OT: Royal Rumble predictions

Submitted by jimmyshi03 on

Most open Rumble (and in turn, Wrestlemania card) in a decade coming up, though the results of the two title matches on the PPV might provide some clues.

My guess: one of the Raw guys wins, probably Strowman, setting up a Reigns fued. Surprise entrants: Samoa Joe (not that much of a surprise), Bobby Roode. No feeling on legend type. 

Goldberg/Lesnar eliminate one another. Taker gets eliminated either last, next to last or by chicanery. 





January 27th, 2017 at 2:36 PM ^

but since he doesn't have legs anymore he's probably out.  I'm gonna take a wild stab and say they are going to find a last minute way to get Seth Rollins in and he wins it.  My surprise entrant is Daniel Bryan.  If Vince McMahon had any common sense left he would back the brinks truck up to CM Punk.  He's the only guy that could turn this sinking ship around

Wolverine Devotee

January 27th, 2017 at 2:39 PM ^

It's amazing that the main event of Wrestlemania is going to be a flaming turd of a match they did when I was 9.

The development has been non-existent.

It's been 15 years and the same old assholes are still main eventing and being asked to draw.

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January 27th, 2017 at 2:40 PM ^

Randy Orton wins the Rumble. Kurt Angle as surprise entrant (I really wish).

Strowman as "big unstoppable boring guy" is going to get old fast.