Hanlon's Razor

December 13th, 2020 at 11:46 PM ^

Maybe some do. I won't go into the why of that. But having native blood myself I find the term American Indian ignorant (though honestly not offensive). My preference would be native people, but that requires even further explanation I've no energy or interest in explaining (or inevitably arguing about). 


December 13th, 2020 at 11:02 PM ^

Apparently every band that covers a prior hit song or three to get through the bar/club scene and subsequently goes on to great success with their own material need to be crapped on as well.

Whatever ones feelings on that issue may be, in hindsight, Carlin's greatest bit may be predicting our present situation...

following NSFW nor for the EO/T (easily offended-triggered) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHgJKrmbYfg 


Blue in St Lou

December 13th, 2020 at 11:13 PM ^

The first time I ever saw the term politically correct was in a very funny 1992 article in Commentary Magazine (not usually known for its humor) called, "How To Be Politically Correct." Here is a sample (though it may be a little dated):

"The 1960’s were politically correct, the 1970’s less so, while the 1980’s are the most incorrect decade in all of human history, narrowly edging out the 1490’s."



December 14th, 2020 at 12:38 PM ^

Ha!  I'm here for my whoppin'!

In all seriousness though, while those two videos may somewhat contradict each other, they do illustrate the nuanced discussion points on this topic.  In that context and intent are paramount.  The words "redskins" and "Indians" are not offensive words by themselves.  What matters is who these words are used and in what setting.  Simply put, calling a Native American a redskin is offensive.  Calling a Native American an Indian is not.  I'm sure you could find some Native Americans that don't like the term "Indian", just like you can find Native Americans who don't like "Native American" and prefer "First Nation" or "Indigenous".  There are Native American's on this very thread that prefer being called Indian.

Lastly, the video I posted is more recent, so I'm not sure if his thoughts on this topic have changed over time.


December 14th, 2020 at 10:04 AM ^

Yeah, you might think that video's making an argument that it isn't.  Because Carlin would probably be on the side of "stop being a dick to offend people because your billion-dollar organization doesn't want to change it's merchandise".

Also, the description for that video sorta highlights how much bad faith people trying to push this argument are trafficking in:

About 15 years ago, George Carlin gave us a list of trigger words that today would send SJW's to their safe spaces with their pizza parties.


December 13th, 2020 at 8:47 PM ^

I know this is a touchey issue... but I learned from a Time suck podcast that some "Native Americans" think Native Americans is offensive and prefer American Indian. The first implies that they are American, when Europe made America America all the while the natives were already here. Other people lose their mind at the mention of Indian. And some natives prefer American Indian. Meaning the english word for native, in the land of America, but not AmericaN. 

Anyway... Learned something new.

And as always, Fuck Ohio.