
December 12th, 2020 at 1:35 PM ^

Dude, he described it as a lie himself.  As I pointed out, the lie doesn't really add up, so I'm skeptical. 

As to ebola, we were never going to have a huge outbreak.  It's bloodborne, not airborne.  Not sure how you think Fauci was the savior there.  He points out himself that the perception of risk there was overblown.


December 12th, 2020 at 2:58 PM ^

I stand corrected.  Pfizer's contract was the only one to not specify payment even with non-approval.  They seem to have left themselves room to raise the price significantly down the road.  Guess we'll have to wait a while to judge the situation.  Nevertheless, a $2 billion contract is hardly "non-participation" in Warp Speed.  I suspect they leveraged that in their negotiations with other governments.



December 12th, 2020 at 8:25 AM ^

My mom is a hospice admissions nurse and has been so incredibly careful throughout all of this, continually testing negative while picking up shifts for coworkers that have been justifiably uncomfortable. She's over 60 as well. The stress has been taking a toll on her but she just keeps working and making people comfortable.

The thought of her being vaccinated and breathing a little easier almost brings me to tears.


December 12th, 2020 at 4:11 AM ^

Pfizer and Moderna are pushing a new and unproven vaccine technology that uses mRNA to manipulate people's genetics to elicit an immune response versus the traditional method of injecting a dead virus (Chinese Coronavac). Either way, tread carefully. I do not plan on taking it and will rely on a healthy lifestyle as my best defense.


December 12th, 2020 at 4:21 AM ^

I have a relative who took the vaccine for work but is not allowing their family to take it because no one knows what the long-term side effects are of it. I also know several people who got coronavirus, some on multiple occasions, and they said it was like a bad flu.

I'll take my chances with a bad flu over unknown side effects.


December 12th, 2020 at 5:24 AM ^

Just to be clear, we do not know the long-term side effects of COVID-19. We do know some of the lingering short-term side effects, which include damaged lungs, exhaustion, and brain fog months later in many, many people. Will these things pose problems later? Nobody knows. This is a brand new virus.


December 12th, 2020 at 12:15 PM ^

"One side affect we know of Covid is that it kills lots of people."

Many things kill a lot of people. Obesity (300k per year), alcohol (95K per year), car crashes (39K), etc. Have people stopped eating junk food, drinking, or driving cars? No. You take precautions to limit exposure to harm, like generally eating healthy, putting on a seatbelt, stopping at traffic lights, not getting drunk etc.

Same with Covid. I would rather distance myself, practice proper hygiene, build-up my immune system than take vaccines using new technologies produced by large pharmaceutical companies that are being rushed. I see this as a large human experiment and I'll observe and see how it goes.

"That doesn’t seem like a side effect that we are generally seeing with the vaccine trials."

See AstraZeneca.


December 12th, 2020 at 1:51 PM ^

It wasn't me who concluded that getting vaccinated means you cannot spread it. I am showing that it is inconclusive and considering it is inconclusive, you err on the side of "What can go wrong, will go wrong." The vaccinated person I know still socially distances, wears a mask, etc. to prevent possibly spreading it.

blue in dc

December 12th, 2020 at 2:01 PM ^

What you originally said and I responded to was “You can still spread the virus if vaccinated:”.  If instead you had said that it was inconclusive, I wouldn’t have had the need to point out that you very incorrectly summarized the article you cited.

blue in dc

December 12th, 2020 at 2:11 PM ^

If you are obese and you persist in eating lots of junk food, you are not “taking proper precautions to limit exposure to harm”.    If you die from excessive alcohol use, you are not “Taking proper precautions to limit exposure to harm”.   


December 12th, 2020 at 10:01 AM ^

Is a Coronavac like a pony keg?  How about maintaining a healthy lifestyle AND getting the vaccine so you don't carry and spread it to others?  Or is the tiny (.0002%) historical risk of a serious vaccine reaction too much for you to handle?  Selfish and uninformed tinfoil-hat wearing pricks like you is why this will drag on longer than it needs to, and thousands of unnecessary deaths will occur.


December 12th, 2020 at 12:28 PM ^

If you vaccinate, then what are you worried about? Drunk drivers worry me on late weekend nights, so do I go around trying to mandate that everyone not drink alcohol so I can feel safe driving?

