
January 16th, 2020 at 1:29 PM ^

Was that cocaine :)

Yeah this definitely makes him look like an even bigger asshole. Flicking something on the officer and then when that didn't get his attention he slaps him on the ass.

And for people who think this should be ok...what kind of precedence does this set? A lot of people will see this and what, now its ok to slap officers on the ass...just as long as you are celebrating? Man are you sure you want that to become the new norm..? If so, you know its just a matter of time before the officer is a woman..and that's def not going to be ok especially around a bunch of drunken/high men. 


January 17th, 2020 at 2:29 PM ^

You're taking that action completely out of context....


If I were at a wedding and there was a police officer there somewhat being a "WET FART" and being a negative Nancy, I would slap him on the ass and say "Hey, this is a celebration, lets get you a drink officer..."


January 16th, 2020 at 1:16 PM ^

The video shows OBJ backing down with a dumbfounded (dumbass) look on his face.  He seems to know he screwed up but that with all the cameras in the locker room, he could do just about anything he wanted (short of shooting the guy) to provoke some kind of "racially motivated" harassment by the fuzz.  Who in their right mind is giving this butthead access to the field and LSU locker room?


January 16th, 2020 at 1:19 PM ^

He definitely shouldn't have done it. But is that the same officer who was threatening to arrest anyone in the LSU locker room who was smoking a cigar and seems to be outright harrassing that guy there?

His job that night was, for the most part, to protect the players and keep the peace. Not to get his name on the news by busting a player for some minor public nuisance offense on the biggest night of their lives.


January 16th, 2020 at 1:28 PM ^

I spent 25 years in the Michigan State Police.  I’ve worked many details in crowded situations like this.  Football games, concerts, festivals, etc.  I was told as a young trooper that nobody touches the uniform.  It’s not the person wearing it but the uniform.  People who don’t respect the uniform go to jail.  

There are some discrepancies in this report.  One source writes that it was a security guard.  Another report says it was a police officer.  If it was a police officer he probably would have taken OBJ outside and arrested him.  If it was a security guard then I understand the delay and decision by the prosecutor to issue a warrant.  But regardless, OBJ was an ass and should keep his hands to himself.  This could have escalated into a locker room fight if the officer or guard put his hands on OBJ.

Bando Calrissian

January 16th, 2020 at 1:43 PM ^

If it's about respecting the uniform, then this overactive, overeager cop (or rent-a-cop) should be thinking about his conduct in going out of his way to harass a group of predominantly POC football players in a space reserved for them. 

Sorry, but cops don't get the automatic benefit of the doubt when it comes to overactive policing.


January 16th, 2020 at 2:10 PM ^

Why is this about race?  From what I understand, the building has a no smoking ordinance. The officer was enforcing said ordinance. How is that overreaching, overactive or overeager?  Was the cop acting inappropriately?

And if OBJ didn’t like the cop’s enforcement officers the no smoking ordinance, physically laying hands on a police officer was not the way to handle it.  

Bando Calrissian

January 16th, 2020 at 2:15 PM ^

When it comes to policing, race is at the center of every interaction. Period.

Joe Burrow was at the press conference with a cigar. Social media all week has shown him in glamorous terms smoking said cigar. Everybody laughed when Coach O told him to take it easy with the cigar.

How does the scene in this thread look different? How is the reaction different? Who is this cop talking to, and who didn't he apparently not choose to talk to?

So, yes, this has to do with race. This cop didn't choose to confront Joe Burrow. What does that say?

Bando Calrissian

January 16th, 2020 at 2:28 PM ^

Because when that cop stopped you, you never had a legitimate and well-founded fear, from the beginning to the end of that interaction, that you might not make it out alive.

White people, especially white men, are not in a position to tell everyone else that they should just trust the police, or that they don't understand why people fear police because it's never happened to them.


January 16th, 2020 at 4:19 PM ^

I've been pulled over for speeding in a dozen or more states over the past 42 years.  I've been yelled at (justifiably based on my actions), talked to nicely, talked to in a matter-of-fact tone, been given a field sobriety test and in every case I kept my mouth shut giving the officer no reason to do anything more than just issue me a ticket.  I'm Caucasian, but the police officers who have pulled me over have represented just about every possible demographic, though I don't think I've been pulled over by an Asian female police officer.

I taught all three of my kids (white like me) that if you are pulled over while driving, you keep your hands on the wheel and comply with all the officer's instructions.  Do not give the officer any reason to think you are turning this interaction into something way worse than a moving violation citation.  If the officer wants to search the car, I told them they can comply or decline with the knowledge that if they decline the car will probably be impounded, but we can sort that out after the fact.

Also told them (and I practice this myself), don't have anything wrong with your car.  Tax, registration all up to date and all lights working.  I once asked a former Georgia State Trooper how he identified drunk drivers to pull over asking, "cuz they are weaving or crossing the center line?".  He replied, "no, usually a broken tail light or something else wrong with the car and smelling booze when talking to the driver."

We can always file complaints after the fact if rights were violated.  I don't see there is any upside to turning the interaction into a confrontation. 

People doing stupid shit when pulled over is what makes the situation worse.  



January 16th, 2020 at 2:13 PM ^

What do the players being POC have to do with anything? They were smoking in a private place that didn't want people smoking in it....the cop was fine in asking them to put out the cigars. Getting slapped in the ass, rent a cop or not, is not ok. 

OBJ's actions all night indicate he needs a shit ton of attention at all times and his stupidity put himself, and these kids, in the cross hairs unnecessarily. His entire professional career is littered with stupid attention seeking behavior, why should anyone have to put up with it.


January 16th, 2020 at 2:19 PM ^

The “Uniform” has earned its respect for all who have died wearing it.  Yes a police officer needs to respect his position but the uniform nowadays has become a target regardless of who is wearing it.  I suggest you wear one for awhile and get a taste what’s its like before making comments like this.


January 16th, 2020 at 1:37 PM ^

Watch the full video of OBJ basically taunting the police officer and flicking something in his direction before he full on slaps the dudes ass. I'm pretty sure he knew what he was doing.





January 16th, 2020 at 1:59 PM ^

The real culprit here appears to be the LSU staff letting that celebration get a little too raucous. That was a pro team celebration for a pro team really.


January 16th, 2020 at 2:01 PM ^

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.    But hey, he's a famous athlete, so he gets to do whatever he wants, so we'll let this pass, m'kay?




January 16th, 2020 at 2:22 PM ^

100% fine with this as long as we agree to one standard for everyone.  Seems like people only really give a damn when the recipient of non-consensual touching has a high diversity score or is some kind of government employee.