OT: Let's Laugh at Each Other - Worst Last Date Story

Submitted by LSA Aught One on July 12th, 2020 at 11:19 AM

We've been on-edge and fighting with each other, a lot.  I have always found that self-depreciation is a great way to ease tension.  When I was mowing the lawn last night, my mind started to drift back to the days after my divorce and the slew of bad dates I had amassed.  I was trying to rank them in order of hilarity and realized that everyone talks about their bad first dates, but does anyone really ever talk about bad last dates?  Many times, they are one-in-the-same, but sometimes they occur out of the blue.  Either way, let's hear about a time you, or the other person, really messed shit up.

I'll go first:


I had been divorced for about 18 months when I met this stunning redhead online.  She was a single mom and only a few years younger than me.  We went out on a few awesome dates, I met the kid, family, and things were cool.  I was fine with the fact that she had a kid and was a great listener when she told me about his dad and how she was struggling being on her own.  I really liked this girl.  At this time, I was middle-management at a major corporation and was working 16 hour days to show them that I had potential.  We only got to see each other on Fridays and kept up via text during the week.  She was living with her mom so she could help with raising her son. 

Last Date:

It was too early-on in the relationship for her to bring the kid to my place, so she invited me over one night and made her mom leave so we could have the place to ourselves.  She told me to grab a pizza and movie and come over after work.  The week had been horrible, so I was running late.  On my way to her place, I called a buddy that knew the entire story about this girl, but thought it wasn't going to work out between us.  I asked him what movies were out on DVD that were funny and would be a great date movie.  He said that he had seen Juno and it was hilarious and a perfect date movie.  As my mind was in many different places, I just went into Blockbuster and bought a copy (they were all out of rental copies, so it must be a good movie, right?).  When I showed up, we ate and were talking.  She asked what movie I had brought and I told her it was this new movie, Juno.  She had never heard of it.  As you all probably know, it's about getting knocked up, unexpectedly, and it's pretty bleak.  About half way through, she said she had a migraine and that I should go.  Never heard from her again.  


July 12th, 2020 at 11:27 AM ^

Senior year at U of M.  I was in lust with a Lebanese girl from one of my classes.  So I asked her out. Turns out this was a 'group date'.  Her sister, sister's boyfriend, brother, brother's girlfriend in addition to me and the girl.  I forget where we went, but they alternated between speaking Arabic, French and English.  My 7th & 8th grade French failed me and I spoke no Arabic and was involved only for the 15% to 20% of the time they were speaking English.

That was a waste of time, didn't get any at the end of the night.  She did call me the next day to say hi, but I told her I had to tune my trombone.  No contact after that.

First and last date.


July 13th, 2020 at 4:55 AM ^

I once told a girl whom I was trying to avoid that I had to "polish some books" that evening. Then I went into a long-winded explanation of how they were leather-bound classics that my Dad had left me, and the leather covers needed to be taken care of so that they wouldn't crack, and the best way to do that was to use furniture polish ("I know it sounds crazy, but it works!")

I felt like Jack from an episode of "Three's Company," but she completely bought it.


July 12th, 2020 at 11:46 AM ^

Back when my wife and I were just dating, her co-worker recommended she see, “There’s Something About Mary.” He told her it was a really funny movie, so we decided to go. Future-wife asked me if we could bring her mother. Me, wanting to show I was good husband material, agreed. My wife and I spent the whole movie cringing, hoping in vain that mom’s eyesight had gone bad. Wife went back to work the next day and told her colleague she took her mother to the movie. He nearly fell out of his chair laughing.


July 12th, 2020 at 12:08 PM ^

I was 50+ and divorced.  I had waited several months before friends finally convinced me to go on a date.  Since this is the only last date I’ve had since, ooohhhh, the late 80’s it started out awkward and got worse.  A series of uncomfortable conversations followed by an “I am sorry, this isn’t going to work” and I bolted. I find out through friends that she has met the man of her dreams.  Good for her, I thought.  Until they clarified she meant me.  Thank God I never have to do that again.  

