
December 5th, 2023 at 11:33 AM ^

Wow.  Calling circumcision "child mutilation" is beyond hyperbole and enters into the world of "creating labels because it makes a story I'm trying to manufacture sound better."   Put aside that whole matter, you do realize that circumcision can reduce the spread of HIV and other STD's on the order of magnitude of approx 50%?


December 4th, 2023 at 10:55 PM ^

He’s a Christian. White liberals generally loath Christians and especially white Christians for reasons that are understandable and not so understandable. POC don’t seem to have the same level of animosity towards Tebow as white liberals do. Interesting sociological observation.

I’m agnostic and while I found the Tebow mania grating I honestly respect the guy because he seems to live the principles he espouses.  He seems authentic.


December 5th, 2023 at 7:28 AM ^

It’s a fine line between thanking god and putting on a performative display. Tebow strikes me as the latter.

Why? Here’s one way to look at it: Harbaugh and co. invoke love more than anything else and they talk about each other. This lines up with what is commanded above all in the gospel. Tebow talks about his faith and makes it all about himself, like he was wearing a brand. We are instructed to judge righteously and identify the proverbial trees by their fruits, it is fair to draw this line and call a charlatan a charlatan. Let us also be understanding and realize Tebow is a product of his time and place, and hope that he can become more humble and sincere as he grows.


December 5th, 2023 at 12:06 PM ^

Good for him. I mean that. Sex trafficking is on par with slavery as one of the Great Evils humans are capable of.

I'm curious, though, whether Tim has weighed in on the Catholic Church's horrific record of aiding and abetting child sex trafficking by its clergy.


December 4th, 2023 at 11:55 PM ^

The hostility existed before the more recent rise of Christian nationalism although that has certainly exacerbated tensions significantly. Reasons are complex and varied IMO.

Leftist politics have tended to be irreligious and/or openly hostile to religion since the time of Thomas Paine and the French Revolution. Feminists, gay rights advocates, Jews… have had to battle white Christian hostility towards them for centuries. All of those groups make up a  large portion of leftist politics. Marxists  intrinsically are hostile to religion. Marx obviously being a massive influence on left wing thought. 

Christianity has for over 1000 years been the central part of the  social, philosophical, and governing of Western societies. As a result all of the wrongs that these societies have committed, regardless of how universal the behavior is, is associated with Christianity. Few associate the advancements of Western societies with Christianity. Instead they point to other reasons like science and mathematics.

(People blame religion for all the bad while ignoring that humans did like things before organized religion was ever conceived of or in places where there is no organized faith.)

Religion is seen as a barrier to liberty, justice, and knowledge. It is the antithesis of what is seen as the archetypical society in the secularist mind. There are tons of history that support this conclusion. Religion has been discredited most effectively not by it’s opponents but by it’s practitioners.

Tim Tebow may indeed be a good man. But to many he represents what they revile most—openly devout white males.  His race and faith are factors in how people perceive him whether we wish to admit it or not. 



December 5th, 2023 at 8:30 AM ^

For me it’s the intrusive way they go about it.  “Hey guys, we’re all gonna pray to my god now. Hey we won because my god. Hey why arent you praying to my god? God this god that - you really should pray to god.” Makes you want to go: hey man, I don’t believe in your god and if you could be a little more private about that whole thing that’d be great. 


December 5th, 2023 at 2:39 PM ^

Reality is every grouping of people will have a list of things about another grouping of people that they don't like. Asking people who are different than you to only be different in their private settings so you don't have to witness it is a rather myopic view. Considered all of the things you have done in public which offended someone else without even knowing it. 



December 4th, 2023 at 10:35 PM ^

Sorry Rob but I wouldn't describe her as excellent. Way too many ridiculous gaffes during her nightly sports reports. My favorite was when she repeatedly said a LPGA golfer was playing when she was 28 months pregnant 🤪. The longer I listened to her, the more I realized she wasn't all that good.


December 4th, 2023 at 10:14 PM ^

That, ladies and gentlemen, is what a winner sounds like after a loss.  I'm glad he's on our side.  He's a lot like his coach.

There are many reasons I'd like to see this team win the championship.  They've certainly paid their dues. It's time to collect.