
December 5th, 2015 at 9:21 AM ^

would somehow mis-answer a presser question where it ended up looking like Wojo dared to suggest that the Patriots may be able to beat State. The issue would somehow all of the sudden also involve Tom Brady and how the 99 State team should have been in the Orange Bowl and the disrespect. Dantonio would scowl and "defend" his team against the injustice. Then "little brother" comment would be mentioned by the correspondent covering the story and the studio people would then chuckle.


December 5th, 2015 at 9:59 AM ^

does anyone actually know that Dantonio isn't really Rodney Dangerfield?  I mean, Rodney perfected the no respect thing, then "supposedly" passed away in 2004... then Dantonio shows up on the scene at MSU in 2007 and makes disrespekt his thing.

I don't believe in coincidences...


Go Hawkeyes!


December 5th, 2015 at 8:29 AM ^

Must be eerie for Ruddddddddddock (had to get one in seeing so many people are going to miss that) if Iowa ends up in the play-off. Proud (of his boys) sad (he's not there) happy (he's at Michigan)? All of the above? I don't think I've heard anyone ask him about it. Most importantly, GO HAWKS!!!!


December 5th, 2015 at 9:42 AM ^

Thanks to his season at Michigan, Rudock could end up with the best job in the world: backup NFL QB.  

Consider this: the minimum NFL salary will be $450K in 2016.  Backup QB's don't get hit in practice and rarely play in games.  They can last for 10-15 years and still have enough brain cells and cartilage left to have a great life after football.  Not only do they seldom get hit: they seldom get criticized, either.


December 5th, 2015 at 10:47 AM ^

I know a guy who was a 3rd string QB for the Packers and then the Raiders.  He said it was the best job in the world.  You get paid a lot, you don't get hurt, you don't get fired, and you can do it for years.  Every team needs one.


December 5th, 2015 at 11:43 AM ^

To expand on this a little more, the average QB2 makes something like 2 million per year and the average QB3 is making 600-700 thousand. I don't know that they have that long of a shelf life though, their contracts aren't very guaranteed and they still have to pay agents etc. Not that I'd be sad to find myself in those shoes :).


The Man Down T…

December 5th, 2015 at 2:13 PM ^

and Med school will be waiting for him after a few years.  It's not going anywhere.  The NFL?  That's a once in a lifetime chance at a dream.  Plus had he been in Iowa under Harbaugh, he would be undefeated too.


December 5th, 2015 at 9:54 AM ^

Jake The Snake threw for 8.2 yards per attempt against an excellent OSU defense per ESPN box score.  19/32 263.  (I read 8.5 somewhere else which I'm guessing adds back the sack yardage.)


That's a pretty darn good day.  It usually translates to more than 13 points via field position, but Jake was starting from his own 20 on just about every drive no matter what the Michigan offense did on its preceding drive.


December 5th, 2015 at 8:59 AM ^

The Scowl sends many more recruits running away than actually want to play for him. Sparty might be the only football program in the nation that could win the national championship and lose two recruits on the same day.