Met my current wonderful lady at a funeral for a mutual friend. Almost knocked her down in the lobby. Much better story than the one above. 

Brian Griese

July 12th, 2020 at 12:23 PM ^

I really only have one story for this thread. It wasn't exactly a formal 'date' but I think a few people will still get a kick out of it.  A few years back, I had been falling for this girl. She was in the upper right on the hot/crazy scale (I'll withhold some of the juicy details to support that position), but what’s a man to do?

Anyways, we had hung out a few times (we had mutual friends) and there was definite mutual interest. A couple weeks before the finale, we had a great time in a group setting with our friends at a couple bars/clubs and things seemed to be escalating. 

On the date in question, we were again headed to a nightclub for a birthday party. A few days prior, she reached out to me to see if I was going, expressed happiness I was, etc. Day of, we pregame with our friends and everything seems to be going swimmingly. We then head to the club and I graciously pay the cover for us and the first couple rounds of drinks. The drinks come and all of sudden she won’t talk to me and seems to be actively avoiding me too. Befuddled, I tried to talk to her a couple times and was stonewalled. A friend asks her what the deal is and she implies I’m smothering her. It made zero sense to me. The night ends awkwardly for me to say the least. 

As you can imagine, there was no real contact between us afterwards. However, out of sheer curiosity, I did go check her Facebook page a few weeks after that night. What do I find? She had been formally dating someone starting a week before the awkward date I discussed. So impressed by how she’d played me, I laughed hysterically at work. 

The hot/crazy scale never lies. However, I did meet my wife 3 months later so I guess it worked out. 

Dr. Detroit

July 12th, 2020 at 12:30 PM ^

So many bad dates...

I was fighting with girlfriend at what was obviously the end of the relationship.  Rumors were she was seeing someone else.  Had just left her place pissed off.  I see a woman hitching a ride who looked in distress.  I stupidly stopped & gave her a ride.  Hear the whole story about how she split with her boyfriend.  She wasn't hard on the eyes at all & gave me her number.  The date was a catastrophe.  She wore a glitter wig.  We went to a movie.  10 minutes in she goes to use the bathroom & comes back smelling like she took a bath in gin.  10 minutes later, repeat.  I practically had to carry her out of the theater.  In the car she tells me she had been calling her ex & arguing with him, then suddenly tells me to pull into an apartment complex we were passing because a friend of hers lived there.  I had considered leaving the theater during several of her "bathroom" breaks, so when she went to the friend's door & knocked I drove off.

This one was after moving to NYC, so no being stuck driving someone.  (So much better to date when you are not responsible for transportation.)  Met her on a dating site where her face was always obscured by a hat or something, but she had interesting tastes.  Just as the conversations were going flat & I was about to be done she suggests meeting for coffee & going to see an independent film screening she had tickets for that sounded really interesting.  So why not?  It was obvious while having coffee that there was zero chemistry.  She also made it very clear that she did not live in the city as she previously claimed, but moved in with her parents up in Westchester.  Went to the film and it turns out movies about genocide do not make for good date films (who knew!)  After the film I was relieved when she was done & just wanted to go home.  We ended up taking the same train & actually had a much better conversation.  When she was getting off at Grand Central to catch the train up to Westchester I told her I would walk her to her train, just because.  She politely said it wasn't necessary, but I'm stupid & polite.  Walking & talking thru Grand Central she suddenly blurts out "I GOTTA RUN" and breaks into a full sprint.

Friend: "So how did your date go?"

Me: "She ran away."

Out of curiosity I checked the train schedule.  The train she would have needed was not leaving soon.  I think she lied about not living in the city & was faced with actually getting on a train & going somewhere she didn't need to to continue a lie.  Whatever.  It made for the best ending to a bad date ever.


