What are your thoughts about the amount of "rival" posts on the site?

Submitted by AlbanyBlue on November 20th, 2019 at 12:13 PM

This is in response / support to another poster on the Neck Sharpies post from earlier. Share with me your thoughts about rival fans posting on our site and also the specific use of Urban Meyer on the site.

For myself, I don't think it should be allowed. This is the best Michigan blog that exists, and I think that allowing posts from folks that are clearly fans of OSU, MSU, ND, and PSU makes it less enjoyable. Now many of you may feel differently, but I don't care how eloquent / level-headed / polite, etc they are. They have their own blogs (presumably) and that's where they should post. I find it a bit sad that, on the one hand, some of our regulars welcome these folks, and, on the other hand, that rival fans feel the need to hang out here and post regularly. Talk about being obsessed! You're a rival fan, and you're spending a bunch of time rationally posting with your rivals! Look, I spend time with MSU fans, and I consider some to be my friends, but we really don't sit around and talk about each other's teams -- why would we?

So I say, get 'em out of here. Now, I know it won't happen, because many of us think it's okay that they're here. I just don't. And to amplify, why would they even *want* to hang out here? I could understand rivals coming in for some jabs or trolling, whatever. But to hang out here and have rational takes on a rival board? I just don't get it. Maybe because I'd never spend time at RCMB or 11W or whatever boards PSU and ND have.

And while we're on the topic, why the HELL does Urban feature so prominently on this site? He hates us, he trolls us (green tie on the broadcast last week), etc -- as he should. But for our part, we show his goddamn face in many places on this blog, and there have been many topics about him, in some cases pining for him to be our coach! He fucking hates us, and we put him all over our site. "Well, he's really good at breaking down plays....." As another poster said, lots of folks are good at that. As above, I say, get him off this blog. This is Michigan, and we don't need to be pandering to anything OSU.



November 20th, 2019 at 12:47 PM ^

42 is the answer...

Your post is fake news...

And Trump was involved in a conspiracy to actively open our borders to extra terrestrials, so they could anal probe all Buckeye fans, to finally find out what tootsie roll pops do to your innards after you ingest them after only "three licks" and a "crunch"


November 20th, 2019 at 12:48 PM ^

I have absolutely no problem with sane posters from rival fanbases. I am definitely more irritated with you than with them. As regards Urban, he is an excellent analyst, and I have found his pieces on Michigan to be very helpful. I'd say more, but now I'm just a crabby old man.


November 20th, 2019 at 12:55 PM ^

Welp, I guess that's how y'all feel!

I suppose "it's a bad post and I'll feel bad" sums it up.

Shit, that was a clunker. But I'll take the punishment for it.

Stinky McStinkerton

November 20th, 2019 at 1:51 PM ^

I am a professional message board post critic.

This thread restores my faith in this community and I wonder why you thought it would turn out any differently?

I mean, it is a Michigan blog and people can get cranky, but it really does make it better when the fans of other teams post.

Besides, OT Season is headed our way and maybe they can outdo such exhilarating OPs like:

What brand of garden hose do you all prefer?

Does anybody else have a pet armadillo?

I am at a business meeting in Reykjavic--Where are all the white women?

Where is the best place to purchase a piñata?

What brand of caviar do you stock your yacht with?

How many $100 000.00 sports cars do you own?


So you see, we can all benefit from the perspectives of other fans. Provided they only post stuff we like and agree with.


November 20th, 2019 at 2:05 PM ^

>I am a professional message board post critic.

I believe it -- reading your posts, I can tell you must not be creating much value in the real world, because the last time I had the time to spend arguing with fans on a message board of a team I hate was when I was in undergrad...

It's painfully obvious that you have a massive inferiority complex towards Michigan. You take time to justify why people go to MSU over Michigan, so that tells me you were either rejected or feel some kind of need to justify that you're just as smart as Michigan people are, which often manifests itself in talking about the hypothetical ratio of people here who are actually more grads...and then you spend your time arguing with fans of the team that has the whole nation calling you "little brother?"

I mean, be a "professional message board post" critic if you want, but seems like a waste of a life my dude. You're worth more than just being a curmudgeon on a board!


November 20th, 2019 at 1:01 PM ^

I understand it, Saturday was cathartic for a lot of us - a definitive end to MSU's recent dominance over Michigan.

