents would say about that?  Do you think they'd say, "Well, he didn't thank you, so you can call him a fraud and whatever you want about him"?  Is that how you were raised?  

I don't think it is.  I think you messed up; I think Ace messed up too since he could at least send a form e-mail to every donor.  But I can't stand your fucking attitude.  I can't stand the fake modestly of saying, "different values I and Ace see the world differently" when we all know you mean you've got the right values and you see the world the right way.  I can't stand the hypocrisy that permeates every one of your posts here about Ace and the whole $1000 you gave.  I can almost gag on the stench of it.   You're not an asshole because you're mad Ace didn't say thank you.  I could even forgive saying hurtful and false stuff as a result.  But I can't stand that you think  you're somehow better than him.  That you're the persecuted saint.   


Bando Calrissian

January 19th, 2020 at 8:35 PM ^

Going on a message board to brag about how you gave Ace the most money, and then pairing that with an unfounded accusation that he never adequately thanked you, and contributing to the general pile-on on a guy with a chronic illness seemingly rooted in a Yoder conspiracy theory is... different.

You, as always, are making it about you. Ace just wants to get better so he can go back to work. So he bought some podcasting equipment. You've turned it into a referendum on whether or not he sufficiently stroked your ego.

I'm finished. This thread is emblematic of how far gone this place has become. And it's because of posters like you, sorry to say. I'm done. Bye.


January 19th, 2020 at 8:52 PM ^

You're amazing.  

Do you have children?  If so im wondering if you would think posting on their Facebook page in October "hey thanks to everyone who gave me a Christmas present last year" would count as a thank you note.  Sadly I think the answer would be yes and you'd be mad at any relative thinking otherwise.

You and Ace come from a massively entitled viewpoint I simply do not share.  I don't think others owe me a thing and any gift I receive (even from you Bando) would be acknowledged.

Btw I would love to know how much you gave to him.

Sparty Doesn't Know

January 19th, 2020 at 9:32 PM ^

I love how this Bando clown keeps citing all of the times Ace said thank you, yet can't provide any actual examples.

"There was a tweet this one time, or a podcast too, or a, umm, well fuck you anyway MGrowOld, nobody says thank you anymore, we demand free college"


January 20th, 2020 at 1:25 PM ^

He literally posted links.

Don't care about your views about this, but c'mon man. The link is right above, saying "he can't provide any actual examples" when he literally did that about 4 posts above you is incredibly disingenuous.

Michigan Arrogance

January 19th, 2020 at 9:56 PM ^

that's not all a fair situation to compare to, IMO

This is more like a HBD announcement on FB or something. Several dozen friends send a FB post/note saying HBD. So you post a single thank you at the end of the day or the next day.

He probably received 100s to maybe a couple thousand donations. Should he send a personal note to all of them? Is there a statute of limitations on the TYs? What's the socially acceptable time horizon to reply to every one?

IDK man, you should be happy that you donated to a person who needed help, directly received it, seems to be on the road to recovery. Expecting a personalized thanks from a gofundme seems a bitt too close to donating with strings attached, to me anyway. I'd let that roll off my back with no hard feelings. But considering you apparently donated a lot of dough, I guess you were expecting some specific acknowledgement. Seems like an ego thing to me, especially given the "Btw I would love to know how much you gave to him." line you had to throw in this comment.





January 19th, 2020 at 10:32 PM ^

A better comparison would be when people graduate form high school or college or when they get married.  When hundreds of people give you cash and gifts, you usually do write a thank you card to each of them. 

Comparing writing happy birthday on someone Facebook to giving them cash to help them out is an awful comparison.


When I graduated I hand wrote thank yous to every single person.  I have had dozens of friends write thank yous for wedding gifts.  To suggest that's expecting too much is disgusting to me.


January 19th, 2020 at 11:16 PM ^

As soon as he purchased all that equipment to start doing his podcasts, he could have done one specifically thanking each and every person.

When you want to find a way to thank someone, you will find a way.  Saying it isn't necessary or too much work is just a reflection of character.


January 20th, 2020 at 8:08 AM ^

I have a friend who deals with terrible migraines and hasn't been able to work for a while. Someone started a GoFundMe for her. Several hundred people donated and guess what. She found the time to send a thank you card in the mail to everyone. That tells me how much the money meant to her. 


January 19th, 2020 at 10:49 PM ^

I get it, you can't thank everyone personally from a GoFundMe, but maybe your top donors you could call out, assuming he didn't. I see both sides, but I do think, especially given the generous response to the campaign, you should be almost obnoxiously thankful. I really think if he was more vocal about being thankful, not just yeah he tweeted it here and mentioned it there, no individual would feel slighted by it.

Blue and Joe

January 20th, 2020 at 9:36 AM ^

You are the "entitled" person in this conversation. I went and looked back at his tweets on the day the GoFundMe went up and, as expected, he was incredibly thankful. You're either blind or you feel entitled to some special message just for you. If that's why you donated, for the recognition, you might want to evaluate things.


January 19th, 2020 at 9:28 PM ^

Brando I absolutely never agree with you. I say that to say this. I absolutely agree with you here. As far as mgrowold goes everything in his life revolves around him. When he let his season tickets go it was all about HIS viewpoint, HIS opinions(which are the only right ones) and how HIS money was the only way to get the athletic department to see everything HIS way(mind you the only right way if you ask him). When he dropped his Browns season tickets he made sure to make that known on this blog. Like anyone cares about the Browns or his season tickets. But when he did it he had to make it known that it was HIS money and how it affected the Browns. 

Now we have another situation where he’s discussing HIS money. It’s an ego thing and he wants to make sure everyone knows he gave the most. I doubt he gave it out of the goodness of his heart. Sounds like he did it to be acknowledged and to show everyone how much money he has to throw around. And now he’s upset because he was never acknowledged personally, since that’s basically the only reason he gave. He needs people to aknowledge his made up superiority. He was a better recruiter in the 90s, he believes he has more money than everyone here, and his opinion matters more because he has money to make his opinion matter as he clearly points out as often as possible. 


January 19th, 2020 at 10:21 PM ^

Nice rant.  Except I didn't give up my Browns season tickets.  I said I would in 2021 if things don't improve.

You don't read what I write very carefully and then form strong opinions about me based on incorrect assumptions.

That's fine.  I'm sure you and Bando will more than make up for my absence giving-wise next time Ace needs money.  


January 19th, 2020 at 11:33 PM ^

I mean, if Don here is indeed MGrowold, this should be the end of it. Gotta love people throwing substance free shade with no hard evidence to back up their bullshit claims, then trying to turn themselves into victims.


January 19th, 2020 at 10:34 PM ^

Calling Ace a fraud and talking mystery disease triggers. I’m sure you feel great about your life. I know this is what I do with my time. Donate money to someone for recognition and then call them frauds and say they have mystery disease triggers. Oh wait that’s you.

Btw you have a thousand dollars it seems. I’m sure someone important is reading this, let Ace know if he needs a thousand more dollars Bando doesn’t need to chip it, I will cover it. In fact, if it makes you feel better mgrowold send me your PayPal I’ll refund your money personally.