
August 24th, 2018 at 11:15 PM ^

Yeah, that's my first thought too. He obviously does _not_ have the same rule for his football team. Blatant lie. 

Unfortunately, I think that OSU learned a lot from how MSU handled their crisis. No worries at all about logic or rationality, 'apologies' that aren't really apologies, complete lack of shame, screw the media, downplay the victims, etc.


August 25th, 2018 at 4:31 PM ^

I would really enjoy seeing bourbon ask about that incident.....if you’re zero tolerance, why did you let Carlos Hyde stay on team? What kind of evidence do you need before you’ll actually discipline for this stuff because he was caught on tape? Do you need to see it in person?

He’s so full of shit he he dries his tears with wet wipes.

UM Fan from Sydney

August 24th, 2018 at 6:44 PM ^

I rarely watch their games. The only time I tune to them is when I get word they are losing late in games. Other than that, I cannot stand watching their games. I hate everything about that cheating, domestic violence-enabling football program. 


August 24th, 2018 at 6:39 PM ^

What a fucking lying coward. Somehow, that statement made me hate him more. If there’s any justice in this world, he’ll be gone from football soon

Perkis-Size Me

August 24th, 2018 at 9:52 PM ^

Except there is no justice in this world. Bad guys win and good guys lose every day. 

I’m just thankful that Meyer is in a job that has zero bearing on real world outcomes. He coaches a damn game. Imagine enabling a piece of shit like him with real power. I know I could go so far into politics with this but I will try not too. 


August 24th, 2018 at 11:06 PM ^

Right on the first part, but on that second part that just isn't right... His actions (or lack thereof) have had horrible implications on real world outcomes. He's got a ton a power as he's responsible for every member of his football team, player & coach, and he's a horrible leader and shining example of what young men aught to try NOT to be when they grow up. It's sad really.

Harbaugh's Lef…

August 24th, 2018 at 6:40 PM ^

Get the fuck outta here with this bullshit. He had his chance to say anything that would remotely sound like the right thing and failed on every level possible and now he comes out with this 6pm Friday news dump 45 hours later.

What a failure at life Urban Liar is!


August 24th, 2018 at 6:45 PM ^

Would really love to see U-M donate a big chunk of proceeds ahead of the Game to women's charities and defenders of domestic abuse. Maybe the team can wear purple laces and sweatbands at the Shoe. Coach Harbaugh should use this occasion to actively and publicly promote domestic violence awareness. Require his players to volunteer for a domestic violence hotline. Relationship training. Not just to troll OSU, but because this is a very public issue among professional male athletes and it would be responsible to take the bull by the horns. The Michigan Difference.

UM Fan from Sydney

August 24th, 2018 at 7:02 PM ^

This is brilliant. It would be a giant middle finger to Meyer. Of course all OSU fans would say is “duh derp 0-3,” but this goes beyond football. I want to believe it is amazing that so many OSU fans are supporting Meyer, but it just isn’t surprising. 99% of that fanbase values wins more than integrity. 

You Only Live Twice

August 24th, 2018 at 6:52 PM ^

Remember the troll who used to continually accuse MGoBlog users of "groupthink"?  Meyer/Smith and OSU are far better examples of what he or she was trying to convey.

They really didn't see the firestorm coming, even after they string everyone along for hours, treat the media as if they have no intelligence (maybe they are used to that from the OSU fan base, who knows)  and then blame the media for reporting news...

Now issuing another statement 2 days later to try and do damage control, apparently not realizing that it looks even worse.


August 24th, 2018 at 7:01 PM ^

Meyer has a remarkably hard time saying what he means for the coach of a major college football program. And he apparently has a bad memory too.

Given his job responsibilities, Meyer should probably resign. Or maybe what I described in my first paragraph is hogwash.


August 24th, 2018 at 7:01 PM ^

My hunch is there will be a deliberate PR campaign by OSU to try and shift the narrative around this topic and this is the beginning of it.


August 24th, 2018 at 7:43 PM ^

This needs a commemoration.  Something Urbs can look at forever and never lose though no matter how many times it slips.

I get Brad's Deals e-mails pretty much daily and today I decided to look through it today and came across this guy:

Class Rings

I was interested in seeing if I could make one that got to the essence of ohio state given their stock images.  I think I came close.


Interested to see the other MGoDesigns.  Maybe a purple gem for domestic violence would be a good improvement.  O-lie-o State University could be a good name.

Perhaps the best ring can be submitted to GoFundMe and we can send $2200 worth of rings to osu.


August 24th, 2018 at 7:48 PM ^

GOOD LORD!!!! Somebody take the shovel from Urban Liars hands as he continues to dig deeper and deeper the grave hes digging.....ONLY after intense criricism does he  even mention or apologize to the VICTIM...He doesnt care about the victim ALL and I mean ALL he cares about is keeping his job and winning football games.....NOTHING else matters at Ohio St and it shows


August 24th, 2018 at 8:15 PM ^

So Zach smith did it, then he didn’t, but he fired him anyways. Courtney was abused, then she wasn’t, but now we are sorry. Im obviously bias bc I am embarrassed as a human that that university exists, but I feel as if my wife is going to wake me up in the next minute or two. This is unreal and keeps getting worse even when it doesn’t seem possible.