SIAP: OSU Gets Heat for Tone-Deaf Tweet

Submitted by FauxMo on September 27th, 2018 at 10:27 AM

Not sure this really needs commentary, and sorry if already posted, but how on Earth did anyone at OSU think that THIS was a good idea with everything going on???? Apparently, it is still up on Twitter too....



September 27th, 2018 at 11:47 AM ^

Yeah, so much "silence" in Columbus that they let the police investigate and determined no charges should be filed.

Conversely, PSU were the ones who remained "silent" and refused to go to the police about Sandusky.

I have some apples and oranges you guys should compare.

UM Fan from Sydney

September 27th, 2018 at 2:14 PM ^

Only dumb ass OSU fans would believe the police conducted an unbiased “investigation” of that matter. Just admit that Meyer got away with this and move on with your embarrassingly shitty life.


September 27th, 2018 at 4:23 PM ^

Yes the healing can begin for the poor affronted coaches administration and students and the victims like Zach Smith who had his name dragged through the headlines. How dare they question Urban Meyer or the school, or the football teams culture of hiding everything they can.

Back to status quo, winning at any cost.


September 27th, 2018 at 4:46 PM ^

Rotten apples and rotten oranges are both rotten. I am not really seeing the point you are making, but you are just trolling your rival’s blog for kicks, I guess. How long do you plan to keep this up? Because I got news for you, Heywood, no one is going to blow you except for maybe your mom.


September 27th, 2018 at 8:53 PM ^

Oh go away.  You're in danger of ascending to the same level of delusion that Meyer did and continues to live at.  There is so much wrong with what happened in CBus and the fact that she had to go to extreme lengths just to get Zach away from her speaks volumes.  

In the end you'll just go on sticking your head in the sand and saying "nothing happened" which puts you and your ilk squarely in the wrong.


September 27th, 2018 at 3:38 PM ^

Apparently no one in Columbus understands that "DA declined to prosecute" is an incredibly low bar for behavior of (and retention of) university personnel.

These are the same people who give UM flak about playing Brendan Gibbons between the time the police could not make a case and before the Title IX Dear Colleague letter led UM to reopen his case and expel him.  

Cali Wolverine

September 27th, 2018 at 10:35 AM ^

So wrong...but so Ohio State.  It is almost like Ohio state has become a caricature of itself.


Did anyone see Ballers on Sunday?...they painted a lovely picture of Ohio State. 


September 27th, 2018 at 12:19 PM ^

As someone who has weird loyalty to HBO shows... don't feel like you have to. It's entertaining, but not very good.

That being said, I'm very curious about how they aren't getting sued by Ohio State. They feature USC and OSU, and USC I don't remember there being any USC branding (other than their jerseys) in the show, and they have a fictional USC coach. Where Ohio State they have the logo on full display in multiple places and mention "Urban" while portraying a very shady program. Weird.

SMart WolveFan

September 27th, 2018 at 10:37 AM ^

What did Forrest Gump say about stupid?


It's actually even worse: take away the uniform and all of a sudden that aggressive stance with the finger "shush" is a visual abuse victims are all too familiar with.

Just Decay already!