OT: Moving back to Korea, What are your tips an tricks?

Submitted by SFBayAreaBlue on June 28th, 2023 at 1:40 AM

After a decade back in the states, my winding life path looks like it's taking me back to Korea, so I may become 'BlueSeoul' once again or maybe 'YeosuBlue' for a while at least.  I was wondering what new websites the kids are using to get cheap airplane tickets and what other traveling/moving tips you might have. 


June 28th, 2023 at 12:51 PM ^

I'm not at all an expert but have been going through a bit of a crash course as my kid is heading to Seoul for a semester abroad.  From my flight searches, it seemed EVA was far and away the cheapest airline, but all the flights connect through Taipei I think.  It was significantly cheaper (like $1200 RT instead of $1900).  But the kid's grandmother decided to pop for a non-stop, so I can't really tell you how it is...

Also, if anyone has some tips for an American college student finding their way and making the most of a semester in Korea, I'm all ears!


June 28th, 2023 at 1:23 PM ^

Hi friend

I lived in Korea for 15 years and enjoyed your 'BlueSeoul' identity


is probably your best bet to start with. Quick look shows they're pretty expensive right now. Once I find the best options, I think search that airline directly to see if they have cheaper deals, and then targeted google searches.



Pulled P

June 28th, 2023 at 1:34 PM ^

For cheap plane tickets, check out this one: https://www.airpremia.com/kr/en

It's a relatively new long-distance LCC based in South Korea. They have a flight from LAX to ICN, but not sure if they have one from SFO.


As for the moving, if you don't plan to move a lot of stuff, there's a service called 'Dream-bag'. 


Basically they charge you by the number of bags and it's cheap if you don't have a lot of bulk.


June 28th, 2023 at 7:07 PM ^


Super dependable streaming site. Some of the bigger contests (mostly NBA and MMA) might have Korean commentary but should be safe for Michigan sports. The non-Korean literate here could probably navigate this site as well if they stick to icons and whatever clues the thumbnails give.

잘 봐!


June 29th, 2023 at 10:44 AM ^

Man, I don’t envy that flight.  Wife and I just got back from Tianjin, China and those flights kicked our asses.  Just brutal.  Safe travels…sounds like the start of a great adventure.