Republican Debate Open Thread (Just kidding, Wednesday Night Drinking Thread)

Submitted by Optimism Attache on

I am having a Habanero Sculplin from Ballast Point. It is quite spicy but surprisingly good. Never thought I'd enjoy a nice spicy brew.


September 16th, 2015 at 9:06 PM ^

Not to talk about actual policies or politikz , but one quick funny thing that happened:

Very first question

Moderator:  Mr. Trump, blah blah blah on some topic not about any other candidate.

Donald Trump:  "Why is Rand Paul even here?  He's 11th he shouldn't be here"

I lol'd.


Two-hearted sixers were on sale at Kroger, so, obviously, I'm enjoying one or two.

Perkis-Size Me

September 16th, 2015 at 9:20 PM ^

And I'm so glad he isn't.

There's a time and place for that kind of stuff. I come here to get my fill of all things Michigan, not have half the populace tell me why I'm some ignorant putz who doesn't know what's right for this country.

Talking politics is a lose-lose situation, and I hate doing it. Few people ever remotely think of the idea of compromise, and they're so adamantly certain that it's their way or the highway.

Thank you, Brian. Keep politics off this blog forever.

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September 16th, 2015 at 11:20 PM ^

The reason that it is a lose - lose situation is because the greater part of the population has no idea how the political system works. You can even see the same thing in presidential debates and campaigns. It's the old I'm going to change Washington and then they get there and nothing changes... because it can't change and never will. It can only be manipulated and most times only slightly.

rob f

September 16th, 2015 at 9:12 PM ^, strike that...these gentlemen and lady debate, well, enough to drive one to drink on a weeknight! This night calls for a 'Not Your Father's Root Beer'.