That said, it's easy to not open a thread you don't want to see.


November 20th, 2019 at 1:05 PM ^

Interesting post. I visit here to read about your team and how its trending. I enjoy some of the commentary as some of the posters are quite funny (sometimes intentional, sometimes not). I do this with some of OSU's other rivals and with certain fan bases (Texas, etc).

I post on these sites usually with questions and with comments about OSU if I think posters on the board don't have accurate info about the Buckeyes. I try very hard to be respectful ( except for one poster on here who I think is a real douchebag) and not troll. I don't like it when rivals do it on our board so I don't do it here.

I would also add that I'm not obsessed with UM football. But I admit to being obsessed with CFB. Its my favorite sport and now that I'm retired, I can feed my obsession as much as I like.

One person's perspective......


November 20th, 2019 at 1:24 PM ^

People are doing something I don't understand or like, so we should throw them out of our community. What are we, the Puritans?

The rivals I have seen posting here have never been anything but respectful and valuable. That's more than I can say about some Michigan posters. 

This whole post is very weird, and borders on parody. I can't believe anyone would be so tribalistic, and judgemental, on MGoBlog. I thought our culture was better than this - and the comments in response indicate that yes, we are open and welcoming to anyone who has good posts and thoughts, no matter who they root for on Saturdays.

Markley Mojo

November 20th, 2019 at 2:01 PM ^

If I get to read "eloquent / level-headed / polite" (and I'll add 'funny') posts on this site, I don't care who they come from. It's hard enough finding those elsewhere on the internet. Why would I chase off those who are willing to come here to do it?


November 20th, 2019 at 2:08 PM ^

I enjoy listening to Urban Meyer.  Hate us or like us, he gives me much more detailed insight into how Michigan plays than, just the standard boiler plate, "whoever rushes more usually wins" type of analysis.  I also think he has been honest in his assessment.  He said we had the Joe's and we weren't using them right.  I think he also defended Devin Gardner Anonymously in one of those coaches questions, when he said that he's a great player, that they'd love to have.

I haven't heard him take a cheap shot.  I'm ok if he jokes with Des or Chuck, that's what makes the game fun.

Same with posters here from other teams.  They give good insight into their team a lot of times that we don't have because they follow closer, and the good ones are ok with taking a neg bang to give some good ol' fashion ribbing.  

Dantonio is a troll.  He would be horrible. Trolls are horrible. Mods take care of the trolls.

Blue Vet

November 20th, 2019 at 2:22 PM ^

I enjoy this blog — a terrific one — partly because, like the University itself, it looks at many different perspectives, all generated from or focused on Michigan.

The idea of a club (aka blog) with just US in it feels too narrow. Let TSBS (That School Below Us) and Staee keep their tight, little clubs. Michigan folks can handle info from all over.


November 20th, 2019 at 2:42 PM ^

We should always seek to shut off outside sources of information, knowledge, and opinion. Our own group is the best, and is all we need. There is no need to know anything about our opponents. The outside world is evil and should stay away. Urban Meyer is Satan and Mark Dantonio is Satan Jr. Pitbull is Beelzebub.


November 20th, 2019 at 3:05 PM ^

There's so much State content on the site that I'm getting MSU Executive MBA ads on the side. I discovered this because a Michigan State page opened up in an extra tab, so apparently I accidentally clicked on one. Not too upset up that MGoBlog got some extra cash off of MSU.

The Geek

November 20th, 2019 at 3:42 PM ^

Meh. Sparty trolls don't stick around long and we have some good people on here that reliably contribute to the conversation. I enjoy their opinion.


November 20th, 2019 at 3:48 PM ^

This entire site is nothing but fan obsession with MSU and OSU.  Maybe if everyone stopped focusing on them, the other stuff would go away.


November 20th, 2019 at 4:10 PM ^

I like getting perspective from other fanbases.  I pop onto RCMB from time to time just to see where their heads are at.  

This site has a few from other fan bases who generally post quality stuff and are always polite and don't pop on to rub it in when Michigan loses.  


November 20th, 2019 at 4:13 PM ^

Urbans a pos and I don’t care how much he knows. I actually have no idea of his knowledge because when I see his punchable face I turn the channel.