July 12th, 2020 at 12:45 PM ^

One night at a bar in A2, me and my 'friend' went out for a drink. Little did I know that he was trying to hook me up.

He introduced me to this one blonde headed girl. She was nice and pretty and all that but after a few minutes talking did I decide she wasn't the one.

She understood and we both went on our own separate ways after that night.

Perkis-Size Me

July 12th, 2020 at 12:56 PM ^


I was getting ready to move for grad school and didn't know anyone, so I started an OKCupid account a month or two ahead of moving just to try and meet some people. Talked to three girls, went on dates with all of them, one stuck and I started dating her for a couple months. Things seemed to be going alright, we talked a bunch, met her friends and they seemed to like me, and then she invited me over one weekend to her older brother's and his wife's house to watch football. I thought everything went perfectly fine, nothing seemed too out of the ordinary. Then for the next week or so, she just stopped texting me. When I would call her or text her to see how she was doing, I could tell she seemed distant or disinterested, but thought maybe she was having a bad week, so I let it go. 

Last Date:

We'd already planned to go see Jersey Boys a week or two later, and I still convinced her to go, but I could tell from the moment I picked her up to the moment I dropped her off, she just didn't want to be there and didn't want to be around me. She just brushed off most anything I asked her and gave me surface answers of "Okay," or "It's going alright." Definitely ruined the experience of seeing the show, and was a waste of a hundred bucks or so for both the tickets. As we pulled up to her house, I just told her to tell me what's going on and why she's upset. Apparently when I went over to her brother's house, I did or said something that she or her brother didn't like. When I asked her what it was, she just said she didn't want to talk about it. She got out of the car, I drove home, we talked a few days later, seemingly made up, and she was going to try coming to see me on Friday after I got out of class. But when I got a call from her the day before, somehow I knew what it was for. She just said its not working out and would like to stay friends. But she did me a favor: she was an OSU fan who had extremely little career direction and always wanted to live within a few miles of her parents. She was the kind of person who wanted to live and die in the same place for the rest of her life. She actually called me two weeks later and said she wanted to talk, but I just blew her off and wasn't interested in what she had to say anymore. 

To this day, I never found out what I did or said to make her so upset, but frankly I don't care. Had she waited any longer to dump me, I likely would've never met my wife. We connected literally a few days to a week later, right before she said she was considering shutting down her OKCupid account. I'm not a religious guy by any stretch, but I do believe the universe makes things happen the way they're supposed to. 


Blue Middle

July 12th, 2020 at 1:10 PM ^

Oh man. I have lots of stories here...the most embarrassing and therefore the best to share is the first girl I dated post-divorce. We had known each other for years but were not friends and didn’t keep in touch. I mostly thought she was crazy. 
She was beautiful, fit, funny, and I could tell from our first date that she was into me. We went on several dates but had not slept together—she was a 30-year-old virgin. It was clear that we were falling for each other and I was eager to get back into a deep relationship, and quite frankly, to find my forever wife and start thinking about kids
On what was probably our 8th date, while we were making out, I said, “How long do I have to wait to tell you I love you?”

She, understandably, freaked out and we never had a real date again. To her credit we did see each other for coffee about 6 weeks later and while she was obviously still attracted to me the “L” word scared her too much. 
I couldn’t be more grateful this didn’t work out. I’m with my forever wife now and we have two amazing kids. But that last date was an important reminder to take it slow and remember that not everyone was ready to jump into a deep relationship within a couple months of seeing each other. 


July 12th, 2020 at 1:51 PM ^

Our first meeting did not go so well.  We were living in the same grad dorm at Purdue, and a mutual friend decided we should meet. I knocked on her dorm door and after a delay, she answered.  She was moving back onto campus and had no makeup and was wearing sweat pants and a grungy shirt. I had awakened her and the guy who was helping her move from a nap ( I later found out he was gay and really was just helping her move--nothing more). At that time I had long hair and a beard, looked a lot like the pictures of Brian from 10-15 years ago.  It was not love at first sight for either of us. She looked a lot better with rest, makeup, and clean clothes, and we started dating.

