Interesting email from Tom Mars on NCAA overreach

Submitted by SanDiegoWolverine on February 8th, 2024 at 8:58 PM

Tom Mars - Harbaugh's lawyer - has a pretty interesting tweet and thread about a coach for which the NCAA has recently requested all emails, texts, and photos from without regard to relevance to the case. Bacon thinks he is talking about Harbaugh but you can decide for yourself.



February 8th, 2024 at 10:26 PM ^

Do we know for sure Harbaugh used his cell phone for both?

If Harbaugh did have a phone dedicated strictly to personal use, if the NCAA knew about it, what would stop them from asking for it?  Do you really think they wouldn't? 

Of course they would, that's what a witch hunt is all about.


February 8th, 2024 at 11:01 PM ^

If you hand over your personal phone to the NCAA you better be ready to have every conversation youve ever had posted on ESPN. It would take about 3 nano seconds for whatever he texted to be public information. "Burn it all down fuck heads but you arent getting my phone."

NCAA has its hit list in the front offices.

Michigan Basketball X

Fab Five X

Jamal Crawford X

Mitch McGary X

Harbaugh X

which also led to Herbert X Minter X Elston X Jaybaugh X

Oh and Aaliya. That has to be the worst thing Ive ever heard. Its frustrating taking so many shots over the years. How many stories does Izzo have like this? UM Basketball is like their own little chew toy. 

They really have outdone themselves. But not a word of any of this on ESPN. Shhh.

Hail to the Vi…

February 8th, 2024 at 9:53 PM ^

At this rate, the NCAA is going to be dissolved by the courts in less than 5 years. If what Mars states in this memo can be proven factual in court, it shows an egregious and exploitative over reach of power for the scope of the NCAA's purpose.

For the same reason your boss cannot have access or evaluate your personal cell phone, medical or financial records as part of your performance review [unless court ordered because you are suspected of committing an actual crime], the NCAA cannot demand access to personal information unless they are granted a court order to do so.

The NCAA does not seem to understand their statute of limitations as an oversight committee, not a governing body - they are not law enforcement, and so they do not get to bypass privacy laws unless a judge gives them permission to do so.

This is an organization that seems to have lost their sense of purpose and scope, and thereby have lost their bearings on what is - and is not - permissible as an oversight organization. Mark Emmert was the blithering idiot that allowed the inmates to run the prison, and Charlie Baker is the little boy caught with his finger in the dam.

There is no purpose for this organization to exist any longer. They neutered the rationale of their own existence by passing and completely deregulating NIL. We're watching an organization seal their own fate with a master class of ineptitude in real time.


February 8th, 2024 at 11:03 PM ^

NCAA was handed out all the evidences gathered by FBI then did virtually nothing, it just want to enjoy bullying those who let them to be bullied. 

Hail to the Vi…

February 8th, 2024 at 11:35 PM ^

It's inexplicable, but I think this is exactly correct. Why Michigan continues to tolerate any bloviated, nonsensical reprimand from the hand of the NCAA is pathetic at this point. This is not an organization to be taken seriously because they do not act like a serious organization. 

The correct posture to take against the NCAA: We're going to do whatever we want, and if you want to interfere?.. We will take you to court and we will win. 

Michigan needs to learn there there is no tactical advantage from being the last boy scout. 


February 8th, 2024 at 11:43 PM ^

Is this all old information or is the NCAA still digging? If it’s all old, I would prefer Mars just keep quiet and let it die a peaceful death. If he pokes the NCAA, they will attack.

Fletcher Hall Lives

February 9th, 2024 at 12:47 AM ^

So Bacon wants us to be outraged at this overreaching NCAA request towards our coach. It does not specifically name Harbaugh. By the way, I think coaches sign an agreement as a conditions of employment that they will abide by NCAA bylaws. There are qualifications on those 7 or 8 figures contracts.

So far, we know that Coach either did not recall or to the best of his recollection did not meet recruits during the Covid period. 

But would (or did we) we have the same outrage if the request targeted Jim Tressel during TattooGate? Ultimately he resigned after his text messages were disclosed.

Would we hold the same outrage if the request was geared towards Urban Meyer during the Zack Smith spousal abuse investigation?  He requested that his phone auto delete messages older than one year immediately after being probed by his own administration. OSU voluntarily suspended him for 3 games (sound familiar?). He later resigned at the end of the year due to (cough..cough) reocurring health problems. Imagine what other dirt (related or unrelated like prior infidelity) might have turned up on his phone?

Ironically, both won national championships and ultimately led to Third Base's appointment.  Did our all powerful and hated rivals tell the NCAA to F_ck off? So far only the SEC has employed this tactic.

Perkis-Size Me

February 9th, 2024 at 8:27 AM ^

I mean, if we’re being honest, who else is this going to be about? Anyone else who is going to run afoul of the NCAA to the degree that the NCAA would request their phone and email records, the AD of that university, and likely the state government representing that institution would’ve told the NCAA to go fuck off or get sued.

Michigan has routinely rolled over and shown its belly to the NCAA, so of course the NCAA would make this kind of request about Harbaugh.

MGrowOld made a good point in another thread the other day. The NCAA isn’t doing this because they are incompetent. They’re doing it because they’re bullies, and bullies pick on people who can’t, or in Michigan’s case, won’t defend themselves. Until you give them a good reason to stop, they’re not going to.

I’m not really sure that the NCAA stops going after Michigan, even though Harbaugh is gone.



February 9th, 2024 at 4:37 AM ^

There has to be a better way for schools to police themselves.  The NCAA cannot keep up with the changing landscape of NIL, etc. in its current format.

True Blue Grit

February 9th, 2024 at 6:47 AM ^

If I was in that position I absolutely would refuse to turn over my cell phone over  to them, even if it meant losing my job.  And even if I had nothing to hide.  It's about standing up for what's right and what you believe.  And I believe that's an unwarranted invasion of privacy.