Points changed Changed Changed by Description
-1.00 ndhillon
2.00 Magnum P.I.
2.00 The Geek
2.00 Louie C
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 Blue In NC
2.00 ShadowStorm33
2.00 UgLi Eric
2.00 Watching From Afar
1.00 ndhillon
-1.00 ndhillon
1.00 ndhillon
-1.00 ndhillon
2.00 BoFan
1.00 ndhillon
2.00 UNI_MaizeNBlue
1.00 ndhillon
-1.00 ndhillon
2.00 The Mad Hatter
2.00 chatster
2.00 mooseman
2.00 444
2.00 AWAS
2.00 wolvemarine
2.00 d_ronii
2.00 GoBluenoser
2.00 allezbleu
2.00 chewieblue
2.00 mgo한국
2.00 Go for two
2.00 MGoVictory
2.00 Blinkin
2.00 SouthOfHeaven
2.00 rob f
2.00 tigerd
2.00 LBSS
2.00 readerws6
2.00 BakkerUSMC
2.00 Willstud99
2.00 Duke of Zhou
2.00 MgoLurk
2.00 Wolverine Incognito
2.00 Crime Reporter
2.00 truferblue22
2.00 SC Wolverine
2.00 AlbanyBlue
2.00 JHumich
2.00 BlueMan80
2.00 ppToilet
2.00 MMB 82