OT - You Know Spring is Here When...

Submitted by xtramelanin on


I love winter as much or more than most, but even I can appreciate the fact that spring is basically here, on time, this year.   Among the signs up north that it really is here:

1.  There is almost no snow on the farm, and all of it will be gone by tomorrow.

2.  Thunder is rolling along by the house....in March.

3.  The spring peepers were out last night for the first time.  If you've never heard them, it is a symphony put on by these little frogs who come out by the hundreds down by the pond.  It is easily one of my favorite spring/summer sounds:

4.  The barn pump didn't freeze this year.  That's kind of a big deal b/c when it does, the kids have to huck 5 gal pails of water down to the livestock a few times a day.  Good work for them, but the past two winters it's been 5 months of frozen pump.

And Your signs of spring are......?

Go blue tonight - Tip-off @ 9:10!




March 16th, 2016 at 7:33 AM ^

I love winter more than most, but March is when I am ready for spring and as the OP said, it is coming on time so far this year.  The skis stayed in the garage for most of the year b/c of the pregnant wife, so the couples days the past few weeks where it is 65 and sunny having a beer on the patio have been like heaven.  

Birds chirping in the morning and even a thunder storm and lightning lighting up the house last night was a welcome treat.  

You need the month of February to really appreciate the signs of Spring.  Love Michigan weather and laugh at the people that bitch about it constantly.  

I Love Lamp

March 16th, 2016 at 7:37 AM ^

Because my paranoia about my sump pump failing and constantly checking it takes over. I should really purchase a backup generator to relieve anxiety, especially having already been burned once.

True Blue Grit

March 16th, 2016 at 8:22 AM ^

blooming here in Ann Arbor.  The spring peepers have been chirping for a week now after the weather warmed up.  But, those danged things are the hardest to actually see.  I've been trying for years to see one in the water, but they are so small and so wary it's almost impossible.   My eye sight might be part of the problem.  


March 16th, 2016 at 8:00 AM ^

Baseball, The Masters, warmer temps, longer days, and most importantly, not feeling a wind chill hit you in the face when stepping outside. That feeling gets old.

Eat Your Wheatlies

March 16th, 2016 at 8:02 AM ^

When we have our first (entire) baseball practice outside. We're usually stuck in the gym for some part of practice due to field conditions, but yesterday we took it all outside. Baseball means spring to me.


March 16th, 2016 at 8:28 AM ^

At least over here by my office, you know it is spring when the fresh scent of spring rains and blossoming trees and flowers at least temporarily supress the smell of the Waste Management landfill at the intersection of Van Born and Hannan Road. Same goes for the one that butts up to Michigan Avenue in Canton. In the summer, when the wind blows in the right direction and the seagulls begin to swarm, you know it will be a bad day. 


March 16th, 2016 at 8:41 AM ^

The citrus groves usually flower here in central Florida between early and mid-March.  I know we don't exactly have 'winter' but the blooms coincide with calendar spring and it's the sweetest smell you can imagine.


March 16th, 2016 at 8:55 AM ^

In the past, it would have meant driving out to confirm that the cabin survived the winter. We had to sell that, so now it just means I'm sad and nostalgic.

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March 16th, 2016 at 9:48 AM ^

It just means constant rain and mud, which means constant cleaning off the dog's paws when we get inside from a walk, and truly nice, warm, sunny weather doesn't happen often enough to make up for it.