Fast forward two months. We were out drinking at a party, and I got all jealous because I thought she was flirting with another guy.  We went back to her dorm room for a nightcap, got really drunk, and had a huge argument. I remember thinking, "what in the hell can I say that will get this woman to shup up?"  So I blurted out "will you marry me?"  That worked.  Stunned silence. Then I left for my own room and tossed and turned until I fell asleep.  At that point we were dating regularly and had a standing Sunday morning routine.  I would go to her room, she would cook breakfast in this multipot appliance she had, and we would watch Rawhide together. I debated what to do.  Should I just try to avoid her from then on and never speak to her again?  Did I really say what I thought I did?  If I really said it, would she have been too drunk to remember?  I decided to roll the dice and go to her room.  There she was, fixing breakfast, and the first thing she asked was "did you really mean what you said last night just before you left?" I was really in a spot.  I hemmed and hawed, and finally said "yes." After a bit of discussion she agreed to marry me.  Seven months later we got married and have been married 34 years now.

Blue Me

July 12th, 2020 at 1:51 PM ^

It was probably junior year of HS and I asked a friend's younger sister to a dance. I knew she was a lil bitchy but hot (still is) and I thought I'd give it a whirl. We double dated and went down by the river beforehand to torch a joint in the car. I'm guessing that bothered her (although all of the other kids in her family partied) as she ditched me at the dance.

I did run into an old girlfriend there who had come with her girlfriend and she felt sorry for me (which resulted in sex).

I dunno, is that really a bad date?

Bo Harbaugh

July 12th, 2020 at 2:07 PM ^

15 years ago, In Spain, met a beautiful Moroccan Girl.  2nd date went from ecstasy to doom - broken condom, her being completely against plan-B and me losing my mind for 3 weeks that she was pregnant, yet I was pretending I was totally cool with it either way.

Test came back negative, but all the “discussions” destroyed potential relationship.

This was essentially the 2015 UM-MSU game of my sex/dating life.   



July 12th, 2020 at 2:14 PM ^

Dated a girl for about 3 months.  Went to a BBQ with her at my friends home.  Had a great time but on the way home she just mentioned that MY dining room table would look good in her dining room.  Last time I ever saw her.  Not a bad date, just the last date.


July 12th, 2020 at 2:30 PM ^

I met a former Ohio State cheerleader in the fall of 2000.  First date, we watch The Game, it was also our last date.  ??‍♂️ Go Blue! 38-26 Michigan win.  


July 12th, 2020 at 3:18 PM ^

It wasn't really a formal "date," but it sure wasn't good.

Many years ago in a divey sports bar where I used to hang out. She was a really cute and funny and curvy waitress. One night business was slow and she was getting off early, and did I want to come with her to this bar in Royal Oak? Oh hell yes.

So I follow her in my car. Once we parked, it was apparent that she'd had several shots while still working. She was wobbling and loud. After one drink, she was bombed. She tried to order another, but  the bartender politely told her she'd had one too many. Before she could go into full bitch mode it was closing time, so she wobbled off to the ladies, and then we left.

By then I knew that "gettin' any" wasn't going to happen - and frankly, I was dog-tired and just wanted to go home. But once we got to her car, she couldn't find her keys. The more she looked, the more they weren't there, and the more she went into full blubbering meltdown.

I told her to stay there, ran back to the bar, and banged on the door until they opened. They fond her keys in the ladies' room. Thanks were given, and I ran back to our cars. There I found m'lady sitting on the ground in tears, and in no condition to drive.

So, since friends don't let acquaintances drive drunk, I offered to drive her home. She refused loudly, and the more I insisted, the louder she got. She turned into a wailing banshee, and part of her wailing was that her boyfriend would kill her if some guy drove her home.

