Peyton Manning shares funny story about Harbaugh, sandwiches, and manners

Submitted by Bill Brasky on June 25th, 2020 at 5:47 PM

I dislike Peyton Manning in general. I dislike him from his Tennessee days. I respect him as an NFL star, and he's been humorous in his TV spots after football. I found this story funny about Harbaugh. I hadn't heard it before, so don't murder me if this is an old story.


June 25th, 2020 at 7:04 PM ^

“I always feel like, at least in my mom’s house, when she asks if you want something, she’s offended if you don’t let her make you something," Harbaugh said. 

Yep, been there. Say no twice, say yes the third time. Can fault him on that. And PBJs are absolutely divine so no fault there. 

Should have waited for the second offer.



June 25th, 2020 at 7:38 PM ^

Thanks for posting, I work and just don't have the time to keep my finger on the pulse like I use to.


James is so quirky, he cracks me up.  I think people just don't realize how high level tOSU is right now.  Makes it easy for the critics to take shots at James.  We are who we are, not sure why anyone expects us to be more when we haven't won an outright B1G title since 1997.  Don't put the cart before the horse babies!!!


June 25th, 2020 at 10:12 PM ^

Peyton has been really good on TV. I loved the SNL skit where he's super serious with little kids on the playground. I wonder if that was inspired by Harbaugh at all.


June 25th, 2020 at 11:14 PM ^

The fact the manning put his genitals in the face of a female trainer and then spent the remaining five years actively trying to destroy her, getting her fired from the IS olympics, etc. me to should have had him at least Address his wrong doing. Then he and his dad tried to get her to blame it on a “black player” and she refused to accept that scapegoat. 

Folks, Dr. Jamie Naughright should be believed. And Payton should be held accountable. 

Cereal Killer

June 26th, 2020 at 3:13 PM ^

I must be doing it wrong.  When I clicked on the link, I had to listen to some jagoff talking about how Harbaugh is the most overrated coach in college football.