Mea Culpa re: Shemy

Submitted by Seth on May 22nd, 2023 at 10:45 AM

I want to apologize to the readership. When news of Shemy's hiring hit the message board on Wednesday, and a reader referenced liking a Steve Deace tweet, I reached out to a mutual who knew Shemy better to say he should take that down. Shemy called me. I congratulated him on the position, and after chatting I told him he should take down the Deace like, and anything else he doesn't want to be associated with. He also explained on that call what he was hired to do, which I shared on the MGoBoard thread.

That I didn't know there were hundreds of racist, insurrection, and anti-trans likes is no excuse. Like Michigan, I could have taken 20 seconds to look. Had I done so I might have advised Shemy to turn down the position, because that's the kind of stuff that sticks, and it would hurt Michigan. I don't think he would have listened because this job meant the world to him. But at least I wouldn't feel like I deceived you, nor acted in a way that could be interpreted as a cover-up.


May 22nd, 2023 at 11:31 AM ^

Well this explains your tweet the other day re Ace and having your feet held to the fire.  I must've missed your post and the resulting kerfuffle so I was very confused by what was going on.

You're a good man Seth, dont beat yourself up over this.  



May 22nd, 2023 at 11:32 AM ^

I've never met you, Seth, but having read your work for years and listening to you on the podcasts, I have no reason to think that you would attempt to deceive us or attempt to cover anything up. You acted on the information that was available to you at the time and advised Shemy (in what was a probably uncomfortable phone call) about the offensive likes that you were knew about. I'm not sure what more you could have done.

So, even though I don't personally think you need to apologize, I'll just take this as another sign of your integrity. 

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May 22nd, 2023 at 11:59 AM ^

He and Ace are having a twitter flame war of a sort over Shemy. Ace pre-emptively got mad over his assumption that Sam will take a soft stance on this fiasco as he did (in Ace's opinion) with the Dr. Anderson/Bo situation.  Sam's hitting back and not taking it lying down. So apparently he deserves to get fired? I don't really understand but that's as much as I can tell from twitter…



May 22nd, 2023 at 12:47 PM ^

Precisely why it's not Sam's job to take the U to task like an outrage factory stuck on overdrive. Perhaps that's someone's role in the media, but it won't ever be Sam's.

Thinking everyone must agree not only with the exact content of your take, but the exact tone and ferocity of your take is a sign that you're on lonely, thin ice. It's one thing to advocate strenuously for your position and another to go scorched earth on your fellow humans until they agree with you or submit.

los barcos

May 22nd, 2023 at 2:39 PM ^

Uhm - Sam is a black man, you don't think he would call out explicit racism against black people at his alma mater?  This isn't the same thing as "carrying water" for the program by painting a rosy image for so and so recruit not coming here.

Ace is essentially implying Sam is an Uncle Tom - good on Sam for calling that out. I would be pissed too in his situation. 


May 22nd, 2023 at 12:32 PM ^

I'm confused too, but after scouring of the internet a little, the best I could figure out:

1. Ace was not happy with how Sam/MGoBlog Roundtable addressed the Bo/Anderson situation.  Meaning: Ace thought they were too soft on Bo

2. Ace was not happy with how MGoBlog addressed Ace's apparently being a victim of a sexual assault.  I'm not sure if this happened when Ace was an employee or not.

3. In true Ace form, he got overly sanctimonious about it and got vengeful.

4. I'm guessing that Ace does, in fact, listen to the WTKA podcast (despite that he says otherwise)


May 22nd, 2023 at 2:46 PM ^

Ace: I dont listen to your thing

Also Ace: Here are the things that pissed me off about your thing I didnt listen to. Also I am pissed about things you havent said yet. Also you are an asshole Sam.

People are going to kneejerk that I am supporting Shemy please understand that guy has everything coming to him... but will there be a day where liking a random harmless tweet from someone later found to be racist (the person not the tweet) can get you fired? 

"Hey this guy is scouting one of our cornerbacks for the raiders thumbs up"

"Wow, really look who this guy is liking on twitter! Racist peace of shit!"

Im kind of joking but I can see the Ace types going this route. 


May 22nd, 2023 at 12:37 PM ^

I'm not on Twitter anymore and when I was, I didn't follow Ace. My recollection is that he had some health problems. It sounds like he's a troubled person and maybe people should stop following him and reposting his stuff. It sounds like he might need some help or an intervention. 


May 22nd, 2023 at 1:40 PM ^

 IIRC, bought a bunch of stuff for his apartment, some high end stereo stuff that was of course completely unrelated to his illness and is now the wokest of woke people on the planet.  Needless to say, I'd give a decent amount of money to go back in time and un-contribute to his campaign.  On the flip side, before all of this happened I did enjoy his content so at least I can sleep at night


May 22nd, 2023 at 3:16 PM ^

Ace is left wing politically and not quiet about it and is willing to call Michigan out over things he finds morally repugnant. 

60% of posters on here range from center-right to full on Trumpist and dislike Ace's politics but feel they need to couch that in ad hominem attacks on him as a human being because saying "Ace is bad because he thinks trans people should be allowed to exist" plays poorly in front of the other 40% 


May 22nd, 2023 at 3:27 PM ^

most of this blog is liberal. I’d venture to say 70% is at least, left-leaning. it’s expected as ann arbor is a fairly liberal town with a fairly liberal university.

people dislike Ace for many reasons, almost all of them because of his own actions, and few if any have to do with his political stance


May 22nd, 2023 at 6:01 PM ^

Not true at all bud.  Ace is far far left and the reason many here can’t stand him is A. He’s a grifter,B. He is so far left and so afraid of getting into a conversation with you that he will ban you for simply not agreeing with him.  I was banned by him when he posted a believe all women post on his Twitter.  I responded that I don’t believe all women until I see some actual evidence due to one of my friends having their lives ruined by a woman who made a whole rape story completely up.  Reasonable take, but not for Ace, it was an instant ban.  I’d rather not associate with Ace types. They are more trouble than they are worth. 


May 22nd, 2023 at 11:46 AM ^

Dear Seth,

As the old saying goes, "fog happens". Best thing to do, going forward? Spend the few extra minutes looking at all the info you can before you decide what to do and/or say.

It's over, apology accepted, learn, move on.