By then it was quarter to 3. I'd made every effort to do the right thing, and I had a horrible image of being killed by the boyfriend too - or just as bad, having the Royal Oak cops cruise by and leap to the wrong conclusion. I gave her the keys, told her to be careful, and got the hell out of there.

About a week later I went back to the dive bar. She was working - and she was highly pissed at me. Because the cops had pulled her over, she'd failed the sobriety test, and now was looking at her second DUI. So now she couldn't drive, was going to lose her license, and it was all my fault because I didn't drive her home.

There comes a point in life when you think, "You know what? Fuck this." I finished my drink and left, and never went back.



July 12th, 2020 at 6:20 PM ^

I had a fist date that became a last date in about 30 minutes. She started by trying to tell me how to drive. When to change lanes, signal,etc. Then began trying to alter a well planned itinerary. Where to eat, stop to see a band,dance etc. I quickly feigned a migraine headache which was sort of true. Dropped her off and arrived late to a poker game that I should have gone to in the first place.


July 12th, 2020 at 7:18 PM ^

Worst first date and last date. I was 22, right out of college, and my sister-in-law set me up with an older guy, around 28, who, I found out at dinner, was eager to get married. He took me to a really nice restaurant. I'm the kind of girl who is not into that kind of stuff until later. I'm immediately turned off by someone who's trying to impress me with fancy restaurants, etc... So we're at dinner, and he starts talking about having kids. I literally could not get out of there fast enough. Unfortunately, he drove, so I had to wait for him to be ready to go. As he pulled up in front of my apartment, I didn't even wait for the car to stop - I literally jumped out of a moving car to get away from him. I ended up getting married when I was 32 (not to him). A really good age, by the way, and I encourage all of you under 30 to wait until you're at least 30 to sign those papers. 


July 12th, 2020 at 8:13 PM ^

Not the worst date, but the strangest.  Years ago a friend set me up on a date with his girlfriend’s friend.  Actually, they gave me her email and we emailed a few times back and forth prior to going out for the first time.  

I walked to the bar in Chicago where we are meeting and get a few random calls to my phone from a number I don’t recognize.  Didn’t think anything of it, but didn’t pick up.

We meet up at the bar for a few casual drinks, chat, and things are going well. She is attractive and we actually hit it off. Well the manager of the bar comes to our table and asks my date if she is so and so.  She states that there is a phone call for her.   So my date leaves and takes the call.  When she returns she states that it was her older sister, and they were just worried about her going out with someone she hadn’t met before.  They wanted to make sure she was ok.   I thought it was weird, but didn’t worry too much about it.  

I believe we had one more date, that again, I thought went well, but she pretty much ghosted me after we had made some plans for the next weekend.  

Whatever, hurt feelings maybe, but no big deal.   Later on I mention the details to the friend who set me up.  Turns out the girl had just broken up with her boyfriend for religious reasons, he wasn’t Jewish.   Apparently the ex had gotten into her email and read our correspondence.  He had been the one calling my phone when I was walking to the bar for our first date, and then was calling the bar/restaurant.  The whole “it’s my sister” thing was just a cover for her ex boyfriend calling up the bar to talk to her during our date.  

I’ve had worse dates, like a girl I took to a hockey game at yost, where she tried to start a fight with the fans in front of us by wiping her ice cream bar on them and then dumping it under the stands.   But this thread made me reminisce.  



July 12th, 2020 at 8:23 PM ^

It's been 25+ years and i don't remember all the details but took a girl bowling and somebody got shot at the alley when we were there. Had to be escorted out the backdoor. Fun times.


July 12th, 2020 at 8:56 PM ^

Been in the sun too long today.  Chocolate lab loves chasing the ball in the river after it watched me cut the grass and do yard work.

Oh yeah, and about that other school, you know, space, bitches.


