Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays!

Submitted by The Mad Hatter on April 6th, 2020 at 11:02 AM

How's everyone doing?  Anyone else having trouble sleeping lately?  I usually get around six hours (seven if I'm lucky), but last night I got about two.  I think I should have just done an all-nighter instead.  Seeing double while sober is weird as hell.


April 6th, 2020 at 11:08 AM ^

Haven’t been able to sleep the last two nights. Guess what I did two nights ago...moved my PS4 into the bedroom. So can’t blame anyone but myself for that.

Also, watched It Comes at Night on Netflix before trying to fall asleep. Not having a pity party for my lost zzz hours.


April 6th, 2020 at 11:09 AM ^

I was good last night (alcohol is a wonderful sleeping pill) but last week one night I woke up at 1AM and stayed awake till about 5.

Spent the entire night replaying in my mind major decisions I made and the repercussions of those decisions.

That not pleasant in some cases.

The Mad Hatter

April 6th, 2020 at 12:19 PM ^

Good advice.  I've been doing all of that, but I think I might have to step it up a notch.  I've been thinking about using this time to shed my extra 15lbs and really get back in shape.  After I finish the long list of home improvements / repairs Mrs. Hatter has decided I'm doing while working from home.  She wants a victory garden in addition to the strawberry patch, so I have to figure out where to put it and then build the thing.  Wish I had a bigger yard.


April 6th, 2020 at 12:32 PM ^

serious comment:  there have been times in my life, probably like everybody, where bad things have happened that would make sleep very difficult.  i won't bore you with the details but the prescription that worked best for me was to have a.) one large work, and b.) one large exercise every day.  you and i might have differing ideas about what 'large' looks like in terms of those things, but the bottom line is that a body and mind that are tired from productive labor will sleep no matter what.  and you'll get stuff done.  and you'll lose that 15 lbs and be able to chase mrs. hatter better.  win-win. 


April 6th, 2020 at 12:34 PM ^

i know, those darn lead things are heavy.  have you considered running in addition to the biking?  even short runs?   the regimen right now is to lift MWF with the older sons, daddy-daughter duathlons TThS, and some supplemental walks sprinkled in with all of that.  seems to be working.  


April 6th, 2020 at 12:10 PM ^

I notice too that I have thought about past personal decision and work decisions. Mainly, what I perceived as impetuous and emotional(not reflective of how I truly am). 

hopefully the exercise allows me to be more mindful of thought and feelings moving forward. 

I am perspective is to find a way to forgive yourself and others.  


April 6th, 2020 at 11:10 AM ^

I’m good.  Wife made me a stylish cloth mask (somewhat Darth Vader), so she’s pushing me to hit Walgreens today.  Guess I get to run the gauntlet again.  Sorry you’re not feeling good.  Hope you rally soon.


April 6th, 2020 at 11:13 AM ^

The last two nights I slept well for the first time in weeks. Had to take an over the counter sleep aid, otherwise I was riding on 3 maybe 4 hours a night for awhile. Me and sleep have a troubled relationship the last few years. 


April 6th, 2020 at 11:37 AM ^

You working out Hatter? I noticed the first week or two of this my movement was down so far on step counts and such. Kids are same way. Found taking regular walks, running, doing some body weight stuff as helped quiet the mind and bring the sleep on.  Know it’s not for everybody but would recommend giving it a try. Sleep is for the weary, and my 300 steps a day weren’t getting me weary.


April 6th, 2020 at 11:38 AM ^

Rode my bike from westside A2 to Michigan Stadium, ran 1100 steps at the east entrance + 200 pushups, biked back, knocked back a few beers, and slept like a baby.


April 6th, 2020 at 11:39 AM ^

i haven't gotten this much sleep in literally 20 yrs, but there is a qualification to this: 5-6 hrs is my normal.  on the weekends i might steal a nap or two to try and make up for it.   this past couple of weeks i am getting at least 6 hrs. almost every night, and a nap most days.  work hours have eased up and quite frankly i want to spend time with mrs XM and all the children, so i am taking this part of the 'shut-down' as a huge blessing. 


April 6th, 2020 at 2:23 PM ^

i know the last time i slept 8 hrs three nights in a row was on one of my trips to alaska to see my buddies and hunt and fish.  we were on one of the guys' boat, out in prince william sound and far away from any type of cell phone/pager activity.   no distractions.  no electronics.  hunt, fish, eat what you harvest.  i am  not capable of sleeping 8 hours at this point in my life, which is one of the many reasons that trip was memorable. 


April 6th, 2020 at 12:55 PM ^

I've actually done okay the past few days. A few weeks ago was bad - lots of anxiety and the sleepless nights that go with them. My doctor always refers me back to the same things that I should be doing daily anyway: focus on a good diet, fitness, and lifestyle habits.

But I probably need a new pillow. I've awoken with a stiff neck almost every day, and it has to be the pillow. That, and sitting for hours a day in front of a computer monitor here in my home office (two monitors, actually). 

The Mad Hatter

April 6th, 2020 at 2:08 PM ^

I also need a new pillow, but I'm picky as hell about them.  100% goose down only.  I've had the same one for at least a decade, because it kills me to spend $100+ on a pillow.  Although I'll spend that much on dinner without thinking twice about it.  I wonder why that is? 

This is probably why I can't sleep.


April 6th, 2020 at 4:50 PM ^

I'm also very picky, but I usually go with synthetic down material. I can't bring myself to spend $100+ on a pillow, either. My biggest issue is that I start sleeping on my side, and end up on my back. The pillow ends up in an odd position, so my neck ends up taking the weight of my shoulders and head. 

As far as spending 2X on dinner versus a pillow, I'd guess that's probably because the gesture of appreciate by Mrs. Hatter is more immediate....