No, I understand the risk associated and take the necessary measures and precautions. If you do not feel safe around unvaccinated people despite being vaccinated yourself, you can take measures to avoid them as well rather than dictating what they should and should not do to make you feel safe.


December 12th, 2020 at 12:38 PM ^

It's not about feeling safe.

It's about getting back to normal. Schools open. Sports. Concerts. Movie Theaters. I can be the safest person in the world and mitigate my own risk, but the more people like you who don't vaccinate and can spread the virus, the longer it takes for all those things to open.

It shouldn't be risky to go to school or to a football game. It will be until we all vaccinate. 


December 12th, 2020 at 12:48 PM ^

Again, if you vaccinate, what are you worried about and how does my not being vaccinated affect you? How do I become a risk to vaccinated people, especially considering I chose to live in a rural environment, social distance, and avoid crowds? 

As stated earlier, if you vaccinate, you can potentially spread the virus to those who are not vaccinated.

blue in dc

December 12th, 2020 at 2:21 PM ^

If everyone took your attitude, then we’d continue to have lots more Covid cases for longer than is necessary.  Those cases overwhelm hospitals, both placing an incredible burden on health care workers and limit health care availability for other problems.   If the ER is overflowing with Covid patients and someone else needs ER services, you are putting that person at risk.    Rural hospitals are in fact also overrun with Covid patients.


December 12th, 2020 at 2:38 PM ^

Regardless of what I do, it would never be enough. Even if you socially distance, wear a mask, and live in the middle of nowhere in solitary confinement, if you don't get vaccinated, you're a threat. If you get the vaccine once and not yearly, you'll be a threat, etc. Called Mission Creep.

Regarding the healthcare system, it does a good job itself limiting healthcare by limiting the number of doctors in the US, making education astronomically expensive burdening future doctors with high debt levels, and making healthcare an astronomically expensive "privilege."


blue in dc

December 12th, 2020 at 3:53 PM ^

If 1% of the US population chooses not to get a vaccine, it won’t be a problem.   If 50% choose not to, we’ll have to live with significantly more covid pain for much longer than is necessary.   

While there are plenty of criticisms that could be made of the US health care system, the immediate pressing problem is that there are over 107,000 people currently in the hospital for Covid and that number is growing.   In each of the last three days, approximately 3000 people died each day from Covid and that number is not expected to fall soon.   Wearing masks and social distancing can only do so much.    And social distancing is destroying the economy, that is why we need a vaccine and why as a society we’ll be much better off if most people take the vaccine.


December 12th, 2020 at 4:22 PM ^

I have a simpler approach, rather than trying to force people to believe as I do and make them do what I want, the George W Bush, "You're either with us or against us approach," which only really works for authoritarians that can whack people that are afraid of them, I just leave them to their own devices and dissociate.

For example, in 2003, the people that chose to believe the WMD lies and supported the Iraq War based on "official sources and news outlet reports," despite all the evidence I laid before them that it was all a lie, I just disowned, dissociated, and moved on.

blue in dc

December 12th, 2020 at 6:15 PM ^

I’m not trying to force you to believe anything.   I’m just pointing out where you are factually wrong.   We have plenty of evidence that social distancing and masks alone are not a viable strategy for a well functioning society.   We also know that if the majority of people take your approach, vaccines won’t work.   We also know that in other instances vaccines have been effective.   

If your opinion is that as a society, we can keep taking the same approach (which seems to be your suggestion), and if you keep saying that opinion poses no harm to anyone else, I’ll keep pointing out why that doesn’t agree with the evidence we have.    


December 13th, 2020 at 3:15 AM ^

What exactly is "factually wrong?"  Stating the mRNA technology is new and not proven? Why not use tried and tested traditional methods (like China's CoronaVac) rather than rushing through an experimental new vaccine on the masses in an emergency and then trying to gaslight people who won't submit to having it tested on them?