July 12th, 2020 at 9:01 PM ^

Come gather around my friends, for I have a tale that involves the threat of violence, via seatbelt, as well as a helpful hand, via gun-mounted flashlight, all in the name of dating.

While living in the southwest, I met a nice young woman, we were both in our early twenties, around 2008-2009 timeframe, I graduated UM in 2006 for context. The young woman happened to be Latino, I am your standard white Jewish gentleman. Why is this relevant? Well it wouldn't be except for some specific things stated throughout the evening in question.

After a few dates, i picked her up to come meet some close friends of mine. There was a solid Irish pub in town, Thursday football on, really good food, and of course good booze. In previous meetings, she had held her own drink wise, so I didn't bat an eye when her and my buddy's GF we're going drink for drink. That was of course, until I heard, "this is white person bar..." 

I leaned in to clarify, to which I was greated with "this is a white person bar and this is white people food!" While accurate, I had been to this bar with a lot of my friends who encompassed all races, so this had never crossed my mind as something to consider when taking someone out with friends. Her desire to continue to explain this got louder and more belligerent. I would find out later that she was just getting better from being sick, was on antibiotics and hadn't eaten all day. Good to know prior, but here we were. 

It became clear that this was only gonna get worse. In looking back at it, I am impressed I was able to convince her it was time to go without any scene in the restaurant, especially given it was maybe 8:30pm and we got there around 7:15-7:30. I helped her to my car, opened her door, helped her in and closed the door before I got into the car. Upon my entry, she swings her right hand toward me quickly, seatbelt in hand, and stops just about as far the belt will go and states, "what are you gonna do with this?" I gently take her hand and the seatbelt, and move it toward the buckle and buckle her in. She proceeds to pass out.

Upon arrival at her house, she is more asleep than awake, refusing to get out of the car, then struggling to walk, and then finally sitting on the front steps of her house. She looks for her keys for a good 5 min before declaring that she can't find them. She refuses to let me look in her purse, I start frantically looking in my car, as this evening needs to end. After a few minutes with no luck, a car pulls up behind mine. Her brother and his friend step out. After some introductions, and me trying to make sure the situation does not go negative as my only goal is getting her inside safe and back to my friends, he starts helping me look for her keys in my car.

Suddenly a flashlight is on in my car. I think it seems odd but maybe he had it in his car for emergency. Not a keychain flashlight mind you, a full fledged flashlight. After a min or two of looking, I hear from my date "uh found em" and then her house door slams as quickly as it opens. I turn to say thanks to her brother to which I see a handgun with a mounted flashlight. He tells me he's glad to know I'm a gentleman before giving me a firm, slightly too long of a handshake. Turns out, he's been recently released from prison. And yes, I know this all sounds like a little much, trust me, I'm right there with you.

I return to my friends, deer in the headlights look on my face, amazing story in hand.

Thankfully my friends never miss a chance to remind me of this anytime they get in my car, making sure to threaten me with the seatbelt. What're you gonna do with this?!?

The Claw

July 13th, 2020 at 11:18 AM ^

This is probably in 1997/98 in Cbus, OH. Fresh out of college there are two ladies within my work group that are super fun and I loved chatting with them. Both married but around my age or a little older. One says, I want to set you up on a date. I'm intrigued. But she says she has a kid, recently moved into a guys house due to finances, and the doozy, she's a stripper. Now I'm thinking, this can two ways, meh or horrible. But I had nothing better to do, so I said sure, lets set it up.

I go to the house to pick her up. We had not spoken. This was truly a blind date as we had not talked prior.  She asks me to come in and introduces the guy that is letting her stay with him and her young child. Boy was maybe 5 or 6. 

