
March 3rd, 2023 at 11:39 PM ^

Excellent actor, extended (reportedly from age 15!) and extensive problems with substance abuse and related behavioral issues. Tragic when the family has to decide to end someone's life (a genuinely awful decision to be asked to make).

RIP, Mr. Sizemore.


March 4th, 2023 at 8:05 AM ^

Interesting. I looked for details on his dad and could find only bullshit sites like this:


Lawyer and philosophy professor? That seems like a highly improbable combination.

Anyway, ever cross paths with his dad? Your user name suggests that you'd be a more reliable source than Wikipedia, etc. on this point.


March 4th, 2023 at 9:35 AM ^

Why do lawyer and philosophy professor seem like an "improbable combination"? The two fields have been closely linked historically, since the very beginning (see: Plato's Philosopher-King/Lawgiver) and today many top philosophy programs are major feeders to law schools. 


March 4th, 2023 at 12:24 AM ^

Born and raised in Detroit, he went to Wayne State about the time AC electrified the Big House.  He had his problems, but he was in a ton of movies. RIP, Horvath. 


March 4th, 2023 at 1:18 AM ^

My dad went to Grade and High School with him and grew up on the same block (7 mile & Kelly area). He said Tom was always “the guy” and “the house” to either go to, or be at. He always said he was a really great guy but loved to party.

Apparently he was a real good athlete too, until he tore his ACL playing backyard football at the neighborhood park when he was a Junior in HS.

RIP. Gone too soon

Other Andrew

March 4th, 2023 at 1:52 AM ^

Just this week I saw that he was listed in the cast of something new. I had thought he had already died, and was relieved to see he was not. A reverse Keith Jackson.

And now this news. Bummer. Among all the unique performances, I’ll also note his very memorable appearing in an episode of It’a Always Sunny in Philadelphia. “…like a coconut.”


March 4th, 2023 at 3:21 AM ^

I didn't know about any of his issues, but 61 is too young.  RIP to a man that made more than one 90's movie great.

Perkis-Size Me

March 4th, 2023 at 6:47 AM ^

Good actor, but to my understanding he’s been combating a lot of demons throughout the course of his life. A lot of substance abuse if I’ve read correctly. 

I will always love his bit part in Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia. He plays that creepy truck driver perfectly. Creepy, but hilarious at the same time. 

”What do you say we slip into a room and the two of you split me open like a coconut? I got money in my pocket, and desire in my heart.”

Perkis-Size Me

March 4th, 2023 at 8:34 AM ^

“Something you don’t like, Danny?”

“No Spectre gunships, daylight instead of night, late afternoon when they're all fucked up on khat, only part of the city Aidid can mount a serious counter-attack on short notice….what’s not to like?”

”Life’s imperfect, Danny.”

”Yeah for you two, circling above at 500 feet, life is imperfect. Down on the street….it’s unforgiving.”

Such a great movie. 


March 4th, 2023 at 9:20 AM ^

I went to school with Tom for a couple of years when his family had moved out to Shelby and he went to Utica high school. He was a pretty good basketball player and was a backup quarterback on our football team. I was in a study hall with him where we didn't do a whole lot of studying unless you call playing paper football studying. His parents got divorced and he moved back to Detroit. I never knew what became of him until one day years later when I was in a video store I happened to pick up a vhs tape and saw his name on the front and couldn't believe it. Unfortunately the evils of fame and fortune got to him and it would not surprise me if the many years of drug abuse played a role in his end. Unfortunately it appeared that Tom had put his demons behind him and was in a good place. Hopefully now he's in an even better place. RIP Tom.