
November 9th, 2023 at 3:31 PM ^

Fuck ESPN.  They’re not all bad, but I was watching ‘Get Up’ this morning and they had a graphic detailing Harbaugh’s Michigan record “before the cheating started” and “after the cheating started.”  Pete Finebaum teed off on this which drove me bananas!  Pete made the lazy and stupid argument that “obviously they cheated, how else could they go from a bad team to such a great team?”

I did some research because Georgia had a similar rise over the past 3 seasons:

Harbaugh’s record 2015-2020 (49-22 or 69%) - not bad!  2021-2023 (34-3 or 92%).  An improvement of 23%!

Kirby Smart’s record 2016-2020 (52-14 or 79%).  2021-2023 (38-1 or 97%!!). An improvement of 18%.

What changed at Georgia???  They have OBVIOUSLY been cheating!!!  How else could they possibly improve that much during that time?!?!?  /s

Fuck Pete Finebaum!  Cocksucker.


November 9th, 2023 at 3:56 PM ^

ESPN has always been a shitshow but they outdid themselves. The front page is, STILL littered with “sign stealing” and Harbaugh. I’ve got grandkids who will no longer watch a dam thing on the Disney family of networks and I’ve cancelled anything that company owns. I’d buy an elephant for them to ride, (probably cheaper) before I’d spend one cent at Disney world. This whole thing has been reported like a political hit job, which is pretty much their whole schtick as a company. They just applied their science to Michigan football!  After this is settled I hope we sue and finish them into the bankruptcy they should have filed a year ago. 


November 9th, 2023 at 3:59 PM ^

Finebaum has such a myopic view.  Is he that dumb or is he dishonest?  Where should I start?  As I recall, Harbaugh had an even greater improvement when coaching Univ of SD.  Also at Stanford.  Stallions was a toddler, if he was even born.  Similar improvement in the 49ers job, long after the NFL put headsets in helmets (1994).  It takes a while to build a team that had been underperforming.  Getting new players, new coaches, coaching up the players.  Sheesh!


November 9th, 2023 at 2:31 PM ^

Chickensquat mofos trying to walk this back. Tell them we'll take it out of our first TV share from the ACC.

Or just say, Hey--we're going to hold a symposium at the end of the season and invite lots of guest speakers to talk about a) cheating in college football, history and options, and b) getting players paid. Keynote by Santa. We'll make an on-stage presentation of your check with Jim's welcoming remarks.