We leave. This was in an area outside of where I live and I had never been there before, so I ask where should we go? She says Hooters. I'm going, ok?  We get there and start to chat some. I can see that this is trending poorly as we don't really have anything in common to chat about.  All of a sudden, and this is maybe 10 minutes after we arrive, the guy she lives with shows up and sits down with us. I'm like, WTF? Was this decided before I arrived? After? Either way I know this is for naught. And they proceed to talk by themselves, excluding yours truly. But the kicker is they get into it.  I can't even remember what about but they're yelling at each other.  The guy gets up and takes off. I don't think he ate but had a beer or two. our food had arrived during this and I'm like, I'm hungry so I'm eating. She decides to eat to but just complains about the guy.

I'm thinking, lets get her back home so I can get the hell out of this train wreck. I don't know how, but I got suckered to going inside. I think she said he was violent and if I came in he wouldn't think about hitting her. Immediately upon going in she goes right into their kitchen and they start arguing and screaming at each other.  The little boy was in the front room with me and he was freaked out. He had some toys on the floor so we sat down and played with them for 10-15 minutes.  All I wanted to do is say goodbye but she wouldn't stop, so eventually I told the child, bye and I hope they stop soon for your sake. Good kid. Obviously never talked to her gain. I went to my co-worker and was like, WTF. She was so apologetic. She had heard about it and was like, yeah I knew she was a little crazy. Got to love friends who set you up with the crazies...


July 13th, 2020 at 8:22 PM ^

First ever internet date - she looked nothing like her photos. I guess she wasn't too impressed when she saw me in real life either. We went straight to a movie, and said goodbye right after

Second ever internet date - met at a bar, had fun, went for a two hour walk in the city, just vibing. Next weekend, a connect got me two tickets to a film festival at the Castro Theatre SF. I invite her. She says she's busy, so I bring a buddy of mine. We show up at the ticket booth and my tickets have been picked up already! They said a girl who fit the description took them. WTF. They comped me new tickets but I could not enjoy it at all bc I was looking for this bitch in the crowd the whole time. End of the movie, I'm at the exit trying to find her, and she comes and finds ME. Apologizes, said it was all a big misunderstanding, I put my hand in her face and walked

Third ever internet date - girl drove three hours from Fresno to meet me. Went to Chez Panisse for lunch, went into the city for sightseeing and ended up at a champagne bar, sat in the corner, got wasted and made out the whole night. End up at my place, she won't go all the way, promises made for next time. Next day she texts me from the road that it was too perfect and that I'd never hear from her again

Fuck internet dating



July 13th, 2020 at 8:54 PM ^

TL/DR; I unwittingly went out on a date with my gay boss

My first job out of college was in DC. My boss lived in Baltimore and commuted. I sussed out pretty quickly he was gay... who cares. He found out I used to play in the school orchestra and he would say he had member's tix for all the B-more Symphony shows and I was invited. Yeah okay whatever. 9 months later I finally relented, followed him in my car after work to Baltimore and stopped by his house to drop off his shit. Not much time before the show, so we went to a bar nearby and had a beer and wings. Totally normal. He drives us to the concert hall; after the show he makes an unexpected turn... he says it's time for dinner. No thanks, I'm not hungry, we ate already. Oh but I made reservations. Huh? So we pull up at this fancy ass restaurant at the freaking Museum. At this point my dumb ass has figured it out and alarm bells are ringing. During the meal I excuse myself and make calls to whoever I knew in B-more, which was literally one guy I kinda knew from raving. I return to the table and say, it's been nice but I gotta go now, my friends are waiting for me. He was butthurt that I'd made other plans and with wet eyes he says "but I need a friend too" He drops me off at my car and says "but I haven't shown you the rest of the house" I noped right the fuck outta there 

Epilogue, we both knew he overstepped and I took full advantage by doing not a damn thing the rest of my time there, which was not long let me tell ya


July 14th, 2020 at 6:52 AM ^

So, this is really awful. We all have confusing stories from dates and this is okay. Now I realize that I want a mature woman who will understand what men need. I read more information about it on dating sites and this is possible to find an older one.