Jake Butt Didn't Send 'Little Bro' Tweet, But He Isn't Apologizing For It

Submitted by BursleyHall82 on

Sorry, I can't embed tweets, but I love this. Last night, Jake Butt's Twitter account sent out a Tweet that said "I knew God had our back. Lose on fluke to little bro and that's how they had to go down. I am the biggest OSU fan now." Looking at the RCMB board last night, Sparty fans understandably weren't happy.

Turns out, though, that Jake didn't send it. His phone was on the charger, and somebody named Z_Butt87 apparently sent the Tweet. Z_Butt apologized today, writing from his own account, "I apologize for that immature tweet. I tweeted if off @JBooty_88 phone. Give me crap not him."

The best part of this, though, is that even though he didn't send the tweet, Butt isn't apologizing for it. In fact, he seems HAPPY about it. He tweeted, "Didn't even know what was tweeted, had my phone on the charger. Still love the circumstance of course."

The days of apologizing for anything are over.

Here's the story about it:



November 8th, 2015 at 10:43 AM ^

You mean he claims he didnt send it...no one k ows whether that is the case. Of course, MSU fans think he and his brother are just making that up to make sure Butt doesnt get any more criticism for it. But they dont know whether he really did..and neither does anyone on this board.

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November 8th, 2015 at 10:51 AM ^

And even if Jake did tweet it, why the hell is it a 'story' anyway. Who the hell cares? And good god, when your story basically is conspiracy theory with no proof...why is it published. Anytime your thesis is based on 'well we can't prove he didn't do it', you've lost any real credibility.

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November 8th, 2015 at 10:46 AM ^

Rule #1 for every famous person who sends out an ill-advised tweet is to claim that somehow somebody else got ahold of their phone or account and sent it without their knowledge.  I love Jake but I dont believe that story for one second.  He prolly had a few beers, sent it out and then went "oh fucking shit....coach is going to go ape-shit nuts when he sees this" and asked his brother to take one for the team (so to speak).


Mr. Yost

November 8th, 2015 at 10:55 AM ^

But his entire family WAS at the game, as I just said...Millen was obsessed with them.

Who cares either way, it's not like he tweeted something racist or degrading. It was a tweet about a rival in football. Worse things have happened whether or not it was Jake or one of his many relatives in town.


November 8th, 2015 at 11:59 AM ^

The fact that you think a 30 year old might have a granddaughter at all, no less one old enough to marry Jake Butt, makes me feel very very old. I mean, even a daughter who would be legal age would be unbelievable. 


November 8th, 2015 at 11:01 AM ^

The tweet stands on it's merits.  It is truthfull, accurate, and logical even if laced with some Schadenfreude.

If one can't handle this kind of thing one should find something else to care about.

Poor little bro.


November 8th, 2015 at 11:03 AM ^

I am waiting for Dantonio to be asked about this in his press conference and his response with the index finger (unless he dares to use middle finger)