Look, as stated earlier, if you get vaccinated, you should be okay. If people don't want to, and they die from Covid, that's their choice. Hey, I'd love to end the obesity pandemic (300K Americans die per year), but I am not going to run around demanding what they should and should not eat. I could point to the fact their selection of junk food is damaging the general public by promoting GMOs, chemicals, etc. I could also tell vehicle drivers that all their vehicle emissions are harmful to pedestrian health and they should stop driving until they no longer emit harmful emissions. Why should pedestrians have to suffer from their selfish activity (the same straw man being used against people who won't vaccinate).

The Pandemic reminds me of the "War on Terror." There's is always something to fear, whether Afghan cavemen with boxcutters, dictators with non-existent nuclear weapons, Russians rigging elections, or now, Chinese bat eaters, that pose a "threat to our safety and security" and leads to authoritarian measures like the Patriot Act, NDAA, "Pre-Emptive War", Kill Lists, Lockdowns, and now, it is steering towards forceful injections using an experimental technology.

Yes, let's entrust the public health to people that conduct endless illegal wars, endless illegal surveillance, covered up what happened on Epstein Island, crack down on whistleblowers like Snowden, persecute real journalists like Julian Assange (Biden called him a "hi-tech terrorist"),  bail out Wall Street, etc. I mean, what could possibly go wrong? Have fun with that, I checked out years ago and left to avoid the obvious move toward totalitarianism. Best decision I ever made.

More on Covid, Epstein, and Operation Dark Winter here:…

"The allocation strategy of COVID-19 vaccines within the US is set to dramatically differ from previous national vaccination programs. One key difference is that the vaccine effort itself, known as Operation Warp Speed, is being almost completely managed by the US military, along with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Security Agency (NSA), as opposed to civilian health agencies, which are significantly less involved than previous national vaccination efforts and have even been barred from attending some Warp Speed meetings. In addition, for the first time since 2001, law enforcement officers and DHS officials are set to not be prioritized for early vaccination."

The Biden Democrats of 2020 remind me much of the 2004 Bush Republicans. Same cesspool, same tactics, but a little more refined crying crocodile tears pretending to care about human lives while supporting a guy that dropped so many bombs he ran out (Obama/Biden). And before I am accused of being a Trump Supporter for not supporting Blue Bush (Biden), Trump is really no different in action, just less refined in lying, hypocrisy, and crying crocodile tears.


December 12th, 2020 at 6:47 AM ^

Thank You President TRUMP for Operation Warp Speed something Unheard of in such a short time frame..a true Miracle

Bo Harbaugh

December 12th, 2020 at 9:49 AM ^

When the vaccine reaches N. Korea in 18 months the people will thank their dear leader Kim Jung for inventing it.

Russia to this day celebrates Stalin as the reason Russia defeated Germany in WW2, whereas most historians acknowledge that “The Man of Steel” actually handicapped Russia’s own war efforts with blunders and purges.

Right Wing misinformation is strong these days, to the point where Fox News can’t even keep up with NewsMax and OANN for the zombie demographic viewership it created.

Anyways, I’m sure you fully support Orange Mussolini’s behavior post-election, so I suggest you donate to his campaign to challenge the results.  I’m certain, based on his history of honest business activities and integrity, that those hundreds of millions of dollars will go towards rightful legal challenges, not a sideshow to protect a very small man’s, narcissist’s ego from a landslide loss, while 70% of the money gets pocketed in an exit scam grift.

The way Trump and his followers have behaved since losing (in a landslide) the election, exposes Trumpism for exactly what it always was - a cult. Funny how they loved throwing around words like “snowflake” and “unhinged” when the opposition complained about their dear leader, but now they’ve literally lost it to the point of entering an alternative reality where he was “cheated”


Perkis-Size Me

December 12th, 2020 at 12:10 PM ^

Couldn’t have said it any better. I think politics on both sides can be hypocritical, but the right is sure showing how hypocritical they can be during the last month and a half.

We heard nothing from them nonstop the last four years about how the left is full of a bunch of snowflakes and crybabies who couldn’t move on and accept the 2016 election results. Now the shoe is on the other foot and they can’t accept the fact that their fearless supreme leader lost the 2020 election. 

All because Trump is such a petty, small narcissist of a man who’s ego is so fragile that he can’t possibly fathom a reality in which he lost. And that trickles down to his base and they eat it up.