
June 1st, 2020 at 4:02 PM ^

Whitmer is seriously Corrupt and is a horrendous person who is flat out Evil.  It is my hope that the good people of Michigan vote her out.

Lan DIm Sum

June 1st, 2020 at 4:12 PM ^

Well, there go her hopes of becoming the authoritarian dictator of Michigan. Turns out she was thinking of the wellbeing of the people of the state, and making tough choices with uncertain information.  Some might call that......leadership.  

Lan DIm Sum

June 2nd, 2020 at 6:58 AM ^

Not illegal, but there is a subset of people who don't change their beliefs in response to verifiable facts, and instead choose only partial or misinterpreted facts that support their beliefs.  They also don't make any effort to engage diplomatically and consider the opinion of those who disagree, and instead resort to name calling, ad hominem arguments, and specious, unscientific reasoning based on cherry-picked data.  In my experience, these people are on both sides of the spectrum, but tend to be over-represented on the modern right. Also, while I'm not a huge fan of the current Democratic Party, a fundamental difference is that the Republican Party actively undermines science and expertise (most dangerously right now, public health experts), while the Democratic Party does not. That's a profound difference, IMO, an incredibly dangerous one, and is one-sided among national leadership.  


June 1st, 2020 at 4:15 PM ^

Might as well. Liberals protesting and rioting has spread the virus 1000x more than working or eating at a restaurant ever could

But dont cry for a lockdown in a few weeks if/when cases spike. 


June 1st, 2020 at 5:06 PM ^

Rioting is an outdoor activity where you generally have some space between people as you avoid the flying objects, tear gas, fires, etc. We also have data such as a Japanese study that indicated the virus is 19 times less likely to spread outside.  So, as long as you avoid getting thrown in a packed Jail it should be relatively low risk for a big uptick in spread of Covid.  


June 1st, 2020 at 5:21 PM ^

What a downvote for arguing that you can riot with low risk of spreading the virus?  You guys are no fun. Its not like I was supporting rioting. What the hell.  I’ll keep digging.

If we break the risk down I think we get something like this:

Rioting is lowest risk due to the conditions noted above

Looting is second lowest risk – you are inside which is bad, but you are generally in a hurry to get some stuff and get out which limits exposure time.

Marching is higher risk – Your outside which is good, but you could be there for a long time which increases your exposure.  You also have the issue when the group runs into some type of obstruction, like a line of riot police, and everyone bunches up.

Getting arrested is the highest risk – You could get thrown in some type of indoor holding cell with a bunch of people for a long time (in the case of mass arrest) which is just a recipe to catch Covid.


June 1st, 2020 at 5:25 PM ^

but contradicting studies hosted here on the blog stated yelling and shouting with spittle flying is one of the easiest paths for transmission and all those yelling and screaming looters are going to spread it to everyone.


June 1st, 2020 at 6:04 PM ^

Very, VERY different sitting shoulder-to-shoulder, knee-to-back in a bowl shaped stadium next to the same spittle shouting people for 3.5 hours.  Also, all these people are using the same indoor bathrooms.

Outside marching is much safer than sitting in stadiums.

Mitch Cumstein

June 1st, 2020 at 4:30 PM ^

Yeah, the cynic in me isn’t getting too excited. As soon as the protests and riots die down and three weeks from now when cases inch up, we’ll see the restrictions come back.  Interestingly, I’m sure mass gatherings won’t be cited as the cause. 

LV Sports Bettor

June 1st, 2020 at 4:50 PM ^

Think we're past the lockdown again if it gets bad stage. Don't think you'll get people to oblige nor do I think governments want to deal with the huge economic problems likely to stem from another lockdown. Don't think any new stats will alarm anyone now as we've become immune to the numbers.

Be safe out there going forward.

Biaka yomama

June 1st, 2020 at 5:00 PM ^

Yeah, I dont see us going back either unless it's a city wide outbreak, and then itll be only that city shutdown.

I highly doubt we would have had those riots if unemployment wasn't in the 20s.

Time to get everyone back to work as quickly as possible. 


June 1st, 2020 at 4:18 PM ^

Can't believe it. You are way out in front of Maine. We have almost no covid deaths comparatively and yet we are in stage two of four and our libtard gov is slow motion on everything. People have had enough. The traffic is back again.  But good for you guys.

LV Sports Bettor

June 1st, 2020 at 4:46 PM ^

The past weekend wiped out the whole "we need to slowly reopen, small crowds only, let's look at the data when we restart etc" message


June 1st, 2020 at 4:54 PM ^

Peer reviewed articles are about to be released showing that the deadliest strains have died off and the weaker ones are still around. That is why numbers are going up yet deaths are going down. Kind of like what Ebola did in the 80?s. The deadly strains killed their hosts too fast and ran out of hosts. 


June 1st, 2020 at 5:23 PM ^

it's also interesting, though counter 'everyone gonna die' Australia has a study showing humidity levels are possibly a big factor which COULD lead to seasonal outbreaks like...yep...the flu.  NO IT IS NOT THE FLU...but it is a virus, and possibly could become endemic with humidity change. It was a pretty interesting look at it. Just another possible outcome.


June 1st, 2020 at 5:54 PM ^

That was assumed and proven months ago (see below).  It's LONG been the consensus that until this is potentially eradicated with a vaccine, it would settle into seasonality.  The reason it wasn't thought to have much impact this summer is that there are still a lot of people with no prior exposure.  It's a new pathogen so a lot of people are still susceptible; whereas the flu typically reaches some level of herd immunity towards the end of the season that also slows transmission as well as schools being out of sessions, etc.



June 1st, 2020 at 4:57 PM ^

At least Michigan isn't the last state to open up. I've been a big critic of the Gov but she did the right thing. As mentioned in a previous post, with all the rioting going on, she did the right thing. There's so much civil discourse going on. Let the people get back to work.