What other websites do you go to?

Submitted by tasnyder01 on

The Podcast thread from yesterday seemed like a hit, so I'll keep pushing my luck.  The question:

What other websites do you go to during the offseason?  I get more than enough content from this site during the FB/BB seasons, but now that it's the off-season, I'm stuck without a good alternate website.  Obviously all ideas are welcome, but no sexy bits (I'm looking at you Mad Hatter and Feaux Mo).

The Ringer certainly works for me for entertainment.  Anyone got any good websites for professional stuff?  I'm especially looking for good sites to learn R or SAS.  (Youtube works ok, I know.  But a lot of the videos are disjointed.  Hoping to find more of a curiculum approach.)


May 5th, 2017 at 1:45 PM ^

Michigan scout and 247 Sbnation college football reddit.com/r/cfb ESPN Politico Amazon ny.curbed.com ny.eater.com That's about it


May 5th, 2017 at 1:45 PM ^

I used to go to reddit but it is hopelessly manipulated now and the content is not as good as it used to be. Now most of the sites I visit are for work and my web entertainment is more podcasts and mgoblog.

Der Alte

May 5th, 2017 at 1:54 PM ^

MGoBlog first, Touch the Banner second. And of course I only read TTB for the football content (e.g., recruiting, scouting, postgame reporting, football strategy philosophizing). Well, OK, I admit I also sneek a peek at the TTB ladies once in a while as well. They are nice to look at.


May 5th, 2017 at 1:56 PM ^


Sites where I can find out when rare beer is getting released so I can go buy said rare beer and age it. And then drink it.


May 5th, 2017 at 2:06 PM ^

I am absolutely certain I only pushed the button once, so I don't know how that happened.  Here is a picture of a cat to make up for it.



May 5th, 2017 at 2:24 PM ^

geocities.com for social media

lycos.com or excite.com for searching (I miss altavista.com)  I find AskJeeves.com to be clumsy.

All on my netscape brower to avoid hacking and viruses. 

Pro tip: you guys don't need to type www in front of the url.  I've recently learned it is not necessary.

Mocha Cub

May 5th, 2017 at 2:21 PM ^



TTB (what up Magnus)

247 & Scout




cardgames.io (to kill time playing euchre, gin rummy, crazy 8's, gold solitaire, sudoku)

wtka for their podcasts because i never remember to listen on the app during normal show times

107.5 wgci or 98fm WJLB websites for their song playlists

Lee Everett

May 5th, 2017 at 3:15 PM ^

Love WaitButWhy!

A youtube analog is In a Nutshell https://www.youtube.com/user/Kurzgesagt.  Like WBW, the content arrives at its own pace but is always well-produced, informative, and insightful.

The last light before eternal darkness-white dwarfs and black dwarfs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsN1LglrX9s

The most efficient way to destroy the universe-false vacuum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijFm6DxNVyI

The Fermi Paradox-where are all the aliens (part 1 and 2)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNhhvQGsMEchttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fQkVqno-uI

Start with those.  


May 5th, 2017 at 2:29 PM ^

Drudge Report

ebaumsworld.com for your average memes and dumb videos

tastelessgentlemen.com for the darker side of humor.  80% of the stuff has been rehashed 100 times and is VERY politically incorrect.



May 5th, 2017 at 6:04 PM ^

linked to a hilarious article today:


It might be wise to look away now if you are eating or have a weak stomach, but scientists have discovered that ingesting bogies is good for teeth, and overall health. Scientists at a number of universities including Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) say parents should not discourage their children from picking their noses because they contain 'a rich reservoir of good bacteria.'

I had to double-check to make sure I wasn't reading a story from the Onion. Speaking of the Onion, they have this story up now:



May 5th, 2017 at 2:45 PM ^

of the time I will just wikipedia random topics and read all about them. (I spent my lunch break reading about the 1953 Beecher/Flint tornado because somebody mentioned it and it sounded interesting).  

I also enjoy going to the "comments" section of political news stories and making outrageous claims to see how people react.



In reply to by ijohnb


May 5th, 2017 at 4:03 PM ^

I do that too with the Wikipedia thing. The problem is, everything sounds interesting so sometimes I go to one that is much longer than the time I should be spending on it but once I am reading I have to continue. I spent earlier reading a bit about M.A.S.H. because an episode was on in the background on AMC. Damn you. Now I may have to look at the 53 tornado.


May 5th, 2017 at 2:52 PM ^

Been spending my offseason at the sbnation sites, WiiM and starsandstripesfc.com (with some prideofdetroit and fearthewall mixed in). Also been spending time looking at phone reviews as I am trading up this month. So anyone know of any sites that do an honest review? And not paid reviews, that'd be great. 

Is there any Uverified Voracity Blogs out there? BLogs that just have a bunch of links to other blogs with good reads? Someone to